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James Bernsen and D. Manivannan. A Reliability-Based Routing Protocol for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks. Overview. Introduction VANETs and their Applications Routing in a VANET Related Work GPSR GSR, SAR, STAR RIVER Reliable Inter- VEhicular Routing. Introduction.
James Bernsen and D. Manivannan A Reliability-Based Routing Protocol for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks
Overview • Introduction • VANETs and their Applications • Routing in a VANET • Related Work • GPSR • GSR, SAR, STAR • RIVER • Reliable Inter-VEhicular Routing
Introduction VANETs, Applications, Routing Strategies
Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network • A VANET is a wireless network formed between vehicles on an as-needed basis • Special class of mobile ad-hoc networks with some unique characteristics • Nodes generally constrained to roadways • Vehicles move relatively quickly compared to MANETs • Distinct mobility pattern subject to traffic laws • Radio obstacles may be present in urban areas
Applications of VANETs • Motor Vehicle Safety • Accident avoidance • Driver alerts • Emergencyvehicle dispatch • Driver Conveniences • Live traffic updates • Find parking spaces • Local shopping and services; points of interest • Traffic signal warnings and optimization • Cooperative driving and Automated driving • Passenger Entertainment
VANET Routing • Nodes typically identified by both a network address and a last-known position • Node communication generally short range • Communication over longer distances requires messages to hop through multiple nodes
VANET Routing Strategies • Position-based, greedy forwarding • Periodic beacons to determine node neighbors • Some form of street awareness is typical. • Positioning-system (GPS) and a map are commonly required. • GPSR, a MANET protocol, is often used as a starting point. GSR (Other VANET Protocols) GPSR SAR STAR RIVER
Related Work MANET and VANET Routing Protocols
GPSR • A position-based routing protocol for MANETs • Uses beacons to determine node neighbors. • Greedily forwards messages toward a known destination position • If, at any hop, there are no nodes in the direction of the destination, a recovery mode is used. • This “perimeter mode” converts the node connectivity graph into a planar graph and attempts to route around the network void.
GSR • Geographic Source Routing • Uses beacons to determine neighbor node locations • Uses a static street map and routes messages along streets, anchored at intersections. • Recognized weaknesses of GPSR in VANETs • Frequent radio obstacles in urban areas require GPSR to use its perimeter mode frequently. • Lack of greedy forwarding in perimeter mode increases delays and hop counts. • Rapid movement of vehicular nodes can cause loops.
SAR • Spatially Aware Routing (SAR) • Uses beacons to determine neighbors • Position-based: sender creates a route to a destination based on immobile physical locations in the street map and stores it in the packet header. • Uses a street map to avoid permanent network voids • Recognized weaknesses of GPSR in VANETs • Permanent network voids (buildings) will repeatedly incur perimeter mode and degrade performance
SAR • Suggested these recovery strategies when no node is found along the predetermined route: • Place the packet in a “suspension buffer” • Attempt greedy forwarding, like GPSR • Compute a new route
STAR • Spatial and Traffic Aware Routing • Attempts to improve upon SAR by forwarding messages in directions with relatively denser traffic. • Sender provides a partial route to be updated by intermediate nodes along the route. • Uses periodic beacon messages to determine each node’s neighbors and exchange traffic information. • Performs passive traffic monitoring by counting the number of nodes encountered in the cardinal and intercardinal directions relative to each node. • Recognizes temporary and persistent traffic conditions.
RIVER Reliable Inter-VEhicular Routing
RIVER at a Glance • Position-based; assumes GPS and map • Prefers transmitting messages using routes that it has deemed reliable through traffic monitoring • Real-time traffic monitoring via probe messages and by passive monitoring of other messages • Propagates route reliability information without the use of broadcast or network flooding • Allows dynamic route recalculation and recovery
Typical RIVER Network Stack • Depends on 802.11 transmission, MAC protocol, and IP protocol layers beneath. • Provides VANET routing capability to the transport and application layers above.
Beaconing • Beacon: a one-hop message sent at a semi-regular interval used to identify neighbor nodes. • Beacon contains: • Beacon sender address (in IP header) • The geolocation of the beacon sender • Timestamp (for freshness of reliability information) • Known reliability of street edges • When a node receives a beacon, it may add/update: • Sender’s information in its neighbors-table • Most recent reliability of street edges in its street graph • Implicit beacons are also sent by piggybacking beacon data on other kinds of RIVER messages.
Beaconing • To prevent synchronized sending of beacons, we adjust the frequency with a randomized “jitter” between beacons, as in GPSR. • Neighbors are assumed out-of range and deleted from the neighbor table when: • A preset timeout interval has elapsed without receiving a beacon from that neighbor • The 802.11 MAC layer indicates a link-level transmission failure during the Request-To-Send / Clear-To-Send (RTS/CTS) handshake.
RIVER Street Graph • Forms an undirected graph where vertices are intersections or curves in the roadway and edges are the streets that connect those vertices. • Allows routing messages along streets. • G = (V,E) • V = set of vertices • E = set of edges • v ∈ V v = {i, x, y} • i = internal identifier • (x,y) = geolocation • e ∈ E e = {u,v,w} • u, v ∈ V and u ≠ v • w = edge weight
RIVER Street Graph • Prevalence of navigation systems make the map requirement a reasonable assumption. • Supports heterogeneous maps by requiring no common naming among nodes for identifying vertices and edges – ID by coordinates only • Coordinates need to be within a reasonable level of accuracy but not exactly the same among nodes: • Node a sends a message containing the coordinates of vertex ua to node b. • Node b will consider uaub if no other vertex in b’s graph has coordinates closer to ua than ub.
Traffic Monitoring • Temporary disconnections frequently occur at non-deterministic intervals, partitioning the network. • VANET routing protocols must handle this situation or drop the packet.
Active Traffic Monitoring: Probes • A probe message is a RIVER protocol packet that is periodically sent by a node located near a street vertex and forwarded greedily along a street edge that is incident to that vertex. • Sent when the reliability of the edge is unknown or has been untested for a preset interval of time.
Probe Messages • Strictly a protocol message; contains no data payload. • Anycast message: sent to any node in a group of nodes defined by a particular geographic area. The destination node is not known when sent. • If the probe encounters a network gap, it is dropped. • If received, nodes at the receiving vertex become aware that the edge is traversable, and the receiving node sends a return probe.
Passive Traffic Monitoring • Every beacon, probe, and routing message contains edge reliability information. • Edges traversed by probe and routing packets • Known Edge List (KEL) – data structure included in all RIVER packets • Weighted Routes – every edge in the path of a routing packet contains a timestamped reliability weight for that edge.
Known Edge List (KEL) • List is populated with selected edges from the accumulated reliability information known by the sender of the packet, including: • Reliability rating • Timestamp when the edge reliability was last updated • Edge Sharing Criteria • Edge’s reliability updated since it was last shared • Prefers edges that were updated most recently • Further prefers edges whose reliability is known from first-hand knowledge (not learned from a KEL)
Passive Traffic Monitoring • Enables a node to learn about remote edges of the street graph when it receives a message from a distant node. • x – nearby probed edges • y – weighted route path • z – edges contributed to the routing packet’s KEL by forwarding nodes
Edge Reliability • To determine a reliable route, a node must be able to choose paths that contain a sufficient density of nodes to maintain communication. • Vehicular nodes move quickly and frequently, so it is infeasible for each node to track all other nodes’ movement across a particular area to determine usable routes. • We hypothesize that it is more efficient to determine if a particular street edge was recently reliable and share this information with others.
Determining Reliable Paths • Dijkstra’s algorithm finds the least-weight path • Shortest-path algorithms base edge weights on the physical distance between vertices • RIVER edge weights are an estimate of reliability • Smaller weight higher reliability, (minimum is zero) • Larger weight lower reliability, (∞ not traversable)
Reliability Calculation • A reliability default value is given to edges with no packet traversal information or where the last known packet traversal was more than reliability default ms ago. • Set to 10,000 ms (10 seconds) • Acts as a timeout value that represents the “reliability unknown” state. • If we don’t have information on an edge in the last 10seconds, then we revert that edge to this “reliability unknown” value. • Untraversable Edge Weight (∞) • Used when a node attempts to forward a packet but can find no neighbor to whom the packet can be sent.
Reliability Calculation • First-hand reliability observation: the edge’s reliability = number of milliseconds since the edge was last known to have been traversed by a packet • When a packet is received over edge e, rely(e) = 0 • As time elapses, rely(e) decays to a higher value • Constant multipliers discourage the use of edges that the node considers unreliable. rely(e) = 10000 100000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
RIVER Edge Reliability Traits • Reliable edges have a relatively small range of ratings compared to unreliable edges. • Due to the use of Dijkstra’s algorithm • Intention is to prevent the algorithm from preferring (for example) a single unreliable edge over several reliable edges. • A reliable edge’s rating will time out and return to an “unknown reliability” state. • An unreliable edge’s rating will remain until it is determined to be more reliable. • An unreliable edge rating stabilizes when a node can no longer test the edge by sending probes across it.
Routing Source(Sending to node 2) • Select a path based on the reliability of edges in the graph. • Identify the geolocation of the destination node. • If distant, use Dijkstra’s algorithm to calculate the most reliable path to the destination. • Vertices that make up this routing path are anchor points of the route (anchor path). • The path is written to the routing header of the packet. w=8,000 w=10,000 w=10,000 w=10,000 Destination
Routing • Node with a packet forwards it along the route in the header. • Consults the routing header for the next anchor point • Refers to its neighbors-table for a node within radio range and closest to the next anchor point • Sets the next-hop address (IP header destination) • Attempts to send the packet • If MAC layer handshake fails, repeat the process Neighbor Next AP
Routing • At each hop of the packet, the receiving node: • Checks for destination presence • Performs passive monitoring • Updates its neighbor table with implicit beacon data • Updates its edge weights with KEL and weighted route • Consults the routing header for the next anchor point • If the next anchor point has been reached/passed, advance the pointer until an unreached AP is found • If an anchor point remains, forwarding continues as described. Else, the node forwards greedily toward the destination node. Not Destination Destination not in range Passive Monitor Next AP
Route Recovery • If a node can find no next-hop: • Mark the edge untraversable (∞). • Find a new path with Dijkstra’s . • If the new path has a mean weight that is less than the current path’s weight by a significant threshold, overwrite the current path with the new path. • If the new anchor path’s next edge is less than ∞, then the search for a next-hop neighbor resumes recursively. (If no next hop can be found on the new anchor path, the recovery process may be repeated.) • The recovery process is aborted if the anchor path’s next edge is untraversable (∞). The packet is dropped. No Hop to AP! w=∞ Next AP Next AP w=10,000 w=2,000 w=10,000
Route Recalculation • Proactive route recovery aimed at preventing a route failure while the packet is at a vertex. • A forwarding node at an anchor point uses Dijkstra’s algorithm to calculate a new proposed route. • If the proposed route has a mean weight that is less than the current path weight by a significant threshold, then the proposed route is used instead. Recalculate w=150,000 w=10,000 12,000 < (160,000 – 5,000) w=2,000 w=10,000
Greedy Optimizations • Strict greedy strategy forwards a packet toward the next anchor point until the packet arrives at a node that is within some predefined range of the anchor point, called the vertex range. • Complexities arise due to the differences between the vertex range, each node’s radio range, and the density of traffic. • RIVER has two optimizations to avoid dropping packets unnecessarily. • Past Anchor Point, Outside Zone • Outside Zone, No Closer Neighbor
Past Anchor Point, Outside Zone • Current AP: this intersection; next AP is beyond node B. • Node A seeks a node closer to the AP zone than itself, and node B meets the criteria. • However, node B is not within the AP zone, and it will also seek a node closer to the AP (backtracking) when the next AP is in the opposite direction of the current AP! • Since node B is past the current AP along the anchor route, it should plot a path to the next AP instead. A B
Outside Zone, No Closer Neighbor • Current AP: this intersection; next AP is beyond node B. • Node A seeks a node closer to the AP zone than itself, but NO node meets the criteria. • However, B is within radio range, and it is located on the edge between this AP and the subsequent AP. • Since node B is past the current AP and closer to the subsequent AP along the anchor route, A should forward to B. A B
Performance Evaluation • Simulated the protocol with the ns-2 simulator at version 2.33 using the CMU wireless extension. • Varied parameter settings to test different scenarios and feature sets of RIVER. • RIVER also compared against peer protocols • STAR routing protocol (Giudici, Pagani) • GPSR routing protocol (Karp, Kung) • Short-Path, a generic shortest-path VANET routing algorithm
Performance Metrics • Data throughput: mean percentage of routed data packets that were successfully delivered. • Route header size: average size of a routing packet, excluding the data portion. • Forwards per route: average hop count of a data packet to its destination. • Route transit time: number of seconds required to deliver a data packet from its original sender to its final destination.
Simulation Parameters • 100-300 vehicular nodes • Velocities: • Min = 11 km/hr • Avg = 36 km/hr • Max = 51 km/hr • 5 sender/receiver pairs selected at random • 200 seconds of simulation • Silent for first 20 seconds and final 16 seconds • 21 transfer attempts between each pair • 8 seconds apart • Different pairs do not transmit simultaneously