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Some information. Now we will present our county and our nearest town And we hope that you will like our presentation. ENJOY!. Calarasi County Description.
Some information • Now we will present our county and our nearest town • And we hope that you will like our presentation. • ENJOY!
Calarasi County Description • Calarasi County, declared a territorial and administrative unit in 1981, is located in the South-Eastern Romania, on the left bank of the Danube and its branch Borcea and it is bordered at North by Ialomita County, at East by Constanta County, at West by Giurgiu County and Ilfov County , at South by Bulgaria. • The area of Calarasi County is 5088 squared km, representing 2, 1% of the area of the whole country, Calarasi County being the 28th in Romania, according to this criterion. • Territorial and administrative organization: 2 municipalities, 3 towns, 50 communes and 156 villages.
The capital of the county is Calarasi. • Population is represented by 318.360 inhabitants (1, 4% of the country’s population). Considering their residence, 39% live in the urban area and the rest of 61% at the countryside. Urbanisation level is under the national average. • Ethnically, 94, 12 % of the population are Romanians, the minorities representing 5, 88%, of which 5, 65% represented by Gypsies and 0, 15 % by Turkish. • Religiously, 98, 8% of Calarasi County’s populations belong to Christian Orthodox Church, others having various confessions.
Relief forms met in Calarasi County are plain, meadow and pools. The plain is represented by 4 major units: Mostistea’s Plain (Southern Baragan), Vlasia’s Plain, Burnaz Plain, Danube’s Meadow. • Climate is homogeneous temperate continental, as a consequence of the uniformity of plain form of relief, characterised by hot summers and very cold winters. The extreme southern part, the climate is specific to the Danube’s meadow, with hotter summers and milder winters comparing to the rest of the plain.
Hydrographical network is represented by two hydrographical basins, the ones of Danube and Arges, and one sub basin, of the small river of Mostistea. River Danube, which is the limit of the county in the South and South-East, is divided in two branches between the km 300 (Cernavoda) and km 450 (Gostinu): Borcea on the left and Dunarea Veche on the right, which hold between them Ialomita’s Pool and the Big Island of Ialomita. • Natural resources Main natural resource is the agricultural fields- 427.686 ha, that means 84% of the county’s area. Soils, which are mostly chernozyoms and alluvial soils, are both extremely fertile, which really make possible an agricultural activity at large scale, main crops being represented by cereals. • The forest vegetation , that covers 4,3% of the county’s area, consist mainly of the species: Euro-American Poplar , Acacia, Oak ( different species of Querqus gender), White Willow, Elm tree, Lime tree , Maple ( Acer tataricum) • The fauna contains species, considered interesting for hunting: boar, deer, pheasant, hare, and fox. On pools and lakes, there are wild ducks and geese. • Among the fish species, that populate the lakes and pools, can be reminded: crucian, carp and pike. The ones that can be met in Danube’s water are: catfish and sturgeon.
Calarasi • Town, the capital of the county. The name was inspired by a horsemen unit which delivered mail between Bucharest and Constantinopole (Istanbul) via Silistra (Bulgaria), this was the shortest way between Bucharast and Black Sea coast. • The town was founded in 1.06.1541, under Mihai Viteazu’s regency. • So, we are connected with your city from old times. What do you think about that?????))
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