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Ronald Reagan Objective: Analyze the Presidency of Reagan

Ronald Reagan Objective: Analyze the Presidency of Reagan. Conservative Movement. As the 1970s progressed, right-wing groups gained strength across the country. The voice of the conservative movement became known as the New Right. Conservative Movement. Conservative:

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Ronald Reagan Objective: Analyze the Presidency of Reagan

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  1. Ronald ReaganObjective: Analyze the Presidency of Reagan

  2. Conservative Movement • As the 1970s progressed, right-wing groups gained strength across the country. • The voice of the conservative movement became known as the New Right.

  3. Conservative Movement • Conservative: • Support traditional family values, oppose gay marriage

  4. Conservative Movement • Conservative: • Oppose abortion

  5. Conservative Movement • Conservative: • Oppose affirmative action: forcing employers and colleges to give special consideration to women and minorities, even if they were less qualified.

  6. Conservative Movement • Conservative: • Evangelical Christians

  7. Conservative Movement • Conservative: • Promote patriotism and support the troops

  8. 1980 Election • In 1980, Jimmy Carter was finishing his first term. • The 1980 election pitted Carter against Republican nominee Ronald Reagan.

  9. 1980 Election • Reagan’s career started in Hollywood, where he acted in 53 films.

  10. 1980 Election • As president of the Screen Actors Guild, Reagan worked to remove Communist influences from the movie industry.

  11. 1980 Election • Politically, Reagan had been a conservative Republican since the 1950s.

  12. 1980 Election • In 1966, Reagan was elected governor of California. • Reelected in 1970.

  13. 1980 Election • Reagan appealed to conservative Americans’ traditional values. • Also, the Iranian hostage crisis, a weak economy, and high inflation, hurt Carter’s popularity.

  14. 1980 Election • To voters, Reagan appeared relaxed, charming, and affable. • In contrast to Carter, who often seemed stiff and nervous.

  15. 1980 Election • Reagan’s ability to simplify issues, and give clear answers earned him the nickname, “The Great Communicator.”

  16. 1980 Election • In 1980, Reagan and V.P. George Bush defeated Carter by a narrow majority. • Also, Republicans gained control of the Senate for the first time since 1954.

  17. Reaganomics • Reagan’s package of new economic policies was dubbed “Reaganomics” and consisted of three parts:

  18. Reaganomics • 1.budget cuts • Less government spending on social programs, such as food stamps, welfare, Medicaid, school lunches, and student loans.

  19. Reaganomics • 2. tax cuts • Less taxes people save more money banks loan more money to businesses business expands, productivity improves, and prices fall

  20. Reaganomics • 3. increased defense spending • From 1981-1984, the Defense Department budget almost doubled.

  21. Reaganomics • Reagan revived two controversial weapons systems—the MX missile and the B-1 bomber.

  22. Reaganomics • Despite these measures, problems continued to plague the economy. • Tax cuts helped the rich, while social welfare cuts had hurt the poor.

  23. Reaganomics • Despite large budget cuts, government spending was still greater than revenue received through tax dollars.

  24. Reaganomics • By the end of his first term, the national debt had doubled.

  25. Deregulation • Reagan sought to reduce the size of the federal government, through less interference in industry.

  26. Deregulation • Reagan removed price controls on oil. • Eliminated federal health and safety inspections for nursing homes

  27. Deregulation • Also, deregulated the airline, savings, and loan industries. • Reagan cut the budget of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

  28. 1984 Election • In 1984, Reagan was extremely popular, and he easily won reelection against Democrat Walter Mondale.

  29. 1988 Election • By the end of Reagan’s second term, Americans still saw little reason for change. • Most Americans were economically comfortable.

  30. 1988 Election • Republican George Bush was elected in 1988, vowing to continue Reagan’s legacy. • “Read my lips: no new taxes.”

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