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Family Councils Survey Osteoporosis in Long-Term Care Fall 2010 Ontario Osteoporosis Strategy for Long-Term Care Hamilton Health Sciences/McMaster University St. Peter's Hospital / Alexander Pavilion Juravinski Research Center, 88 Maplewood Avenue, Hamilton ON L8M 1W9 January 2011.
Family Councils Survey Osteoporosis in Long-Term Care Fall 2010 Ontario Osteoporosis Strategy for Long-Term Care Hamilton Health Sciences/McMaster University St. Peter's Hospital / Alexander Pavilion Juravinski Research Center, 88 Maplewood Avenue, Hamilton ON L8M 1W9 January 2011
Family Councils Program of Ontario • Is a network of the Family Councils in each of Ontario’s 620 LTC homes • Summer 2010 issue(released October 2020) of the Family Councils’ Program included • an article on the Ontario Osteoporosis Strategy for LTC • The 0steoporosis survey for families • Paper copy inserted • Website link provided • Their website also promoted the survey and provided a link to the survey • Survey open October 1 to December 5, 2010; received 52 responses • Purpose of the survey • Want to provide useful information to families of LTC residents • Need to survey them to determine their information needs
Family Councils Survey Fall 2010 We want to hear from families The Ontario Osteoporosis Strategy for Long-Term Care is dedicated to improving the bone health of residents in Ontario’s long-term care homes. We’re helping long-term care homes understand what they can do to improve residents’ bone health and reduce their risk for osteoporosis fractures (broken bones) from falls and care activities. In collaboration with the Ontario Family Councils’ Program, we like to provide more information to families about osteoporosis and fracture prevention care in long-term care homes.
Family Councils Survey Fall 2010 • We want to hear from families • In order to provide families with information that they would find useful, we would like to hear from families first. • There are 2 options on how to complete and submit the survey: • Complete the paper survey below and fax it to: 519-428-1754 Attention Mary-Lou • Go to the website https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/BCJLYH6and complete it online
Family Councils Survey Fall 2010 • 1. What topics would you like more information about? (Check off as many as you like...) • Osteoporosis in long-term care • Fractures (broken bones) in long-term care • Falls in long-term care • Osteoporosis medications for residents • Calcium supplements for residents • Calcium-enriched diets for residents • Vitamin D for residents • Hip protectors for residents • Exercise for residents • Other topic (please list here) ___________________________
Family Councils Survey Fall 2010 • 2. I would like osteoporosis and fracture prevention information for myself • Yes • No • 3. I would like information about how I can help someone with osteoporosis in long-term care • Yes • No • 4. I would like information about I can be more involved in promoting better bone health and fracture prevention care in a long-term care home • Yes • No
Family Councils Survey Fall 2010 • 5. Do you use social media or the internet to discuss, share or look for information? (Check off the ones you use) • No, I don’t use computers or I prefer printed media and mail • Yes, I use the internet • Yes, I use email • Yes, I use Facebook • Yes, I use Twitter • Yes, I use YouTube • Yes, I use (write in what other media you use here ______________ • Thank you. Your feedback and the feedback of other families will help us develop meaningful information and resources for families of residents in long-term care homes. • By completing this survey, I understand that the information may be used to created osteoporosis resources and to inform research. This survey is nameless and I will not enter my name on the survey.
For more information, contact Mary-Lou van der Horst Project Manager/LTC Nursing Consultant Ontario Osteoporosis Strategy for Long-Term Care www.osteoporosislongtermcare.ca McMaster University-Hamilton Health Sciences @ St. Peter's Hospital / Alexander Pavilion Juravinski Research Center, 88 Maplewood Avenue, Hamilton ON L8M 1W9 Phone: 905-541-0656 ....Fax: 519-428-1754 Email: dhm9@xplornet.com