1. Clinical Problem Solving1/13/09
Moderator: Stuart Cohen MD
Discussant: Bill Curry MD
2. Case #1 53 y/o white female presents to ED with several week h/o progressive mental status decline
h/o well compensated cirrhosis due to past alcohol (none in 7 yrs), mild short term memory loss and diarrhea predominant IBS
Now with
difficulty finding words and unable to speak
Agitation, weakness and lightheadedness
3. Case #1 Seen in ED 5 days PTA with c/o shortness of breath, dizziness, weakness and memory loss
Workup including head CT, chest x-ray, urinalysis, electrolytes, Liver function tests, Ammonia level was unrevealing and pt discharged home
Progressive decline leading to ED visit
After checking in but prior to being seen, pt loses consciousness and has witnessed tonic-clinic activity (in waiting room)
4. Case #1 PMH:
Alcoholic Cirrhosis (well compensted)
Esophageal varices (s/p banding)
IBS (diarrhea predominant)
Short term memory loss (? Secondary to cirrhosis)
Nadolol, lasix, aldactone, protonix, zoloft, ambien
Recently prescribed compazine for nausea
5. Physical Exam T: 101.5, HR: 50, BP: 70/palp, RR: 26
HEENT: cyanotic lips, PERRL, No gag reflex, Doll’s eye reflex absent
CV: bradycardic but regular, NO murmurs, rubs
Lungs: CTA, no wheezes, crackles
ABD: S/ND/pos BS/ No HSM
Ext: NO C/C/E
Neuro: Unconscious, responds to painful stimulus, increased tone, DTR 3+ throughout with bilateral down going toes
6. Data WBC 12 (31 segs/64 lymphs/3 monos) HCT 39, Plt 172 134 108 7 92 3.5 21 1 AST 27, ALT 11, Bili 1.0, Alk phos 82 Ammonia 29, CK 101, LDH 165 UDS: negative, ETOH: negative CSF: RBC 3, WBC 3, glucose 59, protein 44, VDRL neg, CSF : HSV ,West Nile, Crypto, bacterial cultures all negative CXR- No infiltrate, no pulmonary edema Blood, Urine cultures- Negative