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Basketball. History of Basketball. In 1891-Dr. Naismith needed an activity to increase energy level and would help get his students in proper shape . Something to play during the winter First game was played with a soccer ball Original had 9 players on each team.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Basketball

  2. History of Basketball • In 1891-Dr. Naismith needed an activity to increase energy level and would help get his students in proper shape. • Something to play during the winter • First game was played with a soccer ball • Original had 9 players on each team.

  3. History of Basketball • Peach baskets were nailed to a 10 foot track. • 1906- traditional goals were created. • The standard height of a goal is 10 feet.

  4. CurrentBasketball • 5 players on each team • Center, Guard, & Forward • 4 quarters in a game • 2 points inside the arc • 3 points for outside the arc • Half time teams switch goals • 3 seconds in the line • Defense & Offense

  5. Fouls- Personal fouls • Hitting, pushing, slapping, holding, illegal pick/screen • Personal Foul Penalties- If a player is shooting while being fouled. ( Free throws are awarded after a foul on the shooter is made by the opposing team) Violations • Walking/traveling • Carrying/palming • Double Dribbling

  6. Dribbling • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlQ1FqRZw18

  7. Basketball

  8. Name the three fundamentals of dribbling? • 1. Eyes up • 2. Dribble with your fingertips • 3. Protect the ball

  9. When Shooting always use b.E.e.f http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oW0rEd6-eZI

  10. What does B.E.E.F Stand for? B-BALANCE- ATHLETIC STANCE (KNEES BENT, WEIGHT CENTER) E- Eyes-Focused on the basket E-Elbow- keep your elbow up and in when shooting F- follow through – fully extended your arms, simulate putting your hand in a cookie jar

  11. Basketball

  12. Passing Four types of passing • Chest Pass • Bounce Pass • Overhead Pass • Baseball Pass http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32akH1rGcKA

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