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Academic Health Science Networks

Academic Health Science Networks. 08 November 2012. Andrew Riley Programme Director Yorkshire & Humber AHSN. Innovation, Health Wealth (The NHS’s contribution to the UK’s Plan for Growth). NHS. 1. Improve population & patient outcomes and experience 2. Improve productivity and efficiency

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Academic Health Science Networks

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  1. Academic Health Science Networks 08 November 2012 Andrew Riley Programme Director Yorkshire & Humber AHSN

  2. Innovation, Health Wealth(The NHS’s contribution to the UK’s Plan for Growth) NHS 1. Improve population & patient outcomes and experience 2. Improve productivity and efficiency 3. Generate economic growth and wealth INNOVATION HEALTH AND WEALTH ACCELERATING ADOPTION AND DIFFUSION IN THE NHS

  3. Y&H Regional Variations Life expectancy ranges; men from 74.7 to 80 and women 79 to 84. Obese children % ranges; 26% to 44% Smoking attributable mortality ranges; 16% to 22% Stroke mortality varies from 10.4% to 24.5% Mothers initiating breast feeding; 49% to 78% Day surgery procedure cholecystectomy 4% to 52% Patients are 16% more likely to die if admitted to hospital on a Sunday than in the week.

  4. Problems to be tackled Significant service variability leading to increased risk for Boards to manage Islands of good practice, limited/no spread Financial pressures being handled in isolation Clinical reconfigurations slow or non existent Crowded and confusing innovation, R&D environment Workforce planning, education, development planning mixed Industry unable to engage with the NHS Y&H limited national and international presence Disproportionate R&D investment in London and the SE only 8% in North of England Historically poor use of IT and information Failure to interest, excite or involve front line staff in the quality and resource agenda Historical inter-organisational tensions prevented development

  5. AHSN Key Dates Y&H AHSN Business Plan & Prospectus developed Submitted to DH DH Assessment Re-work and re-submit DH Feedback 7/11/12 If No DH Interview & approval to proceed 24/1/13 Develop detailed five-year BP with Partners If yes Approval to proceed AHSN established 3 Aug- 28 Sep 28 Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan From 1 Apr 13

  6. Our Goals Increasing Participation In Research Information at the core Transforming Healthcare Improving Health & Wealth Translating Research & Learning into Practice Collaboration on Education & Training

  7. Delivering the Goals (1) Specific Programmes to improve Public Health Transformation Academy – integrating activity Charter for Quality research and innovation Innovation accelerator to reward rapid evaluation and adoption Patient, carers and community Involvement A centre for Innovation and Best Practice Intelligence Industry forum Target of £1bn of leveraged additional income over 5 years. Northern Health Service Alliance – a network of networks

  8. Delivering the Goals (2) Implementing DH “sunset” review in Y&H to simplify the landscape. Coordinating Innovation, R&D activity across the region through “nested planning” Spreading best practice by investing in existing programmes that are delivering results. Commissioning specific work programmes from third parties including the commercial sector Establishing a small central PMO Delivering specific work programmes “in-house”

  9. Five year Business Plan Detailed, resourced plan for each year of the 5 year license, by work programme NHS Operating Framework, Public Health Framework “Nested” with other organisations such as CLAHRCs, CLRN’s, NCESEM etc Clear objectives with KPI’s New programmes and existing re-commissioned Demonstrating benefits for the population, patients carers and members. Due in 18 December 2012.

  10. Governance Transitional arrangements (to 31 October 13) Programme Steering Board Programme Executive Organisation Input and workstream leadership Membership fees Substantive arrangements (from 01 November 13) Membership organisation; Full members and Associates Matched funding Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) Board of Directors

  11. Summary Y&H AHSN Operational from April 2013 Focus; “Improving translation of Innovation, Health and Wealth Building on existing valued programmes Speeding up spread and adoption of best practice Supporting member organisations Building relationships with Industry

  12. How can you become involved? The AHSN is a membership organisation with the purpose of supporting members achieve quality and outcome improvements whilst increasing productivity and efficiency. It will be as strong as the input and involvement of members allows. So please get involved. Contact Andrew Riley – andrew.riley@sth.nhs.uk

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