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www.nr.no. RgoogleMaps Norsk statistikermøte, Halden , 11. juni 2013. Elisabeth Orskaug Thordis Thorarinsdottir Norsk Regnesentral. André Teigland Forskningssjef SAMBA. 5 . RgoogleMaps. RgoogleMaps. Provide a comfortable R interface to query the Google server for static maps
www.nr.no RgoogleMaps Norsk statistikermøte, Halden, 11. juni 2013 Elisabeth Orskaug Thordis Thorarinsdottir Norsk Regnesentral André Teigland Forskningssjef SAMBA
5. RgoogleMaps RgoogleMaps • Provide a comfortable R interface to querythe Google server for staticmaps • Usethemap as background image to overlay plots within R.
5. RgoogleMaps Plot world map from google maps • library(RgoogleMaps) • MyMap = GetMap(center=c(0,0), zoom =1, destfile = "World1.png") Section 5.1
5. RgoogleMaps Changethecenter You can change the center (lat, lon): • MyMap = GetMap(center=c(59.95,10.7), zoom =1, destfile= "World2.png") Section 5.2
5. RgoogleMaps Change the zoom variable You can zoom the map by changing "zoom": Section 5.3 MyMap = GetMap(center = c(59.95,10.7), zoom =13, destfile = "World4.png") MyMap = GetMap(center = c(59.95,10.7), zoom =10, destfile = "World3.png")
5. RgoogleMaps Change the size You can change the size (pixels). (The default and maximum size is 640x640 pixels): Section 5.4 MyMap = GetMap(center=c(59.95,10.7), zoom =10, destfile = "World3Size500.png", size=c(500,500)) MyMap = GetMap(center=c(59.95,10.7), zoom =10, destfile = "World3Size200.png", size=c(200,200))
5. RgoogleMaps Choose the right maptype There are different maptypes to choose from: Section 5.5 maptype = "satellite" maptype = "roadmap" maptype = "terrain" maptype = "hybrid"
5. RgoogleMaps Make a plot in grayscale You can make a plot in greyscale by adding GRAYSCALE=TRUE: • GetMap(center=c(59.95,10.7), zoom =10, destfile = "OsloTerrainGRAYSCALE.png", maptype = "terrain", GRAYSCALE=TRUE) Section 5.6
5. RgoogleMaps Make a mapincludingseveralpoints #The function qbbox() basically computes a bounding box for the given lat, lonpoints (with a few additional options -> see ?qbbox) #We want to include the points (lat, lon) = (59.95, 10.7), (59.7, 10.3) and (59.3, 11.4). • bb = qbbox(c(59.95, 59.7, 59.3, 62),c(10.7,10.3, 11.4,11.4)) • print(bb) #$latR #[1] 59.2865 62.0135 #$lonR #[1] 10.2945 11.4055 • MyMap = GetMap.bbox(bb$lonR, bb$latR,destfile = "OsloBig.png", maptype = "roadmap") Section 5.7
5. RgoogleMaps Assignment • Make a map that includes both Oslo (lat, lon) = (59.95, 10.7) and Kristiansand (lat, lon) = (58.13, 8.02). Section 5.8
5. RgoogleMaps Suggestion • bb =qbbox(c(59.95, 58.13),c(10.7,8.02)) • MyMap =GetMap.bbox(bb$lonR, bb$latR,destfile = "OsloKristiansand.png", maptype = "roadmap")
5. RgoogleMaps Adding points and lines #Make plot on map: • bb =qbbox(c(59.95, 58.13),c(10.7,8.02)) • MyMap =GetMap.bbox(bb$lonR, bb$latR,destfile = "OsloKristiansand.png", maptype = "roadmap") #Define the markers: • mymarkers =cbind.data.frame(lat = c(59.95, 58.13), lon = c(10.7,8.02)) #plot • png("OsloKristiansandLine.png",640,640) #adding points • tmp =PlotOnStaticMap(MyMap,lat = mymarkers[,"lat"], lon = mymarkers[,"lon"],cex=2.5,pch=20,col=c("cyan", "brown1"), add=F) #adding line • tmp =PlotOnStaticMap(MyMap,lat = mymarkers[,"lat"], lon = mymarkers[,"lon"],col=c("blueviolet"), add=T, FUN = lines, lwd = 4) • dev.off() Section 5.9
5. RgoogleMaps Example of plotting points • png("cosomapPoints.png") • data(cosomap) • bb =qbbox(lon=cosomap$POINTS$lon-360,lat=cosomap$POINTS$lat) • MyMap =GetMap.bbox(bb$lonR, bb$latR,destfile = "Coso.png", maptype= "satellite",zoom=11) • tmp =PlotOnStaticMap(MyMap,lon=cosomap$POINTS$lon-360,lat=cosomap$POINTS$lat, pch=20,cex = .5,col= "red", verbose=0) • dev.off() Section 5.10
5. RgoogleMaps Add a square in a map Plot one square in a map over Norway. • MyMap = GetMap.bbox(c(4.51,31.26), c(57.91,71.24), destfile= "Norway.png" , GRAYSCALE=T, size=c(410,410), zoom=4) • pdf("MapNorwayOneSquare.pdf") • indNor = 600 #choose one grid out of 777. • polys = data.frame(PID=rep(1,4),SID=rep(1,4),POS=1:4, X=c(coord.lon[indNor,1],coord.lon[indNor,4],coord.lon[indNor,3],coord.lon[indNor,2]), Y = c(coord.lat[indNor,1], coord.lat[indNor,4], coord.lat[indNor,3], coord.lat[indNor,2])) • color1 = rainbow(20,alpha=0.8) #transparent color; the map is shown under the square. • nr.color = 17 • PlotPolysOnStaticMap(MyMap, polys, lwd=.5, col=color1[nr.color], add = F) • graphics.off() Section 5.11
5. RgoogleMaps Add border of counties Map over Norway adding border of counties. • PlotPolysOnStaticMap(MyMap, shp[ind[1]:ind2[1],], col=0, lwd=.5, add = F,verbose=.5) • for(i in 2:length(ind)){ • PlotPolysOnStaticMap(MyMap, shp[ind[i]:ind2[i],], col=0, lwd=.5, add = T,verbose=.5) • } Section 5.12
5. RgoogleMaps Add squares and border of counties Plot squares that covers Norway and add border of counties. • PlotPolysOnStaticMap(MyMap, shp[ind[1]:ind2[1],], col=0, lwd=.5, add = F,verbose=.5) • for(i in 2:length(ind)){ • PlotPolysOnStaticMap(MyMap, shp[ind[i]:ind2[i],], col=0, lwd=.5, add = T,verbose=.5) • } • for(indNorin 1:nrow(index.norway)){ • polys=data.frame(PID=rep(1,4),SID=rep(1,4),POS=1:4, X=c(coord.lon[indNor,1],coord.lon[indNor,4],coord.lon[indNor,3],coord.lon[indNor,2]), Y = c(coord.lat[indNor,1],coord.lat[indNor,4],coord.lat[indNor,3],coord.lat[indNor,2])) • color1 = rainbow(20,alpha=0.2) • nr.color= 10 • PlotPolysOnStaticMap(MyMap, polys, lwd=.5, col=color1[nr.color], add = T) • } Section 5.13
5. RgoogleMaps Add squares and border of counties maptype = hybrid Section 5.14
5. RgoogleMaps Assignment • Add grids covering only Finnmark (the county longest North) on the map "Norway.png". Section 5.15
5. RgoogleMaps Suggestion • pdf("MapFinnmark.pdf") • … • for(indNorin c(633,639:nrow(index.norway))){ • … • } • graphics.off()
www.nr.no Short break André Teigland Forskningssjef SAMBA