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The authors have no financial interest in the subject matter of this e-poster. Comparison of surgically induced astigmatism after phacoemulsification trough 3.2, 2.2 and 1.8 clear corneal incision. . Luis Izquierdo Jr MD. PhD . Maria Alejandra Henriquez MD. Amapola Rey Sanchez MD. .
The authors have no financial interest in the subject matter of this e-poster Comparison of surgically induced astigmatism after phacoemulsification trough 3.2, 2.2 and 1.8 clear corneal incision. Luis Izquierdo JrMD. PhD. Maria Alejandra HenriquezMD. Amapola Rey SanchezMD.
To compare surgically induced astigmatism (SIA) after phacoemulsification trough clear cornea of 1.8 mm, 2.2 mm and 2.8 mm. Purpose
This prospective, randomized and comparative study included 72 eyes of 72 patients that were divided into 3 groups according the size of the clear cornea incision (3.2 mm, 2.8 mm and 2.2 mm). • The intraocular lens (IOLs) implanted were Tecnis (ZA9003, AMO),Tecnis ( ZCBOO, AMO) and IQ (SN60WF de Alcon). • Pre and postoperative (1 months) uncorrected and bestcorrected visual acuity (UCVA, BCVA), spherical equivalent (SE) and topography was recorded and compared. • The SIA was calculated with a software, the statistically analysis was performed by Mann Whitney test. Methods
There were statistically significant difference between the 3.2 and 2.8 mm group (p = 0.002) and the 3.2 versus the 2.2 mm group (p = 0.001). • The postoperative UCVA in the 3.2, 2.8 and 2.2 mm group were 0.10, 0.20, 0.30 logMAR respectively. • The postoperative SE for the 3.2, 2.8 and 2.2 mm were -0.13, -0.26, y -0.25 respectively (p > 0.05 for all the comparison groups). RESULTS
1.09 0.77 Diopters 0.39 Incision size
Uncorrected visual acuity comparing the 3 groups Preoperative UCVA (LogMAR) Postoperative UCVA (LogMAR) LogMar There were statistically significant difference between the 3 groups (p= 0.003)
Induced astigmatism comparing the 3 groups SIA:1.09 SIA:0.39 SIA:0.77
The cataract surgery trough 2.2 mm clear cornea incision showed the best visual improvement and the smallest SIA. CONCLUSIONS
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Luis Izquierdo Jr. • OpthalmologyResidency, Escola Paulista de Medicina , Brasil. • Fellow in Cornea. UC Davis. CA. USA • Master in Ophthalmology. USMP. Lima Peru. • PhD in Medicine. USMP Lima Peru. • Professor of Oftalmology of Universidad de San Marco. Lima Peru. • Medical Director of OFTALMOSALUD Institute of eyes. Lima- Peru.