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National Federation Rules Changes For 2012. Rule Changes 2012. Corporate Advertising And/Or Commercial Field Markings Allowed 1-2-3I – Corporate and/or commercial markings are now allowed on the field of play so long as they do not obstruct the yard lines, hash marks or nine yard marks.
National Federation Rules Changes For 2012
Rule Changes 2012 CorporateAdvertisingAnd/OrCommercialFieldMarkingsAllowed 1-2-3I – Corporate and/or commercial markings are now allowed on the field of play so long as they do not obstruct the yard lines, hash marks or nine yard marks.
Rule Changes 2012 EffectiveDateOfTheNewGloveRuleMovedTo2013 1-5-2a – Beginning in 2013, gloves must meet the NOCSAE test standard at the time of manufacture. Until then, gloves must have a securely attached NFHS / NCAA label or stamp indicating compliance with test specifications on file with the SGMA. A glove is a covering with individual sections for each finger. The thumb is not considered a finger. 1-5-3b – The rule stating that penalty colored pads or gloves are illegal has been deleted.
Rule Changes 2012 LocationOfPlayCardsRevised 1-5-3c(8) – It is now considered an illegal equipment foul to wear a play card in a location other than on the arm or wrist.
Rule Changes 2012 BlockingBelowTheWaistInterpretationRevised 2-3-7 – The previous interpretation that is was not a foul for a player to block below the waist if the hand(s) of the opponent was first contacted below the waist was revised. The new rule states that such a scenario is now a foul.
Rule Changes 2012 PlayersMustSitOutOnePlayIfTheirHelmetComesOff 3-5-10 – If a player’s helmet comes off completely during the course of a play, and it is not directly attributable to a foul by the opponent, the player will have to leave the game for at least one down.
Rule Changes 2012 RestrictionsPlacedOnContactByTheKickingTeamDuringAFreeKick 9-3-8 – It is now prohibited for members on the kicking team to initiate contact (or block) members of the receiving team until the ball has broken the plane of the receiving team’s restraining line, or until the kicking team is eligible to recover the free kick.
Rule Changes 2012 GraspingAToothOrMouthProtectorIsAFaceMaskFoul 9-4-3h – Grasping the tooth or mouth protector, as well as the face mask, is now considered a foul.
Rule Changes 2012 DirectionOfThePullDuringAHorseCollarTackleClarified 9-4-3k – A horse collar tackle is grabbing the inside back or side collar of the jersey or shoulder pads of the runner and subsequently pulling backward or sideward that player to the ground, even if possession of the ball is lost. Key word of a horse collar tackle is “tackle” – must use the collar to pull the player to the ground to be illegal. →All horse-collar fouls are to be treated as live-ball fouls.
National Federation Mechanics Changes For 2012
LJ K BJ R U HL 1 Kick Off Positions 5Man Mechanics Press Box Score Board 2 0 4 0 1 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 < < < < <
LJ BJ U R HL 1 Wing Official Positioning Press Box StayWide Score Board 2 0 4 0 1 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 < < < < <
Points Of Emphasis Sportsmanship The NFHS has concern over the sportsmanship of running clock games and contests which are blow outs. Contact designed to be “punishing” should be penalized. Taunting and acts of a blatant unsportsmanlike nature should be swiftly addressed. - More vocal officiating - More vigilante dead ball officiating - Preventive officiating