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Vertex [ ver-teks ]. Definition: (noun) The highest point of something; apex; summit; top: the vertex of a mountain. After climbing the mountain for hours, I was so pleased to reach the vertex. Vanquish [ vang-kwish ]. Definition:
Vertex[ver-teks] Definition: (noun)The highest point of something; apex; summit; top: the vertex of a mountain. After climbing the mountain for hours, I was so pleased to reach the vertex.
Vanquish [vang-kwish] Definition: (Verb) to conquer or subdue by superior force, as in battle. The sentiment made no sense for gladiators, who expected to vanquish their opponents and live.
Innovation [in-uh-vey-shuh] Definition: (noun) something new or different introduced. When people want to change, they usually turn first to the strategy of innovation.
Nettle [net-l] Definition: (verb) to irritate, annoy, or provoke. People talking during the film really nettles me.
Oppression [uh-pre-shun] Definition: (noun) the exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, cruel, or unjust manner. The media focus solely on poverty and the cycle of oppression .
Gallery [gal-uh-ree] Definition: (noun) a raised area, often having to accommodate spectators, exhibits, etc. On the west side of the building, elevator and stair landings overlook a gallery.
Edition[eh-dish-uhn] Definition: (noun) the format in which a literary work is published: a one-volume edition of Shakespeare. Nearly twenty years elapsed before another editionappeared
Moderately[mod-er-it-ly] Definition: (adjective) kept or keeping within reasonable or proper limits; not extreme, excessive, or intense. Because it is still moderately bright outside, my brain doesn't want to sleep
Fatigue [fuh-teeg] Definition: (noun) weariness from bodily or mental exertion. Now you can see their fatigue , and they're ready to sleep.
Navigate [nav-i-gate] Definition: (verb) to move on, over, or through (water, air, or land) in a ship or aircraft. The ship’s captain had to navigate his crew across the ocean.
Pact [pakt] Definition: (noun) an agreement, covenant, or compact Madison and Jessica made a pact to always be friends.
Innuendo [in-yoo-en-doh] Definition: (noun) an indirect hint about a person or thing. There is no point in replying to this kind of innuendo.
Effervescent [ef-er-ves-uhnt] Definition: (adjective)effervescing, bubbling, vivacious; gay, lively; sparkling. For half an hour everything went swimmingly, with plenty of effervescentconversation.
Engaging [en-gey-jing] Definition: (adjective) winning; attractive; pleasing: an engaging smile Students really enjoyed their recent engagingdrama lesson.
Aptitude [ap-ti-tood] Definition: (noun) readiness or quickness in learning; intelligence. It was at school that Jordan discovered his aptitude for technology. .
Perusal [puh-roo-zuhl] Definition: (noun) the act of perusing; survey; scrutiny. Although the guide isn't lighthearted, it's casual enough to inspire page-flipping and informal perusal.
Transition [tran-zish-uhn] Definition: (noun) movement, passage, or change from one position, state, stage, subject, concept, etc., to another; change. The transition from primary school to secondary can be very stressful for the students concerned.
Petition [puh-tish-uhn] Definition: (noun) a document demanding official action which is signed by a lot of people. The people from Daventry signed a petition to keep the library open.
Perimeter [puh-rim-i-ter] Definition: (noun) the border or outer boundary of an area. George planted flowers around the perimeter of his garden.
Fascinated [fas-uh-neyted] Definition: (verb) To be fascinated is to think about something all the time. Leah is totally fascinated by Jacqueline Wilson books.
Factor [fak-ter] Definition: (noun) one of the elements contributing to a particular result or situation. Exam results are a factor when considering an individual for employment.
Season [see-zuhn] Definition: (noun) a period of the year described by particular conditions of weather, temperature, etc. In the summer season ice cream sales increase dramatically.
Zone [zohn] Definition: (noun) an area that has particular features or properties. The LRC is a reading and learning zone.
Assist [uh-sist] Definition: (verb) to give support or aid to; or help. Tony had to assist Roy in moving the furniture as it was heavy.