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Learn about Year 3 curriculum, home learning policies, school expectations, & activities at Bloxham C.E. Primary School. Stay informed and support your child's progress!
Welcome to Year 3 Mrs Newman HLTA Miss Naidu Middle Phase Leader Class Teacher Miss Staples Class Teacher • Your child will also work with: • Mrs Atkins & Mrs Ducker (Games) • Ms Coles (Music) • 3N will be taught by Mrs Newman every Thursday. Miss Herbert Teaching Assistant Mrs Williams Teaching Assistant
Your child’s learning Focused topics are: • Stone Age • Ancient Egypt . . . Alongside all other National Curriculum subjects!
Home Learning At Bloxham C of E Primary School we recognise the vital role parents play in the education of their children. All evidence shows that children progress more effectively with a strong home-school partnership. We strongly believe in the value of home-school partnership, of which our home learning policy is an important element. Home learning is defined as any learning or activities which pupils are asked to do outside lesson time, either on their own or with parents/carers. At Bloxham C of E Primary School we see learning at home as a valuable extension of the school day. Bloxham CE Primary School Home Learning Policy
Home Learning continued . . . We ask you to hear your child read every evening or as regularly as possible. To support your child’s reading, they will bring home two reading books: • A levelled school reading book • A library book Your child will be given spellings to learn. These are given on a Thursday and assessed the following Thursday. It is always helpful for your child if you can keep basic aspects of Maths learning ‘on the boil’ such as counting (forward and backwards), number bonds to 10 and 20, times tables, adding, subtracting, recognising 2D shapes, telling the time etc.
Learning Pouches All children have their own purple pouch – this is their Learning pouch. This must be in school with your child every day. It will contain: • their school reading book • their weekly spellings to learn – spelling wallet • their target bookmarks – these come home on a Monday for you to see and will be collected in again on the Tuesday. • times tables wallet – to follow • Please do not put library books in your child’s Learning Pouch as they aren’t sturdy enough to be used as a book bag.
Games The children have indoor PE every Monday. Outdoorgames every Tuesday. Swimming: 3N September - January (children can bring a snack) 3S January – June • Please make sure every part of your child’s kit is named. • Please also encourage your child to grow in independence when dressing and undressing themselves at home, including tying up their laces.
What your child needs for school. Not a lot! • black shoes • their clothes clearly labelled • water bottle clearly labelled – water only • Learning Pouch • Indoor & outdoor PE kit including trainers for Games (shorts for indoor apparatus work) • Fruit for morning break – if they wish • A good night’s sleep and breakfast
Year 3 • Your child is responsible and ready for learning each day. • Come to school on time and ready to learn. • Please keep us informed of medical issues or any changes at home that could impact on them. • Please inform us or the office if somebody else is collecting your child. • If you need to let us know something, please speak to us or a member of the team, alternatively you can email the school office or write a note.
Collective Worship • Each term we shall be focusing on one of our six themes which are linked to our whole school plan. This term is Honesty, followed by Respect, Courage, Forgiveness, Friendship and Hope. 5Rs linked to CBGs Responsible, Resilient, Reciprocal, Reflective, Resourceful FOBPs They need some support and boosting in - encourage new parents to volunteer - big up how much support FOBPS gives the school and what a difference they make in providing new equipment especially - the traversing wall and the class ipads
Addition • Use expanded column addition where digits in a column add to more than the column value • e.g. 466 + 358 • 400 60 6+ 300 50 8 100 10_____________ 800 20 4 = 824 • Use expanded column addition to also add three 3 digit numbers. • e.g. 347 + 286 + 295 • 300 40 7+ 200 80 6+ 200 90 5 200 10_____________ 900 20 8 = 928
Subtraction Use counting up subtraction – count up to the nearest ten and then continue to count up in tens and ones. e.g. 72 – 39 or 82-49 Alternatively, count up in tens and then ones. Counting up subtraction is also used to find change from £1, £5 and £10.
e.g. 34 ÷ 2 146 ÷ 2 Division Use partitioning to halve a 2 or 3 digit number and therefore divide by 2 e.g. 34 ÷ 2 146 ÷ 2 Use arrays to calculate division answers e.g. 12 ÷ 3 or 12 ÷ 4
Multiplication Develop grid multiplication to multiply a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number e.g. 23 x 4 Develop grid multiplication to multiply a 3 digit number by a 1 digit number e.g. 253 x 4