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Reporting Requirements – California and Wisconsin. Mike Messenger, Itron Illinois Commerce Commission Workshop on Energy Efficiency and Demand Response October 17, 2008. Reports Issued. Annual Report Quarterly Reports Ex-Post Evaluation Reports. Annual Reporting Approach.
Reporting Requirements – California and Wisconsin Mike Messenger, Itron Illinois Commerce Commission Workshop on Energy Efficiency and Demand Response October 17, 2008
Reports Issued • Annual Report • Quarterly Reports • Ex-Post Evaluation Reports
Annual Reporting Approach • Filed by each utility • Summarizes the annual achievements of the energy efficiency programs that make up each utility’s portfolio • Filed in May of the year immediately following the program implementation period • Summarizes annual achievements of the energy efficiency programs that make up each utility’s portfolio • Includes both qualitative and quantitative results • Primary audience: regulators, stakeholder groups, general public
Annual Report Content • Annual reports include: • Annual energy savings (annual and lifecycle kWh and therms), and peak demand savings • Total, per-unit, and levelized costs of energy savings • Cost per kW saved • Net benefits to ratepayers • Environmental benefits (tons of CO2 and other pollutants avoided)
Quarterly Reporting Approach • Filed by each utility • Prepared and posted at the end of each quarter (http://eega2006.cpuc.ca.gov/) • Detailed reporting of measure level savings and cost data in common Excel format/template (E3 Calculator) • Addresses both current quarter’s accomplishments and cumulative results to-date • Includes both data inputs and calculated outputs • Primary audiences: CPUC regulators, stakeholder groups, evaluators
Quarterly Report Content • Program cost reporting includes monthly expenditures on program administration, marketing and direct implementation • Program savings accomplishments reported at measure level; Includes units implemented plus commitments • Energy savings units include kWh, kW and therms; Both current-year and lifecycle savings are reported • Calculator computes lifecycle costs, benefits, net benefits, and B/C ratios based on the TRC test
Ex Post Evaluation Reports • Prepared by program evaluators, typically every 2-3 years • Typically include both impact and process evaluation components • Summarize methods and findings. Provide actionable recommendations for program improvement • Final reports posted on CALMAC website, www.calmac.org • Webinars conducted to present draft results to stakeholders and interested parties and obtain feedback
Reports Issued • Quarterly, Semi Annual and Annual Impact Evaluation Reports • Benefit/Cost Analysis Reports • Economic Development/Benefits Reports • Non-Energy Benefits Reports • Marketing Evaluation Reports • Education and Training Evaluation Reports
Annual and Semi Annual Reports • For a lay audience • Both qualitative and quantitative information about program and portfolio accomplishments during the current period • Definitions of technical terms (such as gross savings, net savings, verified savings, participants) • Metrics of interest to the general public: • Annual energy savings ($) per participating household, business • NPV of annual savings over program lifecycle • Energy savings equivalents – barrels of oil, railroad carloads of coal, enough to power X number of small cities, Y number of homes • Reader-friendly graphs showing: • Cumulative lifecycle energy saved from current measure installations • Bar graphs showing verified gross and net savings by program year for each sector • Pie charts showing savings breakdown by EE measure category • Maps showing the distribution of energy savings and rebates paid around the state • County-level reporting • Per capita savings, rebates • Economic impacts of EE/Renewables in terms of jobs created, GRP added • Environmental impacts – Emissions reductions of NOx, CO2, SO2 and Mercury
Ex Post Evaluation Reports • Quarterly reporting of program impacts • “Real time” sampling approach • Gross and net realization rates are trued up annually and applied until the next update • Process evaluations conducted annually • Typically include both impact and process evaluation components • Summarize methods and findings. Provide actionable recommendations for program improvement • Final reports posted on Wisconsin Focus On Energy website http://focusonenergy.com/EvaluationReports/General_Releases.aspx
Benefit/Cost Analysis Reports • For key stakeholders and policy makers • Provides information on the potential savings to be gained from current and future investments in EE/Renewables • “Dollars and cents” reporting of program accomplishments • B/C analysis based on Total Resource Cost test; includes value of energy and non-energy benefits
Economic Development/Benefits Reports • Macroeconomic and policy level analysis of EE/Renewables programs • Present results of detailed economic modeling of EE/Renewables savings • Impacts on jobs, GRP, business and household income • Assesses policy implications of these impacts