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Academic Planning for WASC Accreditation (2008-2010). Vice President of Academic Affairs. July 2008. ¿What actions must be done to obtain the WASC Accreditation (2008-2010)?. WASC Comission Recommendations + 2010 Plan. Academic Planning (2008-2010). WASC Accreditation 2011.
Academic Planning for WASC Accreditation (2008-2010). Vice President of Academic Affairs. July 2008
¿What actions must be done to obtain the WASC Accreditation (2008-2010)? WASC ComissionRecommendations+ 2010 Plan AcademicPlanning (2008-2010) WASC Accreditation 2011 On June 30th 2008, the WASC Comission notifies the President of CETYS System that Candidacy Status has been awarded to the Institution. Candidacy is awarded for 4 years. What must be done in the next 2.5 years? What follows during this time? 2020 Strategic Plan
Academic Planning to obtain the WASC Accreditation (2008-2010). Beingthat CETYS Universityis a Comprehensive, VocationalOriented, and TuitionDriven, HigherEducationInstitution, and thatthisprofilewillbepresentthroughouttheestablishedaccreditationhorizon, then: • CETYS University will continue offering Undergraduate and Master’s programs with a Professionalizing Focus, according to it’s 2010 Plan Vision. • With regards to the doctoral programs, the cohorts that have not concluded their corresponding programs, will have full support to finish them according to the specified time frames. The re-opening o the DBA will depend on the elaboration of a new proposal and the corresponding WASC approval. • With regards to the Doctorate in Education, the acceptance of a new cohort in 2009, will be based on follow-up of the WASC recommendations for this program. Actions Withtheseactions CETYS Universitywillrespondtotherecommendationsregardingits doctoral programs, and reafirmthetype of institutionthat CETYS Universityis.
Academic Planning to obtain the WASC Accreditation (2008-2010). CONT: Beingthat CETYS Universityis a Comprehensive, VocationalOriented, and TuitionDriven, HigherEducationInstitution, and thatthisprofilewillbepresentthroughouttheestablishedaccreditationhorizon, then: • The offering of new acadmic programs durint the 2008-2010 period mus satisfy the interna requirements established by CETYS University, as well as those established by WASC. • Undergraduate and Master’s programs will attend full time and part time students of youth and adult populations. Actions Withtheseactions CETYS Universitywillrespondtotherecommendationsregardingits doctoral programs, and reafirmthetype of institutionthat CETYS Universityis.
Academic Planning to obtain the WASC Accreditation (2008-2010). Beingthat CETYS Universityidentifiesinformation and informationtechnologies as criticalelementsforthedesign, planning, operation and evaluation of itscurriculum, then: • Use of technologies such as Blackboard and electronic portfolios will be fortified, to support a focus on learning outcomes based education. • Use and culture of libraries, and their information resoursces by faculty and students will be fortified. Library spaces will be built in Ensenada, Tijuana and Mexicali according to WASC recommendations. Validation of current situation with regards to our libraries will be evaluated to fo follow-up according to the Library Strategic Plan, seeking to respond in an opportune manner to information requirements and needs. Actions Withtheseactions, CETYS Universitywillrespondtorecommendationspertainingtoimprovement of capacity and use of Library resources, and contributeto a researchculture in faculty and students.
Academic Planning to obtain the WASC Accreditation (2008-2010). CONT: Beingthat CETYS Universityidentifiesinformation and informationtechnologies as criticalelementsforthedesign, planning, operation and evaluation of itscurriculum, then: • Campus and College Directors will jointly plan the development of all Campi facilities with regards to the operation of the curriculum (Differentiation Strategies). • In conjunction with the development of information resources, a Library and Personnel Development Plan will be designed. Actions Withtheseactions, CETYS Universitywillrespondtorecommendationspertainingto use of academic data and informationtopromotestudentsuccess and academicplanning.
Academic Planning to obtain the WASC Accreditation (2008-2010). CONT: Beingthat CETYS Universityidentifiesinformation and informationtechnologies as criticalelementsforthedesign, planning, operation and evaluation of itscurriculum, then: • The results of the undergraduate On-line Education Project will be evaluated with faculty participation, to make this model more pertinent and effective. Graduate programs that the Institution considers pertinent will be offered via this model, taking into account technological capacities. • The Academic Information System will be improved and fortified, as well as it’s correct usage for planning, executing and evaluating the academic operation of the institution. • Development of an Academic Portal to fortify internal and external communication. Actions Withtheseactions, CETYS Universitywillrespondtorecommendationspertainingto use of academic data and informationtopromotestudentsuccess and academicplanning.
Academic Planning to obtain the WASC Accreditation (2008-2010). Beingthat CETYS Universityidentifies in itsPeriodicProgramReview and Assessmentprocesses, twogreatopportunitiesforinnovation and continuousimprovement in itscurriculum, then : • Beginning August 2008, the Periodic Academic Program Review Rules and Policies will become operational. This review will make use of the 2004 Academic Reform Evaluation results, which has been implemented since January 2008. From this, the current Educational Model will be reviews with the objective of improving its operation in the academic programs under review. • CETYS University education will continue being learning centered, as well as it’s assessment and the generation of evidence. Actions Withtheseactions, CETYS UniversitywillrespondtorecommendationspertainingtoAssessmentactivities and theintegration of theresultstoPeriodicAcademicProgramReview, allowingthepossibility of improvement and innovation in thecurriculum.
Academic Planning to obtain the WASC Accreditation (2008-2010). CONT: Beingthat CETYS Universityidentifies in itsPeriodicProgramReview and Assessmentprocesses, twogreatopportunitiesforinnovation and continuousimprovement in itscurriculum, then : • Taking into consideration current indicators, a new set of academic indicators will be determined regarding admission, capacity and educational effectivenes; to assess the academic potential of new students, the institution’s capacity to offer quality education according to it’s Mission and assess the Institution’s level of effectiveness in the achievement of the desired learning outcomes. • The offering of partial (half) academic programs in the Ensenada campus will be evaluated. Actions Withtheseactions, CETYS Universitywillrespondtorecommendationspertainingtotheincorporation of PeriodicAcademicProgramReviewtothe new way of updating and improvingthecurriculum of highereducation in CETYS University.
Academic Planning to obtain the WASC Accreditation (2008-2010). CONT: Beingthat CETYS Universityidentifies in itsPeriodicProgramReview and Assessmentprocesses, twogreatopportunitiesforinnovation and continuousimprovement in itscurriculum, then : • The Institution will continue operating academic programs in the Management Sciences, Engineering, Social Sciences and Humanities (including Psychology, Law and Education) disciplines, while it explores how to pertinently incorporate the Natural Sciences (Biotechnology, Bioengineering) disciplines into it’s curriculum. • The Academic Program Review scheduled for August 2008 will include participation of external agents (Government, Employers, Non-Government Agencies) as well as academic experts of other universities. Best practices of the United States will be studied so as to adapt them. Actions Withtheseactions, CETYS Universitywillrespondtorecommendationspertainingtotheincorporation of PeriodicAcademicProgramReviewtothe new way of updating and improvingthecurriculum of highereducation in CETYS University.
Academic Planning to obtain the WASC Accreditation (2008-2010). Beingthat CETYS Universityidentifies in facultyas thehuman capital and keycomponenttomakeit’sMission a reality, in consequence: • The ratio of 30 to 1 full time faculty with regards to student will be sought, considering equivalent full time students and the graduate population. Also, each program should have at least one full time faculty member. • Full time faculty will be hired that satisfy the profile for each educational level. At least a Master’s degree for undergraduate programs and Doctoral degree for graduate programs. These faculty should be alumni of other institutions. Where pertinent, vacancies for Visiting Faculty will be established. Actions Withtheseactions, CETYS Univeristywillrespondtorecommendationsregardingadequatenumber of facultywiththerequiredprofiletosupporteach of theacademicprogramsofferedbytheInstitution.
Academic Planning to obtain the WASC Accreditation (2008-2010). CONT: Beingthat CETYS Universityidentifies in facultyas thehuman capital and keycomponenttomakeit’sMission a reality, in consequence: • The academic work areas in which faculty productivity will be sought are: Teaching-Learning, Knowledge Integration, Application and Discovery. • Academic, professional and degree development for faculty will be fortified via Career Planning aligned with the Institution’s educational purposes. • Research will be promoted according to the Institutional Research Plan, as well as participation in forums and conferences for the presentation of research results. • Faculty will be encouraged and supported so they may finish and obtaint their doctoral degrees. Actions Withtheseactions, CETYS Univeristywillrespondtorecommendationsregardingadequatenumber of facultywiththerequiredprofiletosupporteach of theacademicprogramsofferedbytheInstitution.
Academic Planning to obtain the WASC Accreditation (2008-2010). CONT: Beingthat CETYS Universityidentifies in facultyas thehuman capital and keycomponenttomakeit’sMission a reality, in consequence: • The ongoing Faculty Development Program will be updated and fortified in its operation in at least the following aspects: • Professional Development. • Pedagogical Competencies. • Competency in the use of Information Technologies and Resources. • Professional Certification. • A new Category Sistem will be developed to provide incentives and compensation for full time and half time faculty, according to productivity aspects in academic work areas. The current Retirement Plan will be revised. Actions Withtheseactions, CETYS Univeristywillrespondtorecommendationsregardingadequatenumber of facultywiththerequiredprofiletosupporteach of theacademicprogramsofferedbytheInstitution.
Academic Planning to obtain the WASC Accreditation (2008-2010). Beingthat CETYS Universityidentifiesaccrediting agencies as externalentitiesthatpromoteeducationalquality as well as thecommitmenttoeducationalimprovement, in consequence: • National accreditation of all eligible academic programs will be sought. • Inclusion of Undergraduate and Graduate Programas in the Excelence Listing of CONACYT will be sought. • Strict follow-up to the WASC Comission recommendations will be done, as well as seeking to become a Learning Institutional as established by this regional United States accrediting body. • National and international professional certification for faculty will be sought. • Research will be made regarding all CONACYT resources for Higher Education Institutions, and how to obtain them. Actions Withtheseactions, CETYS Universitywillrespondtotherecommendation of national and internationalaccrediting agencies and continuewithfacultycertification.
Academic Planning to obtain the WASC Accreditation (2008-2010). The organizationalstructureof theacademyrepresents a meanstobettertakeadvantage of the intelectual capital of faculty, as well as therest of theresources of theacademy: budget, informationsystems and processes; so thattheeducationalservicesmaybedeliveredunderthebestconditions. In consequence: • The organizational structure of the academy will be fortified via the Vice Presidency of Academic Affairs. • Integration of the College of Social Sciences and Humanities. • Integration of the Academic Senate and Academies so faculty may have the means to participate in academic decision making. • Integration of academic commitees to improve the operation of the differentiation shades (Humanism, Entrepeneurial, etc.) Actions Withtheseactions, CETYS Universitywillrespondtothe WASC recommendationsregardingthe use of the new organizationalstructurebasedonColleges, alsoallowingfortheAcademyto hace a more active role in Institutionaldecisionmaking.
Academic Planning to obtain the WASC Accreditation (2008-2010). CONT: Theorganizationalstructureof theacademyrepresents a meanstobettertakeadvantage of the intelectual capital of faculty, as well as therest of theresources of theacademy: budget, informationsystems and processes; so thattheeducationalservicesmaybedeliveredunderthebestconditions. In consequence: • The support structure for the undergraduate and graduate programs will be fortified with the structure provided by the Colleges and the corresponding Schools. Every program must have a coordinator responsible for its operation. • This organizational structure seeks to contribute to CETYS becoming a Learning Centered Institution. Actions Withtheseactions, CETYS Universitywillrespondtothe WASC recommendationsregardingthe use of the new organizationalstructurebasedonColleges, alsoallowingfortheAcademyto hace a more active role in Institutionaldecisionmaking.
Academic Planning to obtain the WASC Accreditation (2008-2010). Since CETYS University has identifiedthathaving a researchculturefavorstheability in studentstolearnhowtolearn and developinformationseekingabilitiesfromdiversesourceswiththesupport of informationtechnology; in consequence: • Besides the fortification of the capacity and usage of information resources, institutional learning outcomes will be developed so students and faculty may develop these capacities and generate a research culture. Training for faculty and students will be implemented seeking to develop competencies regarding seeking and use of information. • Faculty and students from research networks, as well as CONACYT funded projects will be integrated into the Academic Programs. Actions Withtheseactions, CETYS Universityseekstodevelop a researchculture and fortifyresearchactivitiesthathavebeen done in theestablished Centers as well as in someGraduateprograms.
Academic Planning to obtain the WASC Accreditation (2008-2010). CONT: Since CETYS University has identifiedthathaving a researchculturefavorstheability in studentstolearnhowtolearn and developinformationseekingabilitiesfromdiversesourceswiththesupport of informationtechnology; in consequence: • Consolidation of current Centers such as IDE, CEDES, CAOP, etc., as formal research entities. • Integration of academic bodies for research according to CONACYT guidelines, as well as research lines based on current Centers, primarily in Graduate programs. • Fortification of the institutional research program. Actions Withtheseactions, CETYS Universityseekstodevelop a researchculture and fortifyresearchactivitiesthathavebeen done in theestablished Centers as well as in someGraduateprograms.
Academic Planning to obtain the WASC Accreditation (2008-2010). Beingthat CETYS Universityidentifiesitsstudentsas itsreasonforexistence as well as theirpotentialvaluegeneratedforthecommunity, in consequence, willseektocreate, alongwithstudentparticipation, thebestenvironmenttoachievethemaximumpotential, therefore: • A survey between students and academics will be done, to identify the concept of Student Life that is best suited for the achievement of the Institution´s educational goals. From this definition, student life will be fortified so students achieve the desired learning and attitudes. • Integration of student bodies that actively participate in the improvement of student life, through the participation in diverse academic commitees. • Involvement of Alumni in these activities will be sought. Actions Withtheseactions, CETYS Universityseekstodevelopanadequateenvironmentforlearning and the integral development of studentstoachievetheirmaximumpotential.
Academic Planning to obtain the WASC Accreditation (2008-2010). CONT: Beingthat CETYS Universityidentifiesitsstudentsas itsreasonforexistence as well as theirpotentialvaluegeneratedforthecommunity, in consequence, willseektocreate, alongwithstudentparticipation, thebestenvironmenttoachievethemaximumpotential, therefore: • From the definition of Student Life, develop events in which faculty may interact with students, seeking integration. • Alignment of current student events such as simposium and conferences, to Institutional priorities and goals. • Participation of students in external and internal cultural, sporting and academic events, where thay may express their ideas, talents, skills and application of knowledge. Actions Withtheseactions, CETYS Universityseekstodevelopanadequateenvironmentforlearning and the integral development of studentstoachievetheirmaximumpotential.
Academic Planning to obtain the WASC Accreditation (2008-2010). Since CETYS Univeristyidentifies in Normativityand clearPolicies, meanstocontributetoconsistentdecisionmaking in thediverseaspects of itsacademic and administrativelife, in consequence: • The Vice Presidencies will conduct an holistic review of current normativity to update it, defining the necessary rules and policies so the academy and the administration may have a better understanding with regards to decision making pertaining to conflict management, reprimands, sanctions, and any other circumstances that may arise derived from the interaction of all the groups that are a part of the CETYS University System. • Effectively communicatoe the new rules and policies to our community. Actions Withtheseactions, CETYS Universityseekstoformulate a Normativitythatisadequatetothepresentreality of theInstitution, its new organizationalstructure, thatallowsforbetteractionstowardtheachievment of itsMission.
Academic Planning to obtain the WASC Accreditation (2008-2010). What follows for the Vice Presidency of Academic Affairs: To do appropriate follow-up so that things happen when they should, and also to be able to timely adjust when things are not working