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Clojure in the Cloud. JavaOne. Sept. 29, 2014 @ 12: 3 0 p m. Everett Toews Developer Advocate @ everett_toews. Intro. Developer. PMC and Committer on Apache jclouds. Intro. Advocate. Intro. Operations. Co-author of The OpenStack Ops Guide. docs.openstack.org /ops. Clojure.
Clojurein the Cloud JavaOne Sept. 29, 2014 @ 12:30 pm Everett Toews Developer Advocate @everett_toews
Intro Developer
Intro Advocate
Intro Operations
Co-author of The OpenStack Ops Guide docs.openstack.org/ops
Clojure List
Clojure Vector
Clojure Map
{:key1"value1" :key2 "value2"}
Clojure Parens
(fn arg1 arg2) (sfarg1 arg2)
Clojure Prefix
(+ 2 3) ; 5
Clojure Functional
(defnadd-7 [x] (+ x 7))
(add-7 3) ; 10
(map add-7 [2 3]) ; (9 10)
Clojure Types
(add-7"3") ; ClassCastExceptionjava.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Number
Clojure Destructuring
1 (defn print-args 2 [f & rest] 3 (println f) 4 (println 5 (apply sorted-map rest)))
(print-args"first" :k3 "v3" :k1 "v1" :k2 "v2") ; first ; {:k1 v1, :k2 v2, :k3 v3}
Clojure Lambda
(map (fn [x] (+ x 7)) [2 3]) ; (9 10)
Clojure Macro
(defmacro when [test & body] (list 'if test (cons 'do body)))
Clojure lein
lein new app github-comment-clj lein clean lein install lein test lein run leinrepl
Clojure REPL
Read Eval Print Loop
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