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Teens & Celebrity Media. By: Magali Furieri, Gitanjali Raina & Jessica Duron York Mills Collegiate Institute June 3 rd, 2009. Celebrity Obsession Is Bad For Teens. Studied 191 adolescents; 11-16 years old Concluded two types of celebrity interest: Entertainment Social Celebrity Worship
Teens & Celebrity Media By: Magali Furieri, Gitanjali Raina & Jessica Duron York Mills Collegiate Institute June 3rd, 2009
Celebrity Obsession Is Bad For Teens • Studied 191 adolescents; 11-16 years old Concluded two types of celebrity interest: • Entertainment Social Celebrity Worship • Intense Personal Celebrity Worship • Tend to be insecure • More emotional problems and bad relationships with those closest to them http://www.aolcdn.com/red_galleries/zac-efron-justin-timberlake-400ds0905.jpghttp://www.irishealth.com/article.html?id=5679&var=print MF
Justification • Nature VS. Nurture; Whether teens become obsessed with celebrities as a reaction to bad relationships in their own lives, or vise versa • Socialization; Family: Affects personal relationships with family and friends http://healthewoman.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/angry-teen.jpg MF
Media Effects On Teens Bad Exposure Good Exposure Image1:http://transienttravels.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/shepard-fairey-barack-obama.jpg Image2:http://stupidcelebrities.net/wp-content/amy_winehouse0423081_nc.jpg Article:Manohar, U. (2008). Media Effects On Teens. Buzzle.Com. http://www.buzzle.com/articles/media-effects-on-teenagers.html GR
Justification • Psychological Disturbance – teen is faced with emotional stress. • Peer/Media Pressure – can encourage positive as well as negative behavior. • Nature – natural effects that influence, define/shape a person Image1: http://images-cdn01.associatedcontent.com/image/A7706/77062/300_77062.jpg Image2: http://distractible.org/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/16-peer-pressure-smoking.gif GR
“Exclusive results: Teens and Celebrities” • Editor’s opinion on the relationship between teens and stars nowadays • Now: Teens believe they can be stars • New ways for teens to easily become famous • 32% of teens believe personality is more important than talent • Paradox • Social changes JD
Justification • Mass media • Questionnaire Research Method JD
Sexy Media Matter;Exposure to Sexual Content in Music, Movies, Television, and Magazines Predicts Black and White Adolescents • Objective: To assess over time if exposure to sexual content in 4 mass media used by early adolescents predict sexual behavior in middle adolescents • Method: each adolescent was interviewed in person when they were 12-14. Around 2 years later, interviewed again through computer • Conclusion: white teenagers ages 12-14 years old were 2.2 times more likely to have had sexual intercourse when 14-16. Black teens are more influenced by their parents’ expectation or their friends’ sexual behavior than by what they see or hear in the media http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/content/full/117/4//1018 MF
Justification • Nature Vs. Nurture: growing up watching T.V & movies, listening to music can affect a person in the future • Media Pressure: the pressures of the media on teens can have negative & positive affects http://www.britishcouncil.org/japan-common-330x225-girl-listening-to-music.jpg MF
Media Influencing Sexual Behavior In Teens? • Objective – comparison between influences from mass media on teen’s sexual intentions/behaviours to other social groups • Method – Interviews as well as online surveys • Conclusion – More exposure of sexual content in mediagreater chance to engage in sexual intercourse earlier. Kelly Ladin L’Engle Ph.D., M.P.H, Jane D. Brown Ph.D. and Kristin Kenneavy M.A. The mass media are an important context for adolescents’ sexual behaviour. Received 24 November 2004 from the Society for Adolescents Medicine.<hhtp://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6T80-4J95TPT5&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=c000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=70a69b1d1e277028612060ce08db7994> <http://images.inmagine.com/img/photoalto/paa120/paa120000011.jpg> GR
Mass Media Influence Affecting Youth Justification Image:http://static.howstuffworks.com/gif/tabloid-6.jpg GR
“Not one of those screaming girls: representing female fans in 1990s” • Hypothesis: Fandom in the 1990s, had an empowering effect and helped many girls in Germany cope with change • Method: Interviews with 90 German girls in the late 1990s • Conclusion: (Positive) Fandom helps girls overcome harsh times. (Negative) It can encourage girls to completely avoid challenges and hard times. JD
Justification • Psychology - Fandom helps girls cope with their issues • Social Science Inquiry Method JD
Step 1 & 2 JD
Step 3: Collecting Data • Survey • 38 students (19 male, 19 female) • Open-minded questions • Close-minded questions Image:http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_ZU4PQDGJcVk/SbvuK0vW0iI/AAAAAAAAAUU/a18_Bk4Y0O8/s400/survey_cartoon.gif GR
Conclusion • the results of our survey show that our hypothesis was correct • Results also suggest that female teens care more and are affiliated more with their physical appearances than male teens • Keep in mind that only 38 students took this survey and already there was a huge difference and great results