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Chapter 9. Linear Momentum and Collisions. Intro. Consider bowling: Bowling ball collides with initial pin Force on/Acceleration of the Pin Force on/Acceleration of the ball Momentum- simplified way to study these moving objects. 9.1 Linear Momentum and Conservation.
Chapter 9 Linear Momentum and Collisions
Intro • Consider bowling: • Bowling ball collides with initial pin • Force on/Acceleration of the Pin • Force on/Acceleration of the ball • Momentum- simplified way to study these moving objects.
9.1 Linear Momentum and Conservation Consider two particles (isolated) m1 and m2 moving at v1 and v2 From Newton’s 3rd Law
9.1 • And if the the masses are constant • If the derivative of a function is 0 it is constant (conserved)
9.1 • Linear Momentum- the product of the mass and velocity of a moving particle. • Momentum is a vector quantity • Has dimensions MLT-1 and SI units kg.m/s • All momentum is conserved • Three Components of Momentum
9.1 • Directly related to Newton’s 2nd Law • Instead of Net Force equals mass times accel. • Can be described as Net Force equals time rate of change of momentum
9.1 • Conservation of Momentum • For isolated systems the time derivative of the total momentum is 0 • The total momentum is therefore constant or conserved. Law of Conservation of Momentum • And in 3 components
9.1 • Quick Quizzes p 254-255 • Examples 9.1-9.2
9.2 Impulse and Momentum • The momentum of an object changes when a net force acts on it or • Integrating this gives
9.2 • Impulse-Momentum Theorem- the impulse of the force F acting on a particle equals the change in momentum of the particle • Force Varies, impulse time is short impulse can generally be calculated with the average force.
9.2 • Quick Quizzes p. 258 • Examples 9.3-9.4
9.3 Collisions in 1-D • Momentum is conserved • Three types of Collisions • Inelastic • Perfectly Inelastic • Elastic
9.3 • Inelastic Collision- Momentum is conserved but kinetic energy is not. • Inelastic- objects collide and separate, some K is lost • Perfectly Inelastic- objects collide and stick together (moving as one), some K is lost
9.3 • Elastic Collisions-A collision in which no energy is lost to (surroundings / internal / potential) • Both momentum and kinetic energy are conserved
9.3 • By combining the Conservation of p and K equations • In all collision types careful attention to the direction (and sign) of velocities must be paid.
9.3 • Quick Quizzes p. 262 • Examples 9.5 - 9.9
9.4 2-D Collisions • Momentum is conserved on each axis • Examples 9.10 – 9.12
9.5 Center of Mass • We can describe the overall motion of a mechanical system by tracking its center of mass • System could be a group of particles • System could be a large extended object • A force applied to the center of mass will cause no rotation to the system
9.5 • To find the center of mass in 3-D space for a number (i) particles • Or in terms of the position vector of each particle
9.5 • For extended objects that have a continuous mass distribution • Consider them an infinite number of closely spaced particles • The sum becomes an integral
9.5 • Or in terms of the position vector • For symmetrical objects, the center of mass lies on the axis/plane of symmetry • Examples: uniform rod, sphere, cube, donut?
9.5 • For extended objects, the force of gravity acts individually on each small piece of mass (dm) • The net effect of all these forces is equivalent to the single force Mg, through a point called the center of gravity. • If the gravitational field is uniform across all dm, the center of gravity and center of mass are one and the same.
9.5 • Quick quiz p 272 • Examples 9.13, 9.14, 9.15
9.6 Motion of a System • If the mass of a system remains constant (no particles entering/leaving) then we can track the motion of the center of mass, rather than the individual particles. • Also assumes any forces on the system are internal (isolated)
9.6 • Velocity of the center of mass • Acceleration of the center of mass
9.6 • If there is a net force on the system, it will move equivalent to the way a single M with the same net force would move. • And if the net force is zero
9.6 • Quick Quizzes p. 276 • Examples 9.17, 9.18
9.7 Rocket Propulsion • Most forms of vehicular motion result from action/reaction friction. • A rocket has nothing to push against so its motion/control depend on conservation of motion of the system. • The system includes the rocket body (and payload) plus the ejected fuel
9.7 • The rocket burns fuel and oxidizer creating expanding gases that are directed through the nozzle. • Each gas molecule has a mass (that was once part of the rockets total mass) and velocity, therefore a downward momentum. • The rocket receives the same compensating momentum upward.
9.7 • Looking a rocket initially with mass M + Δm, moving with velocity v…
9.7 • And some time, Δt, later... • The rocket now has mass, M and velocity v + Δv, compensating the momentum of the exhausted mass, Δm.
9.7 • The conservation of momentum expression for this change… • Can be simplified to…
9.7 • A rocket motor produces a continuous flow of exhaust gas a fairly constant speed, through the burn • For continually changing values… Δv dv Δm dm So…
9.7 • Because the increase in exhaust mass = the decrease in rocket mass… • Then integrate this expression
9.7 • Discuss integral of M-1 • Evaluating from vi to vf gives the basic expression for rocket propulsion.
9.7 • Mi is the total mass of the rocket/payload plus fuel • Mf is the mass of the rocket/payload • Mi – Mf is the mass of fuel needed to achieve a certain speed (eg. Escape speed to power down rocket)
9.7 • Thrust- the actual force on the rocket at any given time is • Thrust is proportional to exhaust speed and also the rate of change of mass (burn rate). • Examples 9.19 p. 279