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tsihareanBiologist (2010). Vol. 11,. P-ISSN:. No.2, Pp.:"161,-167. 1843-5632. E-ISSN:. 2065-1155. rticle No.:041121. Production of virus free commercialpotato mini-tuber.by. meristem culture. TA-IrA. ROODBAR-SHOJAEII*, MANSOOT. O.V{IDI1 NiAZ Ah SEPAT{VAND3,.
tsihareanBiologist (2010) Vol. 11, P-ISSN: No.2, Pp.:"161,-167 1843-5632 E-ISSN: 2065-1155 r\rticle No.:041121 Production of virus free commercialpotato mini-tuber.by meristem culture TA-IrA ROODBAR-SHOJAEII*, MANSOOT O.V{IDI1 NiAZ Ah SEPAT{VAND3, Abdotlah IvIOHAMMADII, Arash FAZELIE. Roya MOTALLEBI_CHALESHTORISand Abbas AtsBASI_SAHEBI6 1' Deparbnent of Agronony a^d Plant Breeding raculty of Agriculture, Islmric Azad uni'ersity, Kardj Brmctr, Ka.aj, Iran. 2 Depart.re.t oI Agronomy md Crop nreeai.g, Cotlege of Agriculfure, u"i".rtf Karaj, l1p. 3. Seed and plant Improvement Institute, Kaai, "i:.ttn.ar, Irm. s Deparrmenr of A',],""d::.il';l#ji*?T;liiilyixi:lx;iil;l,llrs'), Zabo,. rrar of Zarro,. 6..Islmic Azad Uuiversity, Science Research antl Bran.f,,f"ruur., t..,. 'corresPondirg author,T.R.Shojaei, Email:tahasho.iaee2000@yahoo.com, Tel: +9g91611l2gs6. Abstract' Potatoes ate one of the major vegetable crops that are grown world -wicle. 1.l.rerefore, evaluation oI varieties in production of virus free minj-tubers is critiial. In this siudy the effects Jaiffe.ent growth regurators were evaluated o^ merjstem culture ancl sub culture of four poLato cultivars. The best medium for primary establishment of meristem for Burren was MS medium .:1,1i"i"g 2 mgl 1 GA3, for Ag'a was MS containing 2.5 mgl-t' for Marfona and sante was MS containing 0.5 mg}r KIN + 3 mgl,1 iea. rl" best media for subculhrre of virus free plantlets of Burren, Agria ancl Marfona wai seni_Jolid yr_T11i"", containing 1.5 mgl.r IBA + 0.5 mgl-r BA + 2 mgLr IBA + 1 s mglr GA3. 'tire DAS-ELISA test was Joncructed o' the grown prantlet. were iltj'"rr-::: eva'Iua'1ec, il:"t;"'rrt"Ttep'5 ;; ;;;_,ffiil:ffff;:::.:;"'uc'ii'n subditate combinatiory mirti-tuber_ AbbrdviationsiMS lMurashige.and skoog), BA (Buryric Acid), IBA (Inclol Butyric Acid), NAA (Naphthatene Acetic Acid), GA3 (Gibberlic Acid), nar 1o-aenzyiAmino purine), KIN (6-Furfuryi a'rino purine), DAS_ ELisA (double antibody sanciwich ELISA), Completery Ra'domized Design (cRD), Introduction yield by 40% lonely and in combination with ot.trer viruses the loss is 90% (Sicldiqui et al. 1996). In tran The potato (Solantna htberosuntL.) originates frorn the many of the used fubers have virus in_fection, ancl a western iremisphere and the Andes mountain range m virus free field is rar.eiy found. Tl.re mer.isten_r the in South America (Woolf 1986). potatoes are one of the virus infection plants have a minirnurL concentrahionol most important crops in the world today. It is vuus or are virus free and the best control methocl for considered to be tlie most important vegetable crop ur_r.i potato viruses is procluction of healthy plants from is rarked four.th after rice, wheat and maize in terms of meristem culture (Espinozaet ai. 1992). The numerolls total production of fresh weight (Tadesse 2000).It had and di{ferent tissue culture rnethocls were done rn 20 million hectares planting area in the worlcl in 2005 potato as one of ihe first nuh.itional protlucts (Wersuhn and 324.49million tons (FAO 2007) were producecl. The & Dattre1998). area under potato production in Iran js 7g9670 hectares These rnethoc{sallow and procluces 25763kilograms per hectare(Anonvmous ciones(Ahleowalialee4).i;Phll"1lT;;H:ff :,i"",1,x:: 2005). In the common environment conditions the procluction of vi_r.us free plrrntlets with tissue culture potato is infectecl with 25 viruses anci one viroid whici.r method. He showetl that rnosaic virus X, y, A alri S viruses have a large effect il,l potato concentr.aLion rn the olct region of (omato roots is less than in tlre younger infection (Salazar 1996). Frequency of p\ry alcl pLRV region. Procl:cing mini,tubers from irt oitro ilantlets are higher than PVS and pVX (Bostan & Haliloglu 2004). allo'rvs a fastet tnril$plication rate in seecl tuber pro_ Researchers rcporteci that some vir.usescan clecrease the duction programs anci rectuccs the nunlber of field (aBi.lnrenn Biologist, Orndcq Rtnunin, 2a10 I ttt p :/h iaIogi e-o r Lrtlen. n st. r o/Btl rg i oI/i.utler. ltt rll BilurrcnnBio'r.4, 2010 xl OrttLlen,Rinlailia