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Beginner ’ s Guide to UnrealEd version 3.0. Hanshin University Spring 2008. The Interface. Title bar and UnrealEd Main Menu Along the top: the toolbar Down the left-hand side: the toolbox The UnrealEd Viewport area: each viewport is one window in the main section of UnrealEd.
Beginner’s Guide to UnrealEd version 3.0 Hanshin University Spring 2008
The Interface • Title bar and UnrealEd Main Menu • Along the top: the toolbar • Down the left-hand side: the toolbox • The UnrealEd Viewport area: each viewport is one window in the main section of UnrealEd. • the Console bar, which includes the UnrealEd Console, grid control and a few other buttons
Menu Bar • Menu Bar • At the top is a Menu Bar like most windows programs have. • File • Open, Save, Import/Export maps • Edit • Undo, search for actors, cut, copy and paste, Select objects. • View • Open the Browsers, access actor properties, choose, set and configure your viewports • Brush • Add, subtract, and access most brush functions. Import and export brushes. • Build • Set and perform level building options, play level • Tools • Access "add-on" tools like the 2D Shape Editor, light scaler, texture replacer • Help • Since there are no help files that come with UnrealEd 3.0 this is a dead menu.
Tool Bar (Top) • Tool Bar (Top) • From the top tool bar you can access the most common functions from the menu bar by using these buttons. The bar is separated into easy to find groups. • The first group is for file options: 1) Create New File 2) Open Existing File 3) Save File • The second group is for Undo and Redo 1) Undo last operation 2) Redo last operation • The next icon is the Search button. This allows you to search for specific actors by name, or other options.
Tool Bar (Top) • The next set is for the Browsers • Adding things to your level, be it a texture or class or sound, is done by selecting the appropriate item from a Browser. • You can open an individual browser by clicking the button on the tool bar or choosing it from the menu. • Also, you can have all your Browsers "docked" in one master Browser, or you can have each one in a separate window. These are the Browser Icons on the top menu bar: 1) Class Browser --Where all the pickups, effects, etc…you add to your level are found 2) Group Browser –Where you can view, select, and modify groups of things you define (more later) 3) Music –Where you can preview and add music to your level 4) Sound –Where you can preview and add sounds 5) Texture –Where you preview and add textures to your level. 6) Mesh View –Where you can preview the actual meshes (models) for various things to add to your level.
Tool Bar (Top) • The next set is a couple tools: 1) 2D Shape Editor. • This allows you to make 3D objects from a 2D shape. 2) UnrealScript Editor. • Allows you to write and edit the code for the game. That is well beyond the scope of this tutorial. • The next set will bring up the property dialogs for actors and surfaces. 1) Actor Properties 2) Surface Properties
Tool Bar (Top) • The next section is the options for rebuilding your level. • Before you playtest a level you have to do a rebuild. • The rebuild process sets up the geometry for rendering, updates the actors, renders the lighting and effects, and defines paths for the bots 1) Builds only the geometry, no lighting and no BSP cuts. 2) Rebuilds only the lighting. 3) Defines the paths for the bots (only after you set up a navigation grid, more later) 4) Rebuilds the level with all the options you set with the next button. 5) Set your Rebuild Options (more later). • The last Icon is for playing your level. Make sure you rebuild first!
Tool Bar (Side) • Tool Bar (Side) • The side tool bar is where the icons for most of actual building functions. Use these buttons to select your modes, add/subtract brushes/etc • The side tool bar is split up into groups which you can hide or show by clicking the little arrow button. • If the button is up it means to show it and down means to not show it:
Tool Bar (Side) • Editing Modes • There are several editing modes that slightly change the function of some buttons, change your cursor, or change what you can do. 1) The first mode is Camera Mode , where you can move around, add stuff, and is your "basic" mode 2) The next is the Vertex Editing Mode (more later) 3) Brush scaling mode, lets you resize the selected brush 4) Brush Rotation mode. 5) Texture panning , lets you move a texture left, right, up or down. 6) Texture rotating . 7) Brush Clipping mode (more later) • Brush Clipping
Tool Bar (Side) • Builders • These are predefined, basic shapes (or primitives) for adding geometry to your level. • Right-clicking any of them will give you a dialog box where you can plug in the numbers to resize it. • build in powers of two, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, etc… • textures since they are sized in powers of two. 1) Cube 2) Sheet 3) Cylinder 4) Cone 5) Sphere 6) Curved Staircase7) Spiral Staircase8) Linear Staircase9) Terrain10) Volumetric Sheets Version 2.0 Version 3.0
Tool Bar (Side) • Cube Builder . • Height, Width and Breath are pretty self-explanatory. • WallThickness applies only if you set Hollow to true. • GroupName is where you can enter a group name to make this brush part of a group. • Hollow will make the cube hollow (have an inside and out) with a wall thickness determined by the WallThickness setting above. • Tessellated is where you can make the brush have extra vertices for shaping. Standard Cube Tessellated cube
Tool Bar (Side) • CSG 1. Add brush 2. Subtract brush 3. Intersect 4. Deintersect 5. Add Special 6. Add Mover • Misc 1. Show selected actors 2. Hide selected actors 3. Show all 4. Invert selection 5. Movement speed
Tool Bar (Bottom) • Tool Bar (Bottom) • The last set of tools are along the bottom of the Editor window. • Command window. You can type a command directly into this field to execute commands in the log window. • This will show the full log window. • This will toggle the Vertex Snapping. When active your brushes will snap to the grid by snapping to the nearest vertex, determined by the grid size setting. 4) This toggles grid snapping. You should always use this feature, as it will line all your brushes up correctly. 5) This is a pull down menu where you can set the grid size. 6) Toggle Rotation Snapping. This will help line up your brushes on the grid when you rotate them. Again, you should leave this on. 7) Toggle Maximize Viewport. This will set the active viewport to its maximum size, hiding all the others.
ViewPorts • ViewPorts • This is where you see what you are doing. • Your views are customizable and flexible. • The interface image above shows you the basic default configuration, fixed windows, and the default layout. • You can split the viewports into two types: 2D views (Top, Front, Side) and the 3D view. • Simply click in any view to make that viewport the active viewport. The active viewport will have a white highlight around it. • All viewports consist of a menu bar and a window where you can see your construction. This is the viewport bar
ViewPort Bar • The first part (where it says "Dynamic Light" in the image) is the title or mode the view port it in and will change depending on the mode you select. • In the default layout the upper left window says TOP and the upper right says FRONT, etc… • The rest of the bar is a series of icons that will highlight when selected. • The first icon on the bar is a joystick and this represents real-time updating • The next set of icons (T,F,S) represent the 2D views, Top, Front and Side.
ViewPort Bar • The second set (the stylized cubes) represent the various 3D modes. The are outlined below: 1) Perspective: This will give you a wireframe representation (like the 2D views) of your level.
ViewPort Bar 2) Texture Usage: This will give you a 3D view where each texture is represented in a different color
ViewPort Bar 3) BSP Cuts: Shows you where BSP cuts are made
ViewPort Bar 4) Textured: Shows you your level in a full bright view, showing all your textures, but not lights.
ViewPort Bar 5) Dynamic Light: Shows you your level with full lighting.
ViewPort Bar 6) Zone/Portal: Shows you all your different zones represented in various colors.
ViewPort BarPop-up Menu • If you right-click on the title bar in any of the viewports you will get a pop-up menu where you can configure that view. • A check mark next to a menu item means that option is currently selected. • Mode: Allows you to select the viewport mode, same as clicking the appropriate icon. • View: Allows to you to set certain items to be viewable in that port: • Show Active Brush: Shows the red or builder brush • Show Moving Brushes: shows your movable brushes like doors, lifts, etc… • Show Backdrop: Presumably shows a background image • Show Coordinates: Presumably shows your coordinates on the map • Show Paths: Shows the path lines for bots after you have defined them
ViewPort BarPop-up Menu • Actors: Lets you view the actors you have added to your level in different modes: • Full Actor View: Shows you the actual mesh for the actor you have added. • Icon View: Represents the actor as a more or less generic icon. • Radii View: Shows you the radius of a select actor such as a light, or trigger, etc… • Hide Actors: Hides all actors from view. • Window: Renders the viewport in either 16bit or 32bit color. • The bottom of the pop-up menu allows you to render the viewport in either software mode or 3D accelerated mode.
ViewPortPop-up Menu • If you right-click a blank space in any of the views (where there is no actor) you will get a pop-up menu like this: • Add Actor Here: Lets you add a selected actor at this spot (use in 3D view) • Add Light Here: Lets you add a light at this spot (use in 3D view) • Grid: allows you to change the grid size. • Pivot: Allows you to change/set the pivot point of a brush. • Level Properties: Allows you to set certain properties for your level, like a name, author, etc….
Movement • Navigating the 2d windows: (Action) (Command) Hold LeftMouse Moves view SLOWLY left/right or up/down. Hold RightMouse Moves view QUICKLY left/right or up/down. Hold LeftMouse and RightMouse Push mouse forward/back to zoom in/out. Left Click an object Select an object. CTRL and LeftClick objects Select multiple objects. Hold CTRL and LeftMouse Move an object. Hold CTRL and RightMouse Rotate an object. RightClick an object Bring up options menu for that object. RightClick grid Change grid size. This is usually not necessary.
Movement • Navigating the 3d window: (Action) (Command) Hold LeftMouse and move Horizontal plane. Move mouse forward/back to move forward/back. Move mouse left/right to look left/right. Hold RightMouse & move Locks view to a point and allows panning in all directions. Hold Left & RightM Move mouse forward/back to move up/down on vertical axis. Move mouse left/right to move right left on horizontal axis. LeftClick a Surface Select a poly surface. CTRL and LeftClick surfaces Select multiple surfaces. Shift and LeftClick a surface Select entire poly attached to that surface. RightClick an object Bring up options menu for that object.
CSG Operation • Solid Modeling • Represent solid interiors of objects • Surface may not be described explicitly • CSG (constructive solid geometry)
CSG Operation • CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry) Operation • Union • 두 오브젝트를 합침=합집합 • Intersection • 두 오브젝트의 공통된 부분만을 선택=교집합 • subtraction A-B • 첫 번째 오브젝트(A)에서 두 번째 오브젝트(B)를 제외=차집합 • subtraction B-A • 두 번째 오브젝트(B)에서 첫 번째 오브젝트(A)를 제외=차집합
B C A A= Unreal Editor space B= 생성한 도형 C= 실제 보여지는 부분의 구조
Add: 생성된 Cube 공간에 새로운 물체(brush: 128, 64, 256) 더함
Intersect: 새로운 물체(노란색 공간)와 현재공간(빨간색 공간 외부)의 교집합(파란색 공간)
Subtract: Intersection 후 텍스춰를 입히기 위해서는 Subtract를 해야함 (내부면에 입혀짐)
Add: 외부 면을 표현할 때 • Subtract: 내부 면을 표현할 때 • Intersect: solid 공간, solid 공간 안에 파여진 부분에 걸쳐진 도형의 교집합(새로 생성된 도형의 입장, 기존에 파여진 공간의 입장에서는 차집합); 기존에 파여진 도형의 입장에서는 속으로 파고 들어간 형태. • Intersect 후에는 Subtract(내부 면)를 해야지 텍스처가 입혀짐 Unreal Editor space 기존에 파여진 도형 Intersect된 부분
Deintersect: 새로운 물체(노란색 공간)와 현재공간(빨간색 공간 외부)의 차집합(파란색 공간)
Add: Deintersection 후 텍스춰를 입히기 위해서는 Add를 해야함 (외부 면에 입혀짐)
Deintersect: solid 공간, solid 공간 안에 파여진 부분에 걸쳐진 도형의 차집합(새로 생성된 도형의 입장, 기존에 파여진 공간의 입장에서는 교집합); 기존에 파여진 도형의 입장에서는 밖으로 튀어나온 형태. • Deintersect 후에는 Add(외부 면)를 해야지 텍스처가 입혀짐 Unreal Editor space 기존에 파여진 도형 Deintersect된 부분
Hole of mirror 현상 • Hole of mirror • 빈공간에 벽체를 세워서 만들다 보면 벽과 벽 사이의 이음매가 제대로 맞지 않았을 때 맵이 울렁거림 • 그것을 방지하기 위해서 전체를 solid의 개념으로 보고 도형 형태로 파 들어가는 작업할 수 있게 함
Basic Architecture, Lighting, Texturing • Basic Architecture, Lighting, Texturing 1. Building Brush를 이용하여 게임공간 구성 2. Texture Browser를 통한 텍스춰 매핑 3. Lighting 추가 4. Player 시작 위치 추가
Example 1: The First Room • Part II: The First Room • Take the first steps into level building with UnrealEd 3.0 by carving out your first room in 3D space. • Building your First Room • Adding Lights and a Player Start • Aligning Textures: Basics
Example 1: The First Room Unreal의 공간은 꽉 채워진 공간(예: 찰흙 덩어리)을 바탕으로 시작한다. 물체(Brush)를 구성하기 위해서는 채워진 공간에서 만들 공간만큼 떼어낸다 (예: 얼음 조각) • Unreal Units (UU) • Making First Room • cube primitive. • a room with a Height of 256, a Width of 512, and a Breadth of 512. • Right-click on the cube button to call up the properties • Subtract • In order for the cube to actually become solid geometry
Example 1: The First Room • Subtract Texture • In order to texture the cube we just subtracted, we need to be able to see all six walls of the cube. 1. Move your view in the perspective view so that you're somewhere in the middle of the cube. 2. Open up the Texture Browser by clicking on the button at the top of your screen 3. Click File on the Texture Browser and click on Open, or simply click on the Open icon. 4. Double-click on HumanoidArchitecture.utx and the textures will load in the browser. 5. Click on the drop-down box located underneath the texture package name to show the list of available groups. 6. Click on Walls subgroup in the drop-down list to bring up the wall textures, and pick a texture (wal01bHa) 7. To place the texture on the walls, click on a wall in the Perspective viewport and click on your chosen texture back in the texture browser, and the texture should appear on the wall you selected. 8. Repeat this method for each of the walls, ceil and floor
Example 1: The First Room • Align Texture
Example 1: The First Room • Adding Lights 1. Start by positioning your Perspective viewport so that you can see the ceiling of your room. 2. Right-click at about the center point of the ceiling and call up the Right-click menu. 3. Click on Add Light Here. A lightbulb icon will appear in your room to indicate that a light is present. 4. You may have noticed that not much has changed yet in your viewport. You need to build the lighting in order for the changes to take effect. Click on the Build Lighting button. 5. If you still don't see any changes, you probably need to turn on the Dynamic Light button on your Perspective viewport, highlighted green in the picture below.
Example 1: The First Room • Adding a Player • Right-click on the floor of your room, somewhere near a corner. • click on Add Player Start Here. A joystick icon will appear with an arrow pointing in the direction the player will face when spawned. • Click on the Build All button to apply all the changes to your level. • Click on the Play Map
Reference • Reference • http://cloud.prohosting.com/mach4d/unrealed2.shtml • http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/wiki/Unreal_Engine • http://unreal.gamedesign.net/tutorials/ • http://www.planetunreal.com/squacky/unrealed.htm • http://www.planetunreal.com/architectonic/first_level.html