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http://www.flickr.com/groups/classrmdisplays/pool/show/. Weaving Web 2.0 into Classroom Practice. Lee Davis - University of Bath July 2008. Presentation overview. What is Web 2.0? RSS (really simple syndication) Blogs Wikis Pod/vodcasting Social bookmarking & social networking

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  1. http://www.flickr.com/groups/classrmdisplays/pool/show/

  2. Weaving Web 2.0 into Classroom Practice Lee Davis - University of Bath July 2008

  3. Presentation overview • What is Web 2.0? • RSS (really simple syndication) • Blogs • Wikis • Pod/vodcasting • Social bookmarking & social networking • E-portfolios • 3D or virtual worlds • E-learning 2.0 (Open University Communications Group)

  4. Opportunities • To extend teaching and learning beyond the classroom • Rich learning activities • Supporting assessment for, of and as learning • Teacher- and student-led inquiry

  5. What is Web 2.0? …the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the Internet as platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success…Chief among those…Build applications that harness network effects to get better the more people use them…"harnessing collective intelligence”/O'Reilly Radar definition updated October 2006

  6. Web 2.0 Landscape Future Exploration Network (2007) Web 2.0 Framework http://www.rossdawsonblog.com/Web2_Framework.pdf

  7. What is Web 2.0? Web 2.0 is about the more human aspects of interactivity. It's about conversations, interpersonal networking, personalization... George Lorenzo, Diana Oblinger and Charles Dziuban (2007) http://www.educause.edu/apps/eq/eqm07/eqm0711.asp?bhcp=1 Web 2.0 has blurred the line between producers and consumers of content and has shifted attention from access to information towards access to other people. John Seely Brown & Richard P. Adler (2008) Minds on Fire - Open Education, The Long Tail and Learning 2.0 http://connect.educause.edu/Library/EDUCAUSE+Review/MindsonFireOpenEducationt/45823?time=1201604527

  8. E-portfolios: futures?

  9. (E-)learning 2.0 Traditionally e-learning has focussed on content delivery and consumption by students. In moving to e-learning 2.0 there is greater emphasis on connections, context and learning as a process not an outcome. We are moving into a new era of sharing content, collaborating and syndicating learning materials online. This is not just about learning content but about developing new ways of learning. Jane Knight, Learning Light, 2007

  10. (E-)learning 2.0 Scott Wilson (2005) Future VLE

  11. Summary/closing thoughts Advancing adoption and use of social software in schools requires the three C’s - comfort, confidence, and creativity. …the fast development of Web 2.0 has created a situation where many of the powers-that-be have no idea that such possibilities exist. Christopher D. Sessums, 20 December 2006 http://elgg.net/csessums/weblog/144604.html

  12. Summary/closing thoughts B. Nesbitt (2007) “This project was created to inspire teachers to use technology in engaging ways to help students develop higher level thinking skills. Equally important, it serves to motivate district level leaders to provide teachers with the tools and training to do so.” http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=_A-ZVCjfWf8&feature=related A Vision of K-12 Students Today

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