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Why Do We Need Good Teachers?

Why Do We Need Good Teachers?. Virginia Teacher Evaluation Project June 27-29 & August 2-4, 2011 James H. Stronge The College of William and Mary. Question 1: What impact does a teacher have on student learning?. One-year Impact of Effective vs. Less Effective Teachers.

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Why Do We Need Good Teachers?

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  1. Why Do We Need Good Teachers? Virginia Teacher Evaluation Project June 27-29 & August 2-4, 2011 James H. Stronge The College of William and Mary

  2. Question 1:What impact does a teacher have on student learning?

  3. One-year Impact ofEffective vs. Less Effective Teachers Source: Stronge, Ward, & Grant, accepted Journal of Teacher Education

  4. 5th Grade Reading: Predicted vs. Actual

  5. Teacher Effectiveness Indices: Reading

  6. Reading One-Year Impact: Effective vs. Ineffective Teachers Note: Data presented in percentile scores

  7. Math One-Year Impact:Effective vs. Ineffective Teachers

  8. Teacher Effectiveness Variables

  9. Student Off-task Behavior 1Stronge, Ward, Tucker, & Hindman, 2008 2 Stronge, Ward, & Grant, accepted for JTE

  10. Cumulative Effect:Three-year Impact ofEffective vs. Less Effective Teachers Source: Comparison of 3 “highly effective” & 3 “ineffective” teachers Jordan, Mendro, & Weerasinghe, 1997

  11. Dallas Research: Teacher Quality • Dallas, Texas data: 2800-3200 students per cohort • Comparison of 3 “highly effective” & 3 “ineffective” teachers (Jordan, Mendro, & Weerasinghe, 1997)

  12. Sequence of Effective Teachers Low Low Low + 52-54 Percentile points High High High Source: Sanders & Rivers, 1996

  13. Residual Effect Two years of effective teachers could not remediate the achievement loss caused by one year with a poor teacher. Source: Mendro, Jordan, Gomez, Anderson, & Bembry (1998)

  14. Influence of Ineffective Teachers

  15. Arriving at school ready to learn … Vocabulary as a 5 Year Old Words Spoken to Per Hour Parents with Professional Jobs Low SES Families Source: Lee & Burkam, 2002; West, Denton, & Germino-Hausken, 2000

  16. Time in School Year Needed to Achieve the Same Amount of Learning Source: Leigh, A. (n.d.). Estimating teacher effectiveness from two-year changes in students’ test scores. Retrieved May 22, 2007, from http://econrsss.anu.edu.au/~aleigh/.

  17. Influences on Student Achievement:Explained Variance Source: Hattie, J. Teachers make a difference: What is the research evidence. Retrieved November, 20, 2008 from http://acer.edu.au/documents

  18. Annual Student Achievement Gains Sources: 1) Barber, M., & Mourshed, M. (2007). How the world’s best-performing school systems come out on top. London: McKinsey & Company. Retrieved November 7, 2008, from http://www.mckinsey.com/locations/ukireland/publications/pdf/Education_report.pdf. 2) Stronge, J.H., Ward, T.J., Tucker, P.D., & Grant, L.W., in preparation

  19. Estimates of Dismissing Ineffective Teachers & Student Achievement (Adapted from Hanushek, 2008) 

  20. Question 2:What is an effective teacher?


  22. Background Characteristics


  24. The Teacher as A Person • Caring • Fairness & Respect • Attitude • Reflective Practice

  25. Qualities of Effective Teachers EFFECTIVE TEACHERS Background Job Responsibilities and Practices Prerequisites Classroom Management & Instruction Implementing Instruction The Person Organizing for Instruction Monitoring Student Progress & Potential Source: Stronge, Qualities of Effective Teachers, ASCD, 2007 Diagram used with the Permission of Linda Hutchinson, Doctoral Student, The College of William and Mary

  26. Domains Learning Communicate/ Instruction Assessment Professionalism Environment Comm Relation Virginia’s 2000Uniform Performance Standards

  27. Virginia’s 2011Uniform Performance Standards

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