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Prikaz slučaja za superviziju Savetni ca : Mila Paunić Beograd. Case study for supervision Counsellor: Mila Paunić Belgrade. Prikaz slučaja Case study. Tako je i bilo. Ana je došla posle skoro nedelju dana u Centar (sa Milošem).
Prikaz slučaja za superviziju Savetnica: Mila Paunić Beograd Case study for supervision Counsellor:Mila Paunić Belgrade
Prikaz slučajaCase study Tako je i bilo. Ana je došla posle skoro nedelju dana u Centar (sa Milošem). Želela je da bude Miloš u sobi s nama i nije želela dugo da pričamo. Pitala je da li će brzo moći da uradi test. Pokušala sam da joj objasnim da nema razloga da brine, da je ovde dobrodošla, da imamo vremena koliko god ona želi i uhvatila sebe kako sam u stvari i ja sama prilično napeta, jer sam shvatila da ispred sebe imam DETE. So it happened that Ana came tothe Centre after almost a week (with Miloš). She wanted Milos to be in the room and she did not want us to talk for long. She asked whether she would be able to do the test quickly. I tried to explain that she had no reason to worry, that she was welcome here, that we had as much time as she wanted and I caught myself being rather tense, because I realised that a CHILD was sitting before me.
Prikaz slučajaCase study • Even now, as am writing this text, I can see those big terrified eyes. Various thoughts passed through my head... What if she really wanted to do the test and it would be positive? Ouch, she is really still a child! • I tried to find the best way to «approach» her. • I sada, dok pišem ovaj tekst, vidim te krupne, uplašene oči. Proletelo mi je kroz glavu svašta... Šta ako zaista bude želela da uradi test i bude pozitivna? Joooj pa ona je stvarno još dete! • Pokušavala sam da pronađem najbolji način da joj «priđem».
Prikaz slučajaCase study Prikaz slučajaCase study • Predložila sam da Miloš bude tu koliko god ona želeli, ali da može u svakom trenutku da kaže da želi (ako želi) da ostanemo nas dve same. • Pokušala sam da započnem razgovor o običnim stvarima, da je ne pitam baš odmah koliko ima godina.... • I suggested that Miloš could be there as long as she wanted that, and that he could go out any time if she said she wished the two of us to stay alone. • I tried to start some small talk, and not to ask her immediately how old she was....
Prikaz slučajaCase study • I asked her whether she went to school, or used to go to school? She said she finished two and a half grades of the primary school, that she did not go to school at the moment. But that she could read Cyrillic letters quite well. I asked with whom she lived, whether she had parents, brothers, sisters, where she lived. • Pitala sam je da li ide u školu, ili da li je išla u školu? Rekla je da je završila dva ipo razreda osnovne škole, da sada ne ide u školu...ali da zna da čita sasvim dobro... ćirilicu. Pitala sam je s kim živi..? da li ima roditelje, braću sestre, mamu, tatu.... Gde živi?
Prikaz slučajaCase study She has only a mother and grandmother. Her mother is very ill, she cannot move, and her grandmother is blind and she also needs help. Then she started to talk: «They think that I work as a cleaning lady in households and wash the staircases. »My mother often tells me: «Go, my dear, wash the staircases and earn some money....We need money for medicines, food, rent. I support all three of us!», she said. Ima samo mamu i baku. Mama joj je teško bolesna i vezana je za krevet, a baka je slepa, potrebna je i njoj pomoć. Tada je krenula da priča sama: «One misle da ja radim po kućama i da perem stepenište.» Često mi majka kaže: «Idi sine peri stepenice da zaradiš pare.... Trebaju nam pare za lekove, za hranu... kiriju. « «Ja izdržavam sve nas – sve tri!»
Prikaz slučajaCase study Onda mi je sama rekla: «Imam 15 ipo godina». Tako sam otprilike i pretpostavila. Čini mi se da smo nekako spontano krenule da pričamo opuštenije, ali sam u toku razgovora shvatila da je Ani bilo veoma važno šta JA mislim o njoj. Pitala me je da li znam čime se ona bavi. Then she told me: «I am 15 and a half». That was what I imagined. It seems to me that we spontaneously started talking more relaxed, but I realized during the conversation that it was very important to Ana what I thought of her. She asked me whether I knew what she did for living.
Prikaz slučajaCase study Odgovorila sam da generalno znam, da mi je Miloš rekao samo neke «uopštene» stvari, ali da bi bilo lepo da od nje čujem šta je najviše brine, koje su njene dileme, njena pitanja, strahovi... Govorila je jezikom ulice (ali svesna toga trudila se da govori onako kako najbolje ume). I said that I knew that in general, that Miloš told me only some «general» things, and that it would be nice if she told me what her biggest concerns were, her dilemmas, her fears, her questions... She spoke in the language of the street (but, aware of that, she tried to speak the best she could).
Prikaz slučajaCase study Govorila je o poslu kojim se bavi, da «ima seks za pare», da ima mušterije koje hoće sve vrste seksa (meni je bilo vrlo neobično, skoro istovremeno tužno i smešno dok smo pronalazile odgo-varajuće trmine za analni seks i dok smo usaglašavale jezik koji smo obe razmele). Ona nije razumela sva moja pitanja, pa sam pokušavala što jednostavnije da objašnjavam. She spoke about the work she did, that she «had sex for money», that she had cu-stomers who wanted all kinds of intercourses (I found it weird, almost simul-taneously it was funny and sad while we searched for appropriate words for anal sex and as we tried to use the language we both un-derstood). She did not un-derstand all my questions so I tried to explain everything in the simplest possible way.
Prikaz slučajaCase study Kada smo govorile o upotrebi kondoma, rekla je da ima mušterija koje joj daju ogromne pare za seks bez kondoma, ali da ona uglavnom ne pristaje. Pričale smo dugo o tome, šta znači uglavnom?... ali ja sam imala gorak osećaj da je sva moja priča uzaludna i da DETE od 15 godina teško može da pregovara sa, često, «prevejanim mušterijama» oko upotrebe kondoma. When we talked about the use of condom, she said that there were customers who gave her a lot of money for sex without condom, but that she mostly didn’t accept that. We talked a lot about what “mostly” meant?... but I had a bitter feeling that all my words were in vain and that a CHILD of 15 hardly could negotiate with, often, «cunning customers» about the use of condom.
Prikaz slučajaCase study Kaže, zna ona da mora da se koristi «gumica» ali nema je kod sebe baš uvek... pa može tako da izgubi «dobre» mušterije, a makro će da je bije ako ih izgubi... Tada sam je pitala da li uvek radi za makroa (ona ga je nazivala «gazda») i da li može sama da odluči kada će da radi a kada ne. She said that she knew that the «rubber» had to be used but that she did not always had it with her... and she also could lose «good» customers, and the pimp would beat her if that happened... Then I asked her whether she always worked for a pimp (she called him «boss») and whether she alone could decide when to work and when not.
Prikaz slučajaCase study Rekla mi je da mora da radi stalno, da bi je gazda pretukao kada bi ga «prešla», kada bi nešto sama probala da radi, ili kada ne bi došla «na posao», uz moja potpitanja rekla je da radi i kada je «boli stomak» (kada ima menstruaciju) i kada je bolesna (i kada ima temperaturu)... a tuku je i mušterije... ima i onih koji su dobri, ali ima i onih «koji biju». She said that she had to work always, that the boss would beat her up if she would «trick him», if she tried to work on her own, or if she did not show up at «work». When I asked her about it, she said that she worked even when she had «stomach-ache» (during her period) and when she was sick (even when she had fever)... and the customers also beat her... there were good ones, but there were the ones «who beat».
Prikaz slučajaCase study Kada sam je pitala da li je neko štiti i da li je nekada zatražila pomoć od bilo koga (pomenula sam i policiju), onda je dodala, sasvim spontano: «ma jel si normalna i policija bije....» When I asked her if someone protected her and whether she asked anyone for assistance (I mentioned police), she said spontaneously: «are you crazy , the police also beats...»
Prikaz slučajaCase study Onda se zamislila, kao da je malo odlutala.... i pitala (nevezano od razgovora koji smo u tom trenutku vodile)» jel mora baš uvek da se uzima gumica, za obe «rupe»?» Objasnila sam joj detaljno zašto treba da se koristi kondom uvek i pitala je da li me je razumela, da li sam dovoljno jasno go-vorila.Klimnula je glavom. Then she started thinking, as if her thoughts wondered and asked (not related to our conversation at that moment) »does one have to use the rubber always, for both «holes»? » I explained in detail why the condom should always be used and asked whether she understood me, whether I spoke clearly enough. She nodded her head.
Prikaz slučajaCase study Posle kratke pauze, Ana je napravila tužnu facu, pomalo napućila usne i progovorila kao pravo pravcato dete: «A jel se ti ljutiš na mene što ja ovo radim?» Tada nisam bila sigurna kako je najbolje odgovoriti. After a short break, Ana made a sad grimace, pouted her lips slightly and said as a real child: «Are you angry with me because I do this?» I was not sure then, what was the best answer.
Prikaz slučajaCase study Pokušala sam da ne “izlazim” iz svojih sa-vetničkih cipela, I počela da objašnjavam “da se ne brine oko toga, da se ja nikako ne ljutim, niti imam prava na to! Da svako ima pravo da odabere čime želi da se bavi u životu I šta želi da radi. “ Ali, nisam mogla sasvim ravnodušno sve da posmatram, I tried not to “step out” of my counsellor’s shoes, and started explaining “that she should not worry about that, that I am not angry, neither had I right to that! I said that she certainly had right to choose what she wanted to do in her life. “ However, I could not indifferently watch all that,
Prikaz slučajaCase study rekla sam I svoje mišljenje koje se može tumačiti I kao mišljenje lekara (a ne savetnika): rekla sam joj da je ona veoma mlada, da je njeno zdravlje prilično ugroženo ovim poslom, da nije ni kao žena još formirana u potpunosti, da je sluzokoža njenih genitalija osetljivija nego sluzokoža kod odraslih žena, I also told her my opinion that could be interpreted as doctor’s opinion (and not a counsellor): I said that she was very young, that her health was rather endangered by this work, that she was not yet completely formed as a woman, that mucous membrane of her genitals is more sensitive than with adult women,
Prikaz slučajaCase study ... I da je samim tim u većem riziku za sve PPI I da se još više bojim da je nedovoljno zrela za mnoge odluke koje joj se, baveći se ovim poslom, nameću. ...and thus she was in greater risk of STIs, I said that I was afraid even more that she was not mature enough to make many decisions that were imposed on her through this work.
Prikaz slučajaCase study Tada sam razmišljala: “Ako ovako nastavim – “izgubiću je”, više nikada neće želeti da dođe. Then I thought: “If I continue like this I will lose her, she would not want to come ever again.”