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Storytelling @USAIDGH with Global Health Month+ More. Imperative. We must engage in a conversation with the people we serve, and empower citizens to use their voice on finding success and economic opportunity; and do so in a way that uncovers stories of hardship, hard work and hard-earned gains
Imperative We must engage in a conversation with the people we serve, and empower citizens to use their voice on finding success and economic opportunity; and do so in a way that uncovers stories of hardship, hard work and hard-earned gains Get off the sideline and stimulate discourse; identify and engage community-focused organizations, potential innovators, bloggers Place grassroots voices at the center of the narrative and the procedures and processes to determine and then articulate new goals.
Change the narrative Our narrative must evolve as well to value people and human rights; we must demonstrate collective solidarity, and a commitment to the people we try to serve. Peril of the single story; robs people of dignity
Unleash social change ‘Aid' is only of value when it supports the struggles of the many to unleash social change, making communities more adaptive and resilient in the process. Communications can influence policy, amplify local leaders, enable social activism, hold Governments accountable
@USAID Health History USAID is celebrating five decades of success in global health. We are grateful for the role all of our implementing partners have played in these successes. For this reason, we would be honored if you would help compile USAID's health legacy to date. Please read on to learn more about our health legacy project and how your organization can partake.
@USAID Storefront • Create multiple dynamic and engaging visual elements for the site: • Interactive map for World Population Day • Animated timeline for fight against HIV • Several photo slideshows (APHA, Supply Chain Management, 2012 Global Health Retrospective)
Integrating look, feel, message • Manage social media integration on the USAID public site (banner, icons, Twitter feeds on event pages, and new language regarding social media)
Global Health News/ E-Postcards • Develop 20 e-postcards annually to communicate USAID’s work in global health, especially on key days (e.g., World Malaria Day, World TB Day) • GH E-News: The GH E-News subscription list has increased by 19,227 subscribers over the past year for a total of 41,200 subscribers.We consistently see a direct correlation in increased website visitors when we send out an e-news or e-card.We have an average open rate of 12% and click through rate of 3% which is average for the industry.
Social Media • Twitter:Since June 2012, followers have gone up from 8,205 to 27,496, an increase of more than 300% due to live tweeting, increase of content sent out, Twitter expert hours, and a focus on event days. • Facebook:Since June of last year, fans have gone up from 2,200 to 9,375, a 426% increase.We have also seen an increase in the number of users led to usaid.gov by clicking on a link from a Facebook post. It has increased as much as 150% since last year. We have also seen a higher reach on posts that include photos and posts sent in the late evening.
Child Survival Call to Action • Joint effort by Ethiopia, India, USAID and UNICEF • Countries signed on to commit to acclerating reductions in child mortality • Presentations from the countries with the highest burden of under-five mortality, including presentation of new national plans • A lot of momentum - A Promise Renewed has spawned major follow-up events in India, Ethopia (regional), others
Ending preventable child and maternal deaths Nutrition Family planning Hygiene, sanitation, and water supply Child and maternal survival Immunization • Neonatal interventions • Preterm birth complications • Intra-partum events • Neonatal infections • Congenital abnormalities • Prevention and Treatment of Infectious diseases • Pneumonia • Diarrhea • Malaria • AIDS/PMTCT • Enabling Environment • Education • Empowerment of women • Economic growth • Environmental factors (e.g. water supply, sanitation, hygiene)
Global Health Month+ The purpose of this month+ was to spotlight the critical role global health plays in ending extreme poverty -- with a particular focus on ending preventable child and maternal deaths, and creating an AIDS-Free generation. Seven thematic weeks … May 1-10 science, technology & innovation (ST&I) May 11-17: Mothers, Partnerships May 18-27: HIV May 27-June 2: Family Planning June 3-4: Evidence June 5-13: Nutrition *June 13: A Promise Renewed One-Year Anniversary (stay tuned) June 13-20 Agriculture & Food Security
Global Health Month+ • Starting with April 22, with World Malaria Day, USAID has looked at the topic of child survival through a series of different lenses. These have included malaria, immunizations, innovation, mothers, partnership, AIDS-Free Generation, family planning and nutrition. • Through each of these focuses we’ve utilized the networks of our partners by cross-posting blogs and digital content on the USAID blog and social media channels. In addition, we provided a toolkit for partners for each focus area. The toolkit provided event information, key messages, specific asks for engagement, and sample social media content. • We featured 40 partner blogs on USAID IMPACT • Through the use of the #GHMattershashtag, more than 1 million people have been engaged through our themed weeks.
Upcoming Priority Events • AFG Related (through December) • PEPFAR 10th Anniversary Infographic/Video • PEPFAR Annual Meeting (Week of October 14): South Africa • Advocates Meeting Follow-Up (TBD) • AIDS Vaccine Conference (October 7-10): Barcelona, Spain • World AIDS Day (December 1): Global • International Conference on AIDS and STDs (ICASA) (December 7-11): Cape Town • Human Rights Day (December 10): Global • Non-APR or AFG Related (through December) • World Hepatitis Day (July 28): Global • International Youth Day (August 12): Global • Global Female Condom Day (September 12): Global • Clinton Global Initiative Conference (September 23-26): NYC • International Polio Day (October 24): Global • 44th Union World Conference on Lung Health (October 30-November 3): TBD • APHA (November 2-6): Boston • International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (November 25- December 16): Global APR Related (through December) Bangladesh APR Launch (July 21): Dhaka Saving Lives at Birth DevelopmentXchange (July 23-25): Washington UN Foundation Post-2015 Event (July 24) Liberia APR Launch (July 25): Bomi County AU International Conference on MNCH (August 1-3): Addis Cameroon APR Launch (early August): TBD World Breastfeeding Week (August 1-7): Global Uganda APR Launch (August 30): Kampala LAC Regional Child Health Meeting (September 10-12): Panama UNICEF Child Mortality Report (September 12): Global/CGI UNGA (September 23-29): NYC World Contraception Day (September 26): Global World Bank Meetings/APR High Level Meeting (October 11-13): Washington DC International Day of the Girl Child (October 11): Global High Level Child Survival meeting (October 14): Washington DC World Food Day (October 15): Global Malawi APR Launch (November TBD): TBD World Pneumonia Day (November 12): Global International Family Planning Conference (November 12-15): Addis World Prematurity Day (November 17): Global International Day of the Toilet (November 19): Global International Day of the Child (November 20): Global 60th Anniversary of Female Community Health Volunteer Program (early December): Nepal
Thank You! • How can we be a better partner? • What are we missing? • What are your chief concerns? • Opportunities, challenges?