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Transitioning to Version 8 Building Data Entry Issues in NEAT/MHEA and. Oak Ridge National Laboratory Weatherization Assistant Training Workshop. The Weatherization Assistant. Umbrella program for NEAT and MHEA Version 7.4.3 (released August 12, 2003)
Transitioning to Version 8 Building Data Entry Issues in NEAT/MHEA and Oak Ridge National Laboratory Weatherization Assistant Training Workshop
The Weatherization Assistant • Umbrella program for NEAT and MHEA • Version 7.4.3 (released August 12, 2003) • Version (released November 9, 2009) • Purpose • Identify for experienced users technical and implementation changes made to NEAT and MHEA in Version 8 • As time permits, highlight common data entry mistakes in using NEAT and MHEA pertinent to Versions 7 and 8 BUILDINGS TECHNOLOGY CENTER OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORAORY
Client information is entered separately from NEAT and MHEA house and file information Main Menu Screen - Version 8
General Information Tab - NEAT/MHEA Version 7 Typically started NEAT or MHEA by entering client, house, and file information on the General Information tab
Client information is entered separately from NEAT and MHEA house and file information Separate client main menu item Main Menu Screen - Version 8
Client information is entered before starting NEAT or MHEA Version 8Client Main Menu Item
Client Name is entered under separate Contacts tab under the Client Main Menu Item. More than one Contact can exist for a given Client record. Version 8Client Contacts Tab
House and file information is entered on the Audit Information tab after starting NEAT or MHEA Version 8Audit Information Tab - NEAT/MHEA Must now also link to Fuel Cost and Supply Libraries
Navigation - NEAT/MHEA Version 7 Version 8 • New tabs for Version 8’s advanced features • Audit record block to find files / Report block • Shell forms organized under one Shell tab
Wall Tab – NEAT - Version 7 Windows and doors pertinent to the wall code are shown on the wall form
Windows and doors pertinent to the wall code are accessed by buttons Wall Tab – NEAT – Version 8 Comment button - links to comment editor
“Retrofit Status” renamed “Retrofit Options”. “Replace with Low-E” and “Evaluate None” added Field replaced with Additional Cost fields for all retrofit options Windows Tab – NEAT – Version 7
Added Retrofit Options and replaced “Storm Cost” by “Additional Cost” fields for each option Windows Tab – NEAT – Version 8 Added yet un-used description fields
Doors Tab – NEAT - Version 8 Clarified wording - optional and pertinent to door rather than storm door
Version 8Unfinished Attics Tab - NEAT Added R Value field allows specific insulation level to be analyzed (and no others)
Version 7 Version 8 Finished Attics - NEAT Version 8 allows for multiple finished attics segments of the same type
Foundations – NEAT - Version 8 Reformatted form separates component types
Foundations Tab - NEAT Use Added Insulation Type fields to indicate what insulation measures are to be evaluated. Have added User-Defined Insulation Types.
Multiple heating systems allowed rather than just two - don’t need to heat 100% Standard and high efficiency replacement equipment can be specified simultaneously Heating Systems – NEAT - Version 8 Buttons access diagnostic input forms
“Optional [Evaluate All]” - Allows NEAT to determine most cost-effective option, if any “Tuneup Performed” Tells NEAT to determine the most cost-effective of the remaining options, if any Efficiency entered for existing system is the value after the tuneup “Tuneup Mandatory”, “Standard-” and “High-” “Efficiency Replacement Mandatory”, Forces NEAT to recommend measure without considering other options even if not cost effective “Don’t Replace”-Tells NEAT to not consider the two replacement options “Evaluate None” – Evaluates no heating system options Heating System Tab - NEAT
Heating Systems – NEAT - Version 8 Better ability to describe ducts for duct insulation measure
Heating Tab – NEAT - Version 8 Secondary system can be combined with primary when considering replacement
Operational Tests Vent Tests Diagnostic Input Forms - NEAT/MHEA
Furnace Components Boiler Components Diagnostic Input Forms - NEAT/MHEA
Inspections Vent Tests Diagnostic Input Forms - NEAT/MHEA
Red box highlights health and safety items identified Checked items can be automatically entered as an Itemized Cost Version 8Health and Safety Tab - NEAT/MHEA New tab
Version 8Itemized Costs Tab - NEAT/MHEA “Description” now “Measure Name” Fuel can now be chosen to be the same as the Primary Heating or Water Heating Fuel
Version 8Itemized Costs Tab - NEAT/MHEA Predefined measures can be selected. For example:
Version 8Itemized Costs Tab - NEAT/MHEA Or select from list of 50 hard-wired Health and Safety Measures. For example:
Version 8Refrigerator Tab - NEAT/MHEA New fields added, calculations shown, and two data bases accessed
Leakiness field added Windows Tab – MHEA - Version 8 Added yet un-used description field Retrofit options with Additional cost fields for each option added
Floor Tab – MHEA - Version 8 Batt/Blanket Direction field removed “Attached to Joist” selection replaced with “Between Joists” and “Attached Under Joists”
“Attached Under Joists” “Between Joists” Version 8 Floor Tab - MHEA
In Version 7, floors of additions described as if they were a mobile home type floor In Version 8, Floor Type field added to describe more traditional floor types Version 8Floor Tab (Addition) - MHEA