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WILLOWS PRIMARY SCHOOL PROSPECTUS 2013/14. W E L C O M E. Welcome . Headteacher’s letter Dear Prospective Parents, Pupils and Visitors, Thank you for taking the time to visit The Willows Primary School. As you will have noticed from your visit it is a very
W E L C O M E Welcome ...... Headteacher’s letter Dear Prospective Parents, Pupils and Visitors, Thank you for taking the time to visit The Willows Primary School. As you will have noticed from your visit it is a very happy, vibrant and busy place. Our pupils enjoy coming to school and benefit greatly from the many exciting learning opportunities they are given. The dedicated staff team places a strong emphasis on creating a safe, well-resourced and attractive environment in which all children can learn. The Willows Primary School is a family-orientated school and encourages parents, family members and volunteers from the local community to support learning in all areas of the curriculum and school events. At The Willows Primary School we are different because: • We use the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) • All children over 7 play a musical instrument • Residential trips are planned annually for all pupils from Year 3 • A broad range of clubs and extra-curricular activities are offered • We have very committed school staff and governors • Our PTA are enthusiastic in both fundraising and organising social events • We have been part of a formal collaboration with Hampstead Norreys CE Primary School since November 2009, having been their headteacher for five years I became headteacher of both schools. This exciting and unique relationship enables staff and pupils the opportunity to work across two schools I hope some of the information here will help to confirm whether our school is the right environment for your child. However, if you still have unanswered questions please just get in touch and a member of my team or I will happily answer them. Yours sincerely, Alexandra Butler Executive Headteacher Leadership team Miss Alex Butler - Executive Headteacher - Mrs Amanda Cook – PA Mrs Sarah Coxell – Head of School Mrs Alison McDonald – KS2 Team Leader Mrs Sarah Coxell – KS1 Team leader Miss Carla Szadowski – Foundation Stage Team Leader Mrs Clair Lawes - SENCo Mrs Jill Bellingham - School Business Manager Willows Primary School, Tel: 01635 42155 Pyle Hill, Fax:01635 48484 Greenham, e-mail: abutler@willows.w-berks.sch.uk Newbury, Berkshire RG14 7SJ WPS Prospectus 2013/2014
V I S I O N A N D S T R U C T U R E Vision & Aims School Structure Vision For every child to engage in and enjoy learning. The Willows Primary aims to be an inspirational and vibrant environment where children can enjoy learning. Our school :- • Provides a safe, welcoming environment; • Develops the whole child; • Promotes independence; • Maximises potential; • Encourages a responsible, caring attitude. Aims to: • Give access to all subjects within the National Curriculum. • Allow children to become independent and confident, to be able to communicate well and respect others. • Provide excellent facilities and opportunities. • Encourage pupils to contribute and play their part. The Willows Primary is a community school for children aged 3 – 11 years. There are ten classes at The Willows, all with tree names. Early Years Foundation Stage Elm, Fir and Oak (Reception aged 3 – 5) KS1 (Yrs 1 and 2 – aged 5 – 7) Pine, Beech & Yew KS2 (Years 3 – 6) Maple & Cedar – Years 3 & 4/ aged 7-9) Eucalyptus and Acacia – Years 5 & 6 /aged 9-11 Teaching Staff Miss Carla Szadowski – Foundation Stage - Elm Miss Emily Beckett – Foundation Stage – Oak Miss Nicola Thomas – Foundation Stage – Fir Mrs Alison Hann – KS1 – Yew Miss Kate Paterson – KS1 – Beech Miss Louise Clarkson – KS1 – Pine Mrs Alison McDonald – KS2 – Maple Miss Anna Head – KS2 – Cedar Mrs Jo Davis – KS2 – Acacia Mrs Tess Evans – KS2 – Eucalyptus Mrs Ruth Wild – Planning Preparation Assessment Cover Teaching Assistants Mrs R Block Mrs A Gilbert Mr T Gilmartin Miss A Green Mrs B Griffin Mrs S Perry Mrs N Reynolds Mrs S Rosier Mrs H Smith Mrs M Carter Mrs A Lloyd Mrs L Pearce Mrs E Popper Mr S Moreton Mrs M Dymond Mrs S Forte Additional Lunchtime Carers Mrs T Sage,, Mrs C Heath, Mrs J Buchanan, Mrs C Patel, Mrs L Pearce Office Mrs J Bellingham, School Business Manager Mrs A Cook, EHT PA Mrs P Jones, Admin Officer Mrs B Hargreaves, Reception/Admin Assistant Pastoral Mrs D Green, Pastoral Support Worker Other Staff Mr David Lategan, Site Controller Mrs S Chandler, Cleaner Mrs C Heath, Cleaner Mrs T Sage, Cleaner WPS Prospectus 2013/2014
The Curriculum L E A R N I N G The school embraces the National Curriculum, The Primary Strategy, The Foundation Stage Curriculum and the International Primary Curriculum. These aim to give a broad-based curriculum suited to the age and aptitude of every child. The Core Curriculum subjects of numeracy and literacy occupy the larger part of curriculum time. The International Primary Curriculum (IPC) From Year 1 our pupils follow the IPC, which includes geography, history, art, music, design technology, information technology, physical education & personal social health and citizenship education. The IPC is an integrated skills based curriculum based on fun topics which follows cross-curricular National Curriculum subjects, yet drawing on the child’s previous learnt experiences wherever possible. Numeracy - Numeracy is taught to pupils as a class, group or individual activity. The needs of the pupils are met through differentiated tasks. The Numeracy Strategy is followed throughout the school. Investigations and problem solving are provided at all levels. At Key Stage 2 mathematical learning is expanded and developed. Calculators are used in upper Key Stage 2 for specific tasks, to correct and investigate. Literacy - The Literacy Hour takes place in all classes each day. Literacy work includes reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. English is also integrated into other curriculum areas. Pupils are taught as a whole class and also in small groups. We encourage pupils to develop their written work through note taking, draft writing and word processing on the computer. Handwriting and spelling are given regular curriculum time. Every child in the school participates in a daily phonics lesson which takes place in ability set groups. We have a wide variety of reading books in our well-stocked library and age appropriate books in classrooms. The school drama production usually takes place at the end of the Summer term. Science - Pupils have opportunities throughout their primary years to investigate and experiment with scientific ideas. Skills, knowledge and understanding develop from these investigations. Planning and organistional skills are taught through experimental work. All pupils record their results in pictorial and written form. Modern Foreign Languages - Pupils in KS2 have the opportunity to learn French. Lessons are highly practical and focus on learning the language through songs, poems, role play and games. However, we acknowledge and celebrate the rich variety of language experiences our children bring to the community to reflect our multi-lingual society. WPS Prospectus 2013/2014
L E A R N I N G Music - The love and enjoyment of music in its various forms is something that this school considers extremely important. Music is for everyone. Currently all children in KS2 have the opportunity to learn an instrument, including brass and guitar and there are opportunities to learn other instruments through extra-curricular activities. ICT (Information Communication Technology) - ICT is used regularly to reinforce mathematical concepts and to be a source of information for data-handling work, but is used in all subject areas. Interactive whiteboards are used in all classes and we have an excellent, large new ICT suite. The school has a set of ipads, kindles and other mobile devices. Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum – All children enter school full-time in the September after their fourth birthday. The mornings have a numeracy or literacy learning focus, linked to the theme for the term. All children join in a daily phonics session. There are indoor and outdoor learning opportunities and we ensure all children benefit from child-initiated play and adult directed learning, appropriate for their age and development. Religious Education - RE is provided in accordance with the current LA agreed syllabus. The syllabus reflects the fact that the religious traditions in this country are in the main Christian, whilst taking into account teachings and practices of other religions represented in Great Britain today. Collective Worship takes place every day, four times a week the whole school meet in the hall. All parents and friends are welcomed to the children's sharing assemblies. Dates of each class assembly are announced in the newsletter and on the termly dates list. The school hold several church services each year which are led by the children, to which all members of the school and local community are welcome. Physical Education (PE) - Physical education is a very important part of a child’s development. We acknowledge the importance of sport in society and aim that the children will develop the necessary physical skills and attitudes required for active participation. There is an annual programme of athletic activities, tag rugby, football, games, dance, gymnastic activities, swimming, OAA (outdoor & adventurous activities) and the school has an Activemark award for good practice in PE. Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education - All pupils take part in weekly PSHCE lessons. These lessons follow a scheme of work which includes themes such as all about me, my family, friendship, people who help us, relationships, feelings, drugs and alcohol, the environment, money and economic well being, staying safe and being healthy. Sex Education - Sex Education is part of our school curriculum at the end of Key Stage 2 (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6). Parents have prior access to the audio visual content used and are invited to discuss the approach taken by staff. Children in the younger age range have no formal sex education, although health and relationship issues are dealt with through other topics. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of the Sex Education programme provided. Alternative activities will be allocated to children not partaking in these lessons. WPS Prospectus 2013/2014
A-Z G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N Absences - School attendance is a legal requirement and as such, we have a stringent attendance policy in place which is available on request from the school office. All absences due to illness should be notified to the school office as soon as possible, ideally by phone before 9:00am. An absence is unauthorised if the school is not notified by phone or in writing as to the reason and our Pastoral Support Worker will follow these up. The Education Welfare Officer will be involved with persistent absentees and children who continually arrive late. As part of the school’s rewards system, attendance awards are given to children whose attendance is above a certain level. Lateness If your child arrives late, they should report to the classroom initially. If the register has been sent to the office, the child is asked to report to the office to be signed in. After 9.30am,your child is marked as ‘late after registration’ which is classed as unauthorised absence. Accident Reporting/First Aid - In the event of any mishaps, all accidents are noted on an accident form indicating the cause and treatment given. At the end of the school day, you will be asked to sign an accident form to show that you have been informed about the accident by the class teacher. In case of an accident requiring further medical attention, we will follow our practice of contacting you immediately. Staff have First Aid Qualifications which are updated on a regular basis. Admissions - The Local Authority (LA) manage admissions to this school. The School takes boys and girls between the ages of 3 and 11. The LA should be consulted before seeking a place at The Willows. They will supply information on availability of places. An appointment with the Headteacher may then be made to arrange an admission date. Detailed information is available on the website at www.westberks.gov.uk Nursery Admissions - Children can be registered on our waiting list from the age of 2 years by completing our Nursery Admission form. We admit children to our nursery in the term after their 3rd birthday for half day sessions, 5 days a week. In the term before your child is due to start, we invite you and your child to visit. Once a place is accepted, the teacher will arrange a home visit and a date to start. It must be pointed out that you would still need to apply to the LA for a place in Reception class. Foundation stage (Reception) - children with 5th birthdays falling between September 1st and the following August 31st, will be admitted full-time at the beginning of the Autumn Term to the Reception class. Before and After School Care – A breakfast club operates from 8am – 8.50am in the staffroom. Children can be dropped at the main school entrance from 8am. Breakfast is provided and all pupils are expected to brush their teeth!! A daily After-School Care Club operates from 3.10pm until 5.30pm in the community room (week days, term time only). The KS1 children are collected from their classes and taken to the centre by a member of staff. The activities include: Arts and Crafts, Lego, board games, television, PS2, DVD player, singing and dancing, physical games – indoors and outdoors, books, puzzles, supervised access to our Multi Use Games Area and lots more included in the price. Healthy snacks are provided. Children may attend as many days as you like providing spaces are available. Registration forms and current information are available from Mrs Natasha Fishlock, After School Club Supervisor, in the after school club every afternoon from 3.00pm. She can be contacted on 07847 585206. Ask in the school office for an information leaflet. WPS Prospectus 2013/2014
A-Z G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N Behaviour/Conduct - Governors, teaching and non-teaching staff have agreed a Behaviour Policy. We promote a partnership contract between school and home regarding pupil behaviour. If a child displays persistent anti-social behaviour a meeting will be arranged between parents and teacher so that the matter can be discussed. The Local Authority (LA) policy permits exclusion of a pupil from school in the rare cases of serious and persistent discipline problems. We have a successful rewards and sanctions system in place which involves the child going through a series of stages up to stage 5, being the highest reward, when the child receives a red letter presented in whole school assembly. A sanctions system is also in place for when behaviour is not acceptable. Community - The school has close links with the community, including the local church, the community centre and community wardens, the Children’s Centre on our site and regularly gets involved in community activities. Communications - A newsletter is circulated to parents regularly, in which current and future events are reported. The Parents-Teacher/Friends Association (PTFA) also use a newsletter to inform parents of current and forthcoming events. We also use a very effective texting system to remind and inform parents of important issues. Our website is populated with lots of useful information in more detail and useful forms for parents’ use -www.willows.westberks.org. We hold regular parent meetings for giving information and termly parent consultation evenings are held. Emergency - please inform the office of any change in emergency contact numbers stated on the admission form. Expressing your concerns - Occasionally, parents may have reason to be concerned about their child’s education. If you are concerned, you should, in the first instance, approach your child’s classteacher; then, if necessary, approach the headteacher. The Governing Body are also there to assist parents and may be contacted through the school office. If a concern relates to the curriculum, there is a statutory procedure established by the LA for dealing with written complaints. Details of the formal process are available from the office. The office also keeps a list of who to go to for a variety of day to day issues, available on request. WPS Prospectus 2013/2014
A-Z G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N Extra-Curricular Activities See in the photo all the clubs available . Every term a list of all the clubs is sent home with the children to decide with parents what they are interested in and places are offered on a first come/first served basis. These are usually run by teachers, volunteers, parents etc. Some are at lunchtime and others after school from 3:15pm to 4:15pm. They include, Dr Who club, Japanese, Football, Storytime, Homework, Table Tennis, Art, Cross Country, French, Recorder, and many more!! Facilities - Our school has several large classrooms and a foundation stage unit, comprising separate classrooms with a self contained play area. In addition, we have a newly refurbished reception/administration office, a large air conditioned ICT suite, brand new library and extensive outside facilities, including 2 adventure playgrounds a large sports field and a conservation area with pond. There are also extra temporary buildings – terrapins which are used for meetings and other activities. Getting to School Walking to school We are encouraged by the amount of families who walk to and from school and would suggest that parents do not consider allowing children to walk alone until they are in Years 5/6. Coming to School by Car Parents are asked not to park in the school car park, apart from disability reasons. Parking is available outside on the road, but obviously avoid the zig-zag yellow lines. Cycling Parents are requested not to allow their child to cycle to school unaccompanied or unsupervised unless the child has passed the Bikeability 1 and 2. Training for Year 5 pupils takes place annually in the Autumn Term. Bad Weather Should it become necessary to close the school due to bad weather, an announcement will be made on local radio stations including BBC Radio Berkshire and Newbury Sound during the peak programmes, a text message will be sent and our website updated. Homework - Children in Foundation Stage are sometimes set a task to do at home. We do encourage parents to hear reading and each child has a home/school reading book and accompanying record book. Pupils in Years 1 and 2 may be given small tasks to complete at home, including spelling and reading. Pupils in Years 3,4,5 and 6 are set regular homework. Pupils in Years 5 and 6 will be given extra projects in order to establish a routine for the transition to Secondary School. In all these cases parents will be consulted, ensuring home/school liaison. WPS Prospectus 2013/2014
A-Z G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N Meals - are prepared in our own kitchen, with a choice of meals available daily, including a vegetarian option at a cost of £2.05 per day. Menus are sent out in advance from ISS, the contracted catering company, so that children can decide with you what meal is required. Also available on our website. Payment must be made daily, although parents may pay in advance on the Monday of each week or online www.feedinghungryminds.co.uk/online-payments (Please note that credit cannot be given). Cheques made payable to ISS. Children may bring their own healthy packed lunch if they wish, in a secure, named plastic container. Healthy snacks are available at morning break time at between 25-50p. All pupils in Reception, Year 1 and 2 receive a piece of free fruit under the government’s free fruit scheme. (If you are in receipt of eligible benefits e.g. Income Support, Job Seeker’s Allowance, Child Tax Credits etc., you may be eligible for Free School Meals. Please contact West Berkshire Council on tel.01635 519777. It is necessary to re-register termly for Free School Meals and only authorised documentary proof can be accepted.) NO SWEETS, NUTS OR NUT PRODUCTS ARE ALLOWED IN SCHOOL Medicines-Children finishing a course of medicine may attend school if they are well enough. Medicines are locked in the office (or fridge in staffroom) and should be given to the reception in the morning. A signed consent form must then be completed in order for the medicine to be administered (can be obtained from the website). It is the responsibility of the adult collecting the child to ensure that the medicine is taken home. PLEASE INFORM THE SCHOOL IF YOUR CHILD HAS A MEDICAL CONDITION WE SHOULD BE AWARE OF. Parental access to information - all school documentation regarding the Governors’ Meetings and subject policy documents are available in the office. Any requests for information should be put in writing and sent to the school office. Parental Consent - On admission to the school, parents are asked to sign a home school agreement and give permission for various activities, including internet access, permission to take the children out locally, to take photographs for use in promotional activities such as school prospectus, the website and local press. Written permission is always sought from parents for trips involving transport, prior to each visit. Parental involvement –The school has an active Parent Teachers Friends Association (PTFA). All parents are automatically members of the Association and are encouraged to join in and support the various activities organised. The PTFA raises funds to provide additional resources and facilities for the school, such as adventure playground equipment, music and computer equipment, trips to the pantomime, computer equipment. The PTFA hold regular events such as discos, Summer fayre, Christmas bazaar, etc. We also welcome volunteer helpers to carry out various tasks such as helping walk children to venues near the school, help children read etc. All volunteers are subject to a CRB check. WPS Prospectus 2013/2014
A-Z G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N Pastoral Care - The Staff of The Willows School take responsibility for pupils in their care within the school premises. This care extends to extra-curricular activities outside the school premises. The values, standards and attitudes of the school are made clear to the children. We have a pastoral support worker who works with children who may have issues with their self-esteem, behaviour, etc and several staff have been specially trained in Emotional Literacy (ELSA). A Family Support Worker also provides help and support to families and holds regular coffee mornings and parenting groups. This post is funded by the New Jigsaw Partnership. Reporting to Parents –Parents’ evenings are held in the Autumn and Spring terms. These consultations also include reporting end of Key stage 1 (Infant) and Key Stage 2 (Junior) Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) results. An annual report on the progress of each child and their attainments is sent to parents at the end of the Summer term and termly progress reports. Safeguarding - The security and safety of the children in our care is of paramount importance and various procedures are in place to this end. All visitors have to gain access through the secure reception area and are asked to sign in on entry and exit, their identity being verified. All staff and anyone working with the children have to be CRB checked. Children are always closely supervised. School Council - The school council of pupils have devised their own Code of Conduct, which is on display in school. We encourage self-discipline and promote acceptable social behaviour. The school council have regular meetings and discuss a range of topics from improving the school grounds to deciding on playtime equipment. Special Educational Needs - We are aware that during their Primary School years some children may experience difficulties in aspects of learning and may require extra assistance. Likewise other children need extra challenge. Our Special Needs Policy encourages early recognition of these needs and in line with the 2001 Code of Practice, parents will be consulted and kept informed and involved. If there is a fundamental problem, the school has developed procedures that ensure a programme of work with learning support. We do have a Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator whose work is primarily to address the needs of these children. The school has wheelchair access and a disabled toilet facility.Special Needs Support Service The Special Needs Support Service Team visit on a regular basis and together with the staff help with developing this support in school. Wherever possible, children are taught in groups to retain their sense of belonging in class. The individual needs of the child are, however, paramount. Able Pupils showing an exceptional gift or talent within a specific subject are placed on an individual programme of work and sometimes have opportunities to participate in secondary school enrichment days to further stretch them. WPS Prospectus 2013/2014
A-Z G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N Staff Training - Five days are allocated annually to Staff In-Service training. The training is planned in conjunction with the needs of the school outlined in the School development plan. Timings - School Day is from 8:50am to 3:10pm 8:40 The pupils gate is unlocked and pupils enter through doors near Early Years 8:50 Morning registration 10:30-10:45 Break 12:10-1:00pm Lunch 2:15-2:30 Break for Years 1/2 3:10 End of school day Transferring to Secondary School - There are generally 3 secondary schools in this area, but the majority of the pupils move on to Park House Secondary School, with whom we have close links. A number of transition activities aim to ease the move to secondary school. Parents of Year 5 and 6 pupils will be informed about Open evenings in local secondary schools. Uniform For boys:- grey or black long trousers / short trousers, (no jeans or tracksuits) white or grey shirt (and this can include a white polo shirt), blue jersey or sweatshirt, grey socks For girls:- grey skirt/pinafore dress or grey or black trousers (not jeans or tracksuits) white blouse or shirt, (and this can include a polo shirt), blue jersey, cardigan or sweatshirt, grey or white socks or grey or black tights For both:- PE Kit:- black shorts and blue owl motif Willows t-shirts, trainers or plimsolls. One piece swimsuit (any design) for girls and trunks for boys. Swimming hats. Shoes Children are expected to wear appropriate school shoes. Trainers will not be allowed except for play or PE. School shoes must be black tie up, buckle or with Velcro fittings, with a LOW HEEL. For the summer term we will expect all children to have a sun hat For boys:- shorts may be worn For girls:- as for the winter or a white/blue gingham dress OUR SCHOOL UNIFORM SWEATSHIRTS AND CARDIGANS (WITH OWL LOGO) ARE AVAILABLE FROM: TRUTEX, (FORMERLY NATIONAL SCHOOLWEAR), 13 BARTHOLOMEW ST., NEWBURY, BERKSHIRE RG14 5LL TEL: 01635 38285 email: newbury@n-sc.co.uk Uniform Prices – Please see our website for current prices Please name all items of clothing. Jewellery is not allowed in school. Children with pierced ears may wear round studs. These will have to be removed for PE and swimming. WPS Prospectus 2012/2013
A-Z G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N Visits– It is our desire to give the children as many opportunities to go offsite and visit places of interest, take part in special events and go on residential trips etc. We are somewhat hindered in this desire by the cost and so rely heavily on voluntary contributions from parents, or donations from charitable organisations, otherwise it would be impossible for us to arrange these visits. Contributions towards these curriculum-enriching activities are gratefully received. Visits to the school are welcome. Please contact the school office to arrange an appointment. To apply for a place, you will need to complete a Local Authority admission form and send to the School Admissions Team, West Berks Council, West Street House, West St, Newbury RG14 5BT. Once they have offered a place, we will then arrange to admit the child. Nursery admissions are dealt with by the school. You just need to complete our own admission form and return it to the school office and let us have sight of the birth certificate. The Admissions Officer will then contact you to arrange admission at the appropriate time. We look forward to welcoming you. We are here How to find us:- Heading south from A34, take A339 signposted Winchester, follow signs for Newbury Racecourse. Our school is south of the racecourse, head up Greenham Road, turn right into The Nightingales and school is on the corner. Willows Primary School, Tel: 01635 42155 Pyle Hill, Fax:01635 48484 Greenham, e-mail: abutler@willows.w-berks.sch.uk Newbury, office@willows.w-berks.sch.uk Berkshire RG14 7SJ WPS Prospectus 2012/2013