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Science • Science is a method of inquiry -- Kaedah mencari jawapan kepada sesuatu masalah – satu cara mempelajari dan mengetahui tentang perkara di sekeliling kita. Pencarian ini dilakukan secara sedar, berpanjangan dan mendalam (kadangkala dengan menggunakan bantuan statistik)
Science (cont) • It is not so much as what we know but how we know it.
What is Research (Apa itu Penyelidikan) • Proses mencari penyelesaian kepada sesuatu masalah. • Di lakukan melalui kajian menyeluruh yang merangkumi penganalisaan faktor-faktor berkaitan.
Penyelidikan Saintifik Penyelidikan saintifik mempunyai fokus keatas penyelesaian masalah. Ia menggunakan pendekatan logikal, tersusun (organized), dan rigorous untuk mengenalpasti masalah, mendapatkan data, menganalisanya, dan membuat kesimpulan daripadanya.
Purpose of Research (Tujuan Penyelidikan) • Reporting (Melaporkan) • Description (Menggambarkan) • Explanation (Penjelasan) • Prediction (Ramalan)
Reporting (Melaporkan) • An inquiry conducted to provide an account or summation of data. • Very little inference or conclusion drawing. • Purist claim this is not research, although carefully gathered data can have great value.
Description (Memberi gambaran) • Tries to discover answers to the questions of who, what, when, where, and sometimes how. • Researcher attempts to describe or define a subject, by creating a profile of a group of problems, people, or events. • May or may not have the potential of drawing powerful inferences. • Does not answer the question why.
Explanation (Penjelasan) • Goes beyond description by attempting to explain the reasons for a phenomenon that the descriptive study only observed. • Researcher uses theories or at least hypotheses to account for the forces that cause a certain phenomenon to occur.
Prediction (Ramalan) • Also rooted in theory. • Having able to explain a phenomena, researcher wants to be able to predict the occurrence of the phenomena
Type of Research (Jenis Penyelidikan) • Applied Research (Penyelidikan Gunaan) • Basic Research (Penyelidikan Asas) • Evaluative Research (Penyelidikan Penilaian) • Action Research (Penyelidikan tindakan)
Applied Research (Penyelidikan Aplikasi) • Penyelidikan yang bertujuan untuk menyelesaikan suatu masalah yang sedang dihadapi. • Has a practical problem-solving emphasis. • Research is conducted to reveal answers to specific questions related to action, performance or policy needs. • The intention is to apply results of finding to solve specific problems.
Contoh • Local Authority – MDKP mengenal pasti cara pembuangan sampah dan sikap penduduk tentang cara membuang sampah • 1 Malaysia policy – Apakah rakyat menerima konsep 1 Malaysia? Apakah pendapat mereka tentang konsep 1 Malaysia?
Basic Research (Penyelidikan Asas) • Juga dikenali sebagai penyelidikan tulen. • Penyelidikan yang menghasilkan ilmu baru. • Aims to solve perplexing questions (problems) of a theoretical nature. • Contoh: penyelidikan tentang bagaimana virus H1N1 merebak.
Basic Research (Penyelidikan Asas) • Ciri ciri • 1. Untuk memahami sesuatu fenomena, konsep, kejadian • Untuk meningkatkan maklumat tentang aspek yang dikaji • Kajian gunaan guna maklumat daripada kajian asas untuk mulakan penyelidikan • Skop tidak luas
Menerima atau menolak teori atau data berdasarkan kajian empirikal yang lepas • Memberi gambaran, meramal, menjelaskan prinsip-prinsip asas tentang sesuatu tingkah laku • Contoh: Faktor-faktor yang berkaitan dengan kurang keterlibatan ibubapa di luarbandar dengan aktiviti PIBG sekolah ialah faktor SES dan personaliti ibubapa. Kajian -- kenalpasti ciri-ciri SES dan personaliti ibubapa. Hasil kajian ini – digunakan untuk program galakan ibubapa dalam PIBG di sekolah-sekolah luar bandar
Penyelidikan Penilaian • Mengkaji kesan atau hasil daripada intervensi atau ujikaji yang dijalankan • Menilai impak sesuatu program intervensi program • Contoh: • Adakah program “Perumahan rakyat termiskin” membantu mengurangkan taraf kemisikinan di kalangan rakyat di luar bandar
Penyelidikan tindakan • Menggabungkan kajian asas, gunaan dan penilaian
Paradigma Penyelidikan • A paradigm reflects a basic set of philosophical beliefs about the nature of the world. It provides guidelines and principles concerning the way research is conducted within the paradigm. The methods and techniques used in the research should be in sympathy with these guidelines and principles.
Paradigm of Research (cont) • Essentially there is more than one way to make sense of things around us. • Eg. Road accidents • Engineers, police, administrators, politicians, psychologist, sociologist, etc, all explain the same phenomenon quite in different ways. • Underlying these different explanations or theories, are paradigms i.e the fundamental models or frames of reference we use to organize observations and reasoning concerning the phenomena.
Paradigms of Research • Two dominant paradigms in sociobehavioral research: • Positivism • Interpretivism
Positivism • Rooted in natural science • Methods of natural science used in social science research i.e society could be observed and explained logically and rationally. • The underlying assumption of positivism is that there are universal laws governing human behavior waiting to be discovered.
Positivism (cont) • Movement started by Auguste Comte (1798-1857) • He coined the term sociologie in 1822 • Most importantly, he identified society as a phenomenon that can be studied scientifically • Religious belief replaced with scientific study and objectivity
Ciri-Ciri Penyelidikan Positivist • Rooted in natural science • Menggunakan ukuran objektif dan tepat • Menggunakan data kuantitatif • Kemukakan hipotesis • Pengumpulan data adalah rigorous • Menggunakan kaedah statistik • Hallmark of positivist research is replicability
Interpretivist Research • Positivist research assume there are underlying universal laws that govern human activity waiting to be discovered. • However the study of man and society in history is different from the study of inanimate nature because the study of man and society involve subjective understanding
Interpretivist Research (cont) • Positivist methodology of the natural science were found to be inadequate to the understanding of human phenomena except as natural objects. • Positivism provides no room for the idea that history and society were human creations and that this constituted the essence of all social forms. • Human society is bound by history. Therefore the reality of human existence is socially constructed and is dynamic and changing according to different contextual situations.
Interpretivist Research (cont) • In interpretivist research, the researcher has to be ‘involved’ in the research in order to understand human activity. • This requires a wholly different but still well-grounded method of inquiry to that of the natural sciences. • The method has to recognize the actions, events and artifacts from within human life. • Knowledge of persons could only be gained through the interpretative procedure grounded in the imaginative recreation of the experiences of others.
Interpretivist Paradigm • The social world is constructed • It has order and form but these are not objective • Subjectivity and the identification of shared realities are the aims of the researcher
Types of Research (Jenis Penyelidikan) • Quantitative (Kuantitatif) • Qualitative (Kualitatif)
Quantitative Research (Penyelidikan Kuantitatif) • Kajian yang menggunakan data empirikal untuk menyelidik sesuatu fenomena. • Study that employs empirical data to investigate phenomena.
Qualitative Research (Penyelidikan Kualitatif) • Mengkaji secara teliti dan mendalam suatu fenomena dengan melihat satu kes atau satu unit analisis. • In-depth study of phenomena by observing a particular case or one unit of analysis. • Research that produce descriptive data i.e people’s own written or spoken words and observable behavior.
Styles of Thinking (Jenis Pemikiran) • Knowledge (ilmu) can be derived through diperolehi melalui): • Empiricism • Rationalism
Styles of Thinking Rationalism (formal structural proof) Postulational. Self-evident truth. .Scientific Method .Method of Authority Literary. Empiricism (observable concrete data) Idealism (highly interpretative ideas) Untested opinion. Existentialism (informal process)
Empiricism • Observations and propositions derived through methods of inductive logic. • Empiricist attempt to describe, explain and make predictions through observation. • Empiricism relies on observable concrete data.
Scientific Method • One of the preeminent source of knowledge. • Scientific method is heavily empirical i.e relies on observable, concrete data derived from experience through methods of inductive logic including mathematics and statistics (empiricism).
Tenets of the Scientific Method • Direct observation of the phenomena • Clearly defined variables, methods, and procedures. • Empirically testable hypotheses. • The ability to rule out rival hypotheses. • The statistical rather than linguistic justification of conclusions. • The self-correcting process.
Scientific Method (cont) • Scientific method also uses theoretical means that are based on deductive reasoning. Reason becomes the primary source of knowledge and can be deduced from known laws (rationalism –formal structural proofs).
Rationalism • Reason is the primary source of knowledge. • Differ from empiricism in that rationalist believe all knowledge can be deduced from known laws or basic truths of nature because there are underlying laws that structure the world logically. • Relies on formal structural proofs. • Problems are resolved through formal logic or mathematics that operates independently of observation and data collection.
Deductive (Deduktif) Reasoning • The process by which we arrive at a reasoned conclusion by logical generalization of a known fact. • Mencapai satu kesimpulan dengan membuat generalisasi daripada fakta-fakta yang di ketahui. • It is a form of inference that purports to be conclusive i.e the conclusion must necessarily follow from the reasons given. • For deduction to be correct it must be both true and valid i.e the premises (reasons) given for the conclusion must agree with the real world (be true). • The premise must be arranged in a form such that the conclusion must necessarily follow from the premise. • Conclusion is derived by generalizing from facts
Deductive Reasoning (cont) • A deduction is valid if it is impossible for the conclusions to be false if the premises are true. • Example • Premise 1: Pupils with high IQ are intelligent. • Premise 2: Asif has a high IQ. • Conclusion: Asif is intelligent
Inductive (Induktif) Reasoning • The process where we observe certain phenomena and on this basis arrive at conclusions. • Memerhati sesuatu fenomena dan seterusnya membuat kesimpulan. • In induction we logically establish a general proposition based on observed facts. • There is no strength of relationship between reasons and conclusions in induction. • To induce is to draw a conclusion from one or more particular facts or pieces of evidence. • The conclusion support the facts, and the facts support the conclusions. • Researcher observes a phenomena and then makes conclusion.
Inductive Reasoning (cont) • Example. • Push the switch in the lecture room and the light fails to go on – this is a fact. • Why doesn’t the light go on? • The bulb has burned out (know from past experience). • This conclusion is only a hypothesis because it is only one explanation. • Other reasons: electrical power is down; switch malfunction, etc.
Inductive Reasoning (cont) • In inductive reasoning, the inductive conclusion is an inferential jump beyond the evidence presented. • While one conclusion explains the fact, other conclusions can explain the fact. • It can be that none of the conclusions advanced correctly explains the fact.
Combining Induction and Deduction • Double movement of reflective thought (John Dewey) is a process in which induction and deduction is used in research in a sequential manner. • Induction occurs when we observe a fact and ask, “Why is this?” • We advance a tentative explanation (hypothesis) to answer the question. • Deduction is the process by which we test whether the hypothesis is capable of explaining the fact.
Combining Induction and Deduction (cont) • Example • Push light switch and find no light. • “Why no light?” • Infer conclusion (hypothesis) – explain the fact that the bulb burned out. • Use hypothesis to conclude (deduce) the light will not go on when push the switch – know from experience that burned-out bulb will not light. • Gather info. To see if deduction is true: • A new bulb put in the lamp will result in light when switch is pushed. • Put new bulb and push switch. Light goes on.
Hypothetico-Deductive Model • Scientific knowledge is obtained through inductive (empirical approaches) and through theoretical means (based on deductive reasoning) • The interpretation of scientific explanation as a marriage between empirical conception (empiricism) and the certainties of deductive logic (rationalism) is known as the H-D Model.
Hypothetico-Deductive Model (cont) • According to the H-D model, scientific theory consisted of a set of statements connected by logical rules. • From this initial statements, hypothesis are deduced which could be tested against empirical observation. • An event is considered to be explained if it could be shown to be a logical consequence of the theoretical statements.
Hypothetico-Deductive Method(cont) • The seven steps involved in the H-D Model of research: • 1. Observation (Pemerhatian) • 2. Preliminary Info. Gathering (Kutipan Data Awal) • 3. Theory formulation (Formulasi Theori) • 4. Hypothesizing (Penentuan Hipotesis) • 5. Data collection (Kutipan Data) • 6. Data analysis (Analisis Data) • 7. Deduction (Deduksi)
Hallmarks of Scientific Research (Ciri Utama Penyelidikan Saintifik) • Purposiveness (Bertujuan) • Rigor • Testability (Boleh Uji) • Replicability (Replikabiliti) • Precision (Ketepatan) and Confidence (Keyakinan) • Objectivity (Objektiviti) • Generalizability (Menyeluruh) • Parsimony (Hemat)
Purposiveness (Bertujuan) • Research must have a definitive aim or purpose. • Kajian dimulakan dengan matalamat/tujuan yang jelas.