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Innovation, Invention And Intervention During COVID 19

Here we have our own Big Three- Innovation, Intervention, and Invention. At a glance, they all look and sound pretty similar. Well, you might argue that the big three also carry certain similarities in how they are applied to a situation, which (after ample research and development) ultimately makes for a user-friendly strategy.

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Innovation, Invention And Intervention During COVID 19

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  1. Innovation, Invention And Intervention During COVID 19

  2. Quite a mouthful as far as titles go, isn’t it? But don’t be fooled into thinking that this concept is about as confusing as 2020 has been so far... In actual fact, we may have just the suggestion for embracing your business’ current frustrations or difficulties as an opportunity for development and change, whilst keeping the expense of doing so to a minimum. It can’t be denied that COVID 19 has taken a metaphorical sledgehammer to the running of

  3. many small business’ and companies, with countless employees sent on furlough to keep afloat and in more extreme cases, the complete dissolve of a business or corporation. There’s a need for action. The Big Three- Innovation, Intervention, and Invention The original Big Three was a World War Two military alliance between the Soviet Union, the United Statesand the United Kingdom, formed to work together against the Axis powers.

  4. You’d be forgiven for thinking that we are veering slightly off track, but it seems that we are currently fighting a war of our own against the Coronavirus, especially when it comes to the maintaining of business productivity. So, here we have our own Big Three- Innovation, Intervention, and Invention. At a glance, they all look and sound pretty similar. Well, you might argue that the big three also carry certain similarities in how they are applied to a situation,

  5. which (after ample research and development) ultimately makes for a user-friendly strategy. Innovation is the introduction or application of a new and improved device, method, or creative idea. An innovation claims to be a significantly more effective way of meeting existing marketing needs or new requirements. And with the current pandemic impacting the working mechanism of countless existing businesses, new requirements tend to be surfacing thick and fast, with business heads debating the questions.

  6. HOW can we ensure that employees continue to feel informed and appreciated during this unprecedented time? WHAT can we do to keep up the momentum of productivity and staff morale? WHERE can we make changes to our schedule if needed or adapt our working environment to incorporate the additional safety measures? WHEN can we expect to resume business as usual? Now, that last question remains to be seen which calls for action and leads us to the next step in our strategy… Intervention is as it says on the tin- the act of intervening in a current state of play or process. As an innovator, you have already recognised the need for change and have either come up with a strategy yourself or, more often than not- require creative assistance from your peers. With the latter in mind, remember that old chestnut of safety in numbers.

  7. In times of uncertainty, alienating fellow co-workers may cause disruption within the ranks. Communication and unification are key to success when it comes to the application of our final step. The Invention is the creation of a unique method, model, device or process and can only be achieved following a significant amount of research and development.

  8. Now, it goes without saying that the welcome of change may come alongside a rather unwelcome price tag, and that is what the average innovator aims to reduce the risk of as much as is possible. Having identified, researched, developed, and applied the realistic need for innovation within your company, this is where you might find yourself eligible for an Areande claim. Just imagine seeing that pesky tax bill drop as the productivity climbs. So, what are you waiting for? Apply your own Big Three and let Areande handle the rest.

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