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Report on the Workshop to Promote the Ratification of Protocols under the LRTAP Convention

Report on the Workshop to Promote the Ratification of Protocols under the LRTAP Convention. Katja Kraus Federal Environment Agency, Germany. Joint Workshop of TFHM and EGTEI. Sankt Petersburg, Russia 26 to 28 October 2009 40 participants from EECCA and SEE region EMEP MSCE CCE

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Report on the Workshop to Promote the Ratification of Protocols under the LRTAP Convention

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  1. Report on the Workshop to Promote the Ratification of Protocols under the LRTAP Convention Katja KrausFederal Environment Agency, Germany

  2. Joint Workshop of TFHM and EGTEI • Sankt Petersburg, Russia • 26 to 28 October 2009 • 40 participants from • EECCA and SEE region • EMEP MSCE • CCE • Members of TFHM and EGTEI • other experts • Secretariat • Hosted and organised by Institute Atmosphera • Funded by France and Germany, Trust Fund • Russian and English working language

  3. Objectives • Promote the ratification of the last 3 Protocols • Raise awareness and interest of ECCA and SEE, involve them in further activities of the Convention • Provide information on • Requirements, technical and legal measures for implementation • Legal obligations, monitoring networks, emission inventories, technologies for emission reduction • Benefits and synergies of ratification • Guidance materials, further sources of information • Support mechanisms and funding and support possibilities

  4. Topics on the Agenda • Status of the Protocols and capacity building activities • Establishing and improving monitoring networks • Atmospheric pollution levels • Emission inventories, requirements, estimations, tools • Critical loads and exceedances in the region • EGTEI • Introduction to EGTEI • Revision of the Annexes of the Gothenburg Protocol • Emerging Technologies • Round table discussion of problems on the road to implementation and possibilities to support EECCA

  5. Information from EECCA and SEE countries in their progress • Positive experiences , implementation of national action plans and capacity building • All countries reported improvements and adjustments to national legislation on air pollution and issue permits for larger installations • Cooperation project for 5 Balkan countries • Macedonia: • Reporting to EMEP since 2002 • Binding limit values for mobile sources since 2010 • Implementation of BAT in 2014/2015 • Belarus is ready to ratify the POPs Protocol

  6. Information from EECCA and SEE countries in their progress • Willingness to ratify • Different stages of preparedness • Preparing national emission inventories • Economic and political situation • Specific problems: • Justify the reasons for implementation • To state advantages and benefits to be gained (cost-benefit analysis), health and environment effects, complexity, lack of data for several sources

  7. Specific Needs for Assistance • Translation into Russian of key sources • Exchange of information and experiences • Online forum • Focal point for ECCA and SEE issues • Twinning projects for reviewing emission inventories and projections • Training for national experts to build capacity • Producing maps of critical loads • Applying BAT • Inventories , projections and reporting

  8. Specific Needs for Assistance • Strengthening capacity of laboratories for sampling and analysis for all 3 Protocols • Research and assessment of HM in products and product management measures • Management of POPs • Open waste-burning • Pesticides from agriculture • Identification and remediation of contaminated sites

  9. Conclusion • The workshop was a further step to ratification • A catalyst for new projects • A platform to exchange information • Documents in Russian language needed • Establishment of an regional experts network regarding all aspects of the Protocols • Support from other countries

  10. Thank you for your attention.Are there any questions? katja.kraus@uba.de www.umweltbundesamt.de

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