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Everything you want to know about Professional Networking but never dare to ask ……….

Everything you want to know about Professional Networking but never dare to ask ………. Guidelines and Best practices. Set your objectives very clearly. Prior to anything , set your objectives very clearly .

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Everything you want to know about Professional Networking but never dare to ask ……….

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  1. Everythingyouwant to know about Professional Networking but neverdare to ask………. Guidelines and Best practices

  2. Set your objectives veryclearly • Prior to anything, set your objectives veryclearly. • Use a spreadsheetand write down the networks youbelong to and the people youcan count on. • Everybody has networks athisdisposal : your Business School, your Sports club, yourneighboorhoud, yourprevious employer.

  3. The Networker’s Spirit • Patience : youwillgetyour first tangible resultswithin a few monthsat the best. Never rush. Do not betoodemanding. • Generosity : give a lot and youwillbepaid in return. Do not calculate. Never manipulate. Do not beobsessedwith short-termachievements. • Be Original, innovativeto getyour network attention. Send articles, offer tennis tickets, organize business lunch. • Be persistent. Choose a pace and stick to it. • Be qualitative, never quantitative. • Alwaysthanktwiceyour contacts. Sendthem an email to keeptrack. • Be nature, beyourself, bespontaneous !

  4. The networker’s IS tools • Linked In, Viadeo, Xing : professionalidentity. As clear as possible. • Facebook : itmightbe a surprise to you ? Personalidentity but also more and more used by the Corporate World. 3M Corporate pages on Facebook. On top of that, new applications have been developpedrecently to turn Facebook into a kind of Linked In/Viadeoplatform : Glassdoor, Branch out are among the best apps. • Twitter : micro-bloogingplatform. Veryuseful for pressreviews. The PERFECT Smartphone application.

  5. PersonalIdentity • Facebook : everyday, eachmemberlikes four corporate pages. Why not you ? Like the companiesyouwouldlike to join. Small and medium size businesses willinvest more than 2 Billion € on the web 2,0 in 2012. • Be veryselective about everythingyoucanwrite. Headhunters but alsocorporate managers use facebook to get to know you….

  6. TWITTER • The new trend, the new tool. • - 200 Million Userswordwilde. • - 2,4 M Users in France. • - 460 000 new users per day in the World. • - everyday, 140 Million tweets are sent ! • Chooseyourwordingcarefully : words are powerfulwhenthey are verywellchosen. • Followyour passions. Followyour clients, Followsomecompaniesyou are fond of. • Do you know that Union Square Ventures (NY PE firm) uses twitter to recruit staff in the SiliconValley. The marketissotensetherethatitis a matter of the sooner, the better. The companyonlyconsidersyourtwitter profile to invite you to an interview….You’ d better have nicefollowers.

  7. Linked-In and Viadeo : professionalidentity • Createyour profile and join hubs and groups. • Contribute to forums and debates. Show your expertise and enthusiasm. • Sendsharp articles to your contacts. • Do not hesitate to publish articles, videos, picturesthat show your expertise and relevance.

  8. Do not look down on CV boards • The good oldway…isstill GOOD ! • Please put your CV in a good Cvboard. • In France, CV ADEN isvery good. Theyoffer more than 3 Million Resumes. • Professional recruiters use CV Boardswhenthey are in a rush. • CV Boardsnowoffervery good selectionfilters to optimizeyourresults and searches.

  9. The PICTURE issue • « A « good » Picture isworth a million words »… • PLEASE Avoid Group Pictures…where are you ? • Do not put yourkittypicture, your new car...NO NONO ! • People must recognizeyouimmediately. • AvoidTop-modellikepictures. • Do not change pictureseverytwoweeks.

  10. E REPUTATION IS A CIRCLE • Everything must becoherent, logicaland wise. • Everythingis public. Bear in mindwheneveryouwritesomething…everybodywillreadit. There is « somebody » in your back readingyourstuffwhenyouwrite…. • Everythingiseternal….You can not erasewhatyou have written…

  11. THAT’S ALL FOLKS !!! • KEEP IT COOL ! RELAX ! • BE YOURSELF ! BE NATURE, as cool as a cucumber ! That’s the best way. • Start now…It is time to get on board… • Have a good start & joinmy network on linked-in, viadeo, twitter (GregoireRecrute). • Read my blog : www.executiveregistery.wordpress.com

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