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Tigris & Euphrates River Valley

Explore the rich history of Mesopotamia in the Tigris & Euphrates River Valley, birthplace of civilization. Discover the city-states, cultural diffusion, polytheism, social structure, and advancements in science and technology. Learn about influential rulers like Hammurabi and the development of cuneiform writing.

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Tigris & Euphrates River Valley

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  1. Tigris & Euphrates River Valley

  2. Map SUMER

  3. Fertile Crescent =Located in present day Iraq =Areas 1. Mesopotamia - Cities: Akkad, Babylon 2. Sumer -City: Ur

  4. Farming • T & E flooded at least once a year, left a thick bed of mud called silt • Used irrigation to produce a surplus of wheat and barley • Surpluses allowed for growth of villages and specialized jobs

  5. City-States and power • city-state-a city and its surrounding lands functioning as an independent political unit (like a country functions today) • Features: surrounded by a high wall, ziggurat (temple) in the center • Priests ruled at first, during war time power was given to military commanders who eventually became rulers

  6. Population growth • More surplus=>more people=>more trade • Cultural diffusion-process of a new idea or a product spreading from one culture to another

  7. Polytheism • Believed in many different gods • Various forces in nature were controlled by gods (ex. Floodings and droughts) • Epic of Gilgamesh-earliest work of literature, told myths and legends of Mesopotamia


  9. Science and Technology • Wheel • The sail • Plow • 1st to use bronze • Writing system: Cuneiform

  10. Early Rulers • Hammurabi was the ruler of Babylon • Created a single code of laws and engraved them in stone, placing copies all over Babylon • 282 laws that dealt with everything from family relations to crime • WHAT WOULD YOU DO?

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