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“Jeopardy”. Unit 2 The Industrial Revolution. Topic 1: 1 point. a drug that prevents pain during surgery, patented by a dentist. anesthesia. Topic 1: 2 points. farms, factories, railways, and other large business that produce and distribute goods. m eans of production. Topic 1: 3 points.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. “Jeopardy” Unit 2 The Industrial Revolution

  2. Topic 1: 1 point a drug that prevents pain during surgery, patented by a dentist anesthesia

  3. Topic 1: 2 points farms, factories, railways, and other large business that produce and distribute goods means of production

  4. Topic 1: 3 points those who manage and assume the financial risk of new businesses entrepreneur

  5. Topic 1: 4 points identical components that could be used in place of one another Interchangeable parts

  6. Topic 1: 5 points The belief that “survival of the fittest” benefits society Social Darwinism

  7. Topic 2: 1 point Trend in the 1600s and 1700s resulted in larger farms enclosure

  8. Topic 2: 2 points Invented the seed drill that improved crop production Jethro Tull

  9. Topic 2: 3 points Introduced scientific farming methods like crop rotation Charles Townshend

  10. Topic 2: 4 points Built by the Dutch to create more farm land dikes

  11. Topic 2: 5 points Greater numbers of people caused by increased food production Population explosion

  12. Topic 3: 1 point Made better quality iron by using coal to smelt iron Abraham Darby

  13. Topic 3: 2 points First factories in Britain developed in this industry textiles

  14. Topic 3: 3 points Made the development of railroads possible Steam power

  15. Topic 3: 4 points His improvements to the steam engine made steam an efficient power source James Watt

  16. Topic 3: 5 points A production method in which workers repeatedly perform one task in the manufacturing process is called Assembly line

  17. Topic 4: 1 point They believed that the solution to poverty and injustice was shared ownership by the people of the means of production Socialists

  18. Topic 4: 2 points He believed that laws should be judged by whether thy bring more pleasure than pain. Jeremy Bentham

  19. Topic 4: 3 points He despised capitalism because he believed that it created prosperity for a few and poverty for many Karl Marx

  20. Topic 4: 4 points Believed that wage increases will not raise the standard of living of poor families David Ricardo

  21. Topic 4: 5 points Discouraged vaccinations because disease was a natural means of population control Thomas Malthus

  22. Topic 5: 1 point A company that sells ownership shares to many investors corporation

  23. Topic 5: 2 points a business organization in areas such as shipping, mining, or factories enterprise

  24. Topic 5: 3 points Unrestricted free market Laissez-faire

  25. Topic 5: 4 points Argued that capitalism would inevitably lead to poverty and a workers’ revolution Karl Marx (communists)

  26. Topic 5: 5 points The working class according to Karl Marx Proletariat

  27. Daily Double! As a team, decide how many of the points you already have you wish to wager. If you get the question correct, you will earn double the points you wagered.If you get the question incorrect, you will lose the points you wagered. Good luck!

  28. Daily Double! As a team, decide how many of the points you already have you wish to wager. If you get the question correct, you will earn double the points you wagered.If you get the question incorrect, you will lose the points you wagered. Good luck!

  29. “Double Jeopardy” Industrial Revolution

  30. Topic 1: 2 points The right to vote suffrage

  31. Topic 1: 4 points Process that was a method for producing steel Bessemer Process

  32. Topic 1: 6 points money used to invest in enterprises capital

  33. Topic 1: 8 points the movement of people to cities urbanization

  34. Topic 1: 10 points an apartment building for the working class tenement

  35. Topic 2: 2 points inventions that the internal combustion engine make possible Trains, Airplanes, Automobile

  36. Topic 2: 4 points Invented the light bulb Thomas Edison

  37. Topic 2: 6 points Today’s electric generators work on the same principle as the his dynamo Michael Faraday

  38. Topic 2: 8 points Invented dynamite Alfred Nobel

  39. Topic 2: 10 points Successfully flew an airplane at Kitty Hawk North Carolina Orville and Wilber Wright

  40. Topic 3: 2 points Made an important breakthrough in chemistry by showing that each element has its own kind of atoms. John Dalton

  41. Topic 3: 4 points Discovered that sterilizing surgical instruments with antiseptics would help prevent infection Joseph Lister

  42. Topic 3: 6 points A pioneer in the new science of geology who found evidence that the Earth had formed over thousands of years Charles Lyell

  43. Topic 3: 8 points His book, On the Origin of Species, was controversial because it differed from the creation story in the Bible Charles Darwin

  44. Topic 3: 10 points Developed vaccines for anthrax and rabies Louis Pasteur

  45. Topic 4: 2 points Reformers in this movement argued that the use of alcoholic beverages harmed family life and reduced worker productivity Temperance Movement

  46. Topic 4: 4 points African American women who spoke out for women’s suffrage Sojourner Truth

  47. Topic 4: 6 points The movement to end slavery Abolition Movement

  48. Topic 4: 8 points Laws that were passed in the early 1800s to reform child labor Factory Acts

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