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Computer Impact: Music

Explore the transformation in music recording from traditional vinyl to modern MP3 formats. Discover the impact of technology on music distribution, file extensions, and the emergence of P2P networks.

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Computer Impact: Music

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Computer Impact: Music By Chip Bowman & William Knight

  2. PRODUCTION Old School Recording New Ways to Record File Extension Quality Mp3 Revolution DISTRIBUTION Evolution Towards a CD The CD Mixing CD’s Emergence of MP3 P2P File Sharing Music Sub-Categories

  3. Old School Recording Only way to get music recorded was to be signed by a Record Label Company. Steps: 1)Get Signed (really hard) 2)Record Tracks 3)Record label creates a vinyl record

  4. New Ways to Record Software programs allow users to record their own music without going to Record Label Companies. Steps: 1)Record Music using Sound Recorder 2)Convert from .WAV file to .MP3 using decoder 3)Listen to music

  5. New Ways to Record (cont’d) Artists can also record straight to .MP3 format using different software Ex. Audio Surveillance

  6. File Extension Quality Common File Extensions: .WAV – Older File extension (takes up a lot of space) .CDA – CD quality file extension .MP3 – A popular file extension (takes up little space) Can you hear a strong difference between CDA & MP3?

  7. MP3 Revolution • MP3’s are good sound quality • MP3’s take up very little disk space • Many MP3’s can fit on an iPod and other MP3 players • MP3’s are easily converted using a decoder • MP3’s are the #1 file extension being shared on P2P networks

  8. Distribution • Renaissance – Only performed live. • 20th Century – The ability to record music an play it back revolutionizes composition. • Mid 20th Century – Music is mass-distributed on vinyl records. • 8-track and Cassette tapes make music portable. • CDs are introduced, quickly become the medium of choice for music distribution.

  9. The Compact Disc • Diameter: 120 mm • Thickness: 1.2 mm • Made of Polycarbonate plastic; cheap to produce, easy to repair. • Red Book Standard CDs hold 650 MB or 74 minutes of music. • License held by Phillips

  10. Mixing CDs • As simple as moving files from folder to folder • Create list of music • Insert blank CD-R • Click “Burn” • Enjoy!

  11. MP3 and MP3 Players • Music extracted from audio CDs as .mp3 files • Audio quality degradation not perceivable • Smaller file size • Means more can be stored in one place

  12. MP3 and MP3 Players • Technology trend: smaller is better • MP3 players are more portable than CD players and CDs • Most Popular: iPod, by far. • 20 GB model holds the equivalent of 12.5 days of continuous music. • What is too much?

  13. P2P Netwroking • It all began with Napster… • Created in 1999 by Shawn Fanning • Peaked at 26.4 Million users in Feb. 2001 • Shut down July 1, 2001.

  14. Illegal Morpheus KaZaA WinMX Ares LimeWire BitTorrent Legal MSN Music Napster 2.0 iTunes Post-Napster

  15. iTunes • $.99 per song • Individual tracks or entire album • Suggestions based on playing trends • Shared Folders: • Share your files with other users • They can only listen; not download

  16. You knew there’d be a way… • myTunes and ourTunes • Add-Ins to iTunes • Allow users to download music using shared folders • Most popular on college campus where thousands of users use a single network.

  17. Future • What’s next for music? • Cell Phones?

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