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Interview with Leo, local jeweler

Lycée Ambroise Vollard. SAINT-PIERRE. reunion Island. Jewellery in Réunion. Interview with Leo, local jeweler.

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Interview with Leo, local jeweler

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  1. Lycée Ambroise Vollard SAINT-PIERRE reunion Island Jewellery in Réunion Interviewwith Leo, local jeweler

  2. How came your passion for art and jewellery in particular?For me, jewellery is primarily a family heritage. My father gave me his passion about craft and creativity and also the harmonious and complementary.

  3. Wheredidyoustudy?I studiedforfouryearsattheEcoleBoullein Paris ledby a team of renownedartists. Finally, I completedthetrainingcoursesbyseveralcasting, of jewellery and sculpture (wood, stone, crystal, ivory...)

  4. Whatareyourartisticpractice?Myartisticpracticesareverydiverse. Allalongmyactivities, I had tofacewiththe most variedfieldsfromarchitecturetothe design of theobject (jewellery, sculpture, furniture ..)I has a special interest inthecreation of jewelery.Thosefieldsare of greatrigor, combining a clevercompromisebetweencreativity, technology and aesthetics.

  5. Whatarethedifferentphasesnecessaryto design a jewelry?The stages of implementationare: • Firststep: creating.It is actually a harmonioussynthesisbetweenontheonehand, theclient'spersonality, thesituation (where, when, why) whichdefinesthetheme of creativity.

  6. Secondstep:Thencomestheconceptualizationphase, itcan be realizedinsketches, scalemodelstodeterminethechoice of shapes, materials and colors.Thirdstep:The implementationphaseoccursonlyifall is welldeterminedtoavoidtrial and errorinmanufacturing.

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