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If a deductive argument is valid, then its conclusion follows with equal necessity from its premises no matter what else may be the case. P: All humans are mortal Q: Socrates is human Therefore S: Socrates is mortal P: All humans are mortal Q: Socrates is human R: Socrates is ugly
If a deductive argument is valid, then its conclusion follows with equal necessity from its premises no matter what else may be the case. P: All humans are mortal Q: Socrates is human Therefore S: Socrates is mortal P: All humans are mortal Q: Socrates is human R: Socrates is ugly Therefore S: Socrates is mortal A better distinction
The new argument with an enlarged set of premises is valid The validity of the original argument It is a contradiction that all humans are mortal, Socrates is human, and Socrates is not mortal The situation where all humans are mortal, Socrates is human, Socrates is ugly but, at the same time, Socrates is not mortal? Still contradiction!!
The conclusion follows strictly from the enlarged set of premises because it follows strictly from the two original premises initially given P: All humans are mortal Q: Socrates is human R: Socrates is not ugly Therefore S: Socrates is mortal P: All humans are mortal Q: Socrates is human R: Socrates is not human Therefore S: Socrates is mortal
Corollary Any sentence is deducible from a contradiction The following argument is valid whatever Q may be: P ¬P Therefore, Q In general, suppose that Q legitimately follows from P1, P2, P3, . . . Then Q legitimately follows from R, P1, P2, P3, . ., whatever R may be
Reverse step? It is impossible to make a deductively valid argument it invalid by adding new premises It is possible to make a deductively invalid argument valid by adding new premises Socrates is human Socrates is mortal Socrates is human All humans are mortal Socrates is mortal
Inductive argument Adding new premises to the original argument can serve either to weaken or to strengthen the result argument Augustine is a philosopher and lived a long life Aquinas is a philosopher and lived a long life Bertrand Russell is a philosopher and lived a long life Sungho Choi is a philosopher Therefore, Sungho Choi will live a long life Weakening the support Augustine is a philosopher and lived a long life Aquinas is a philosopher and lived a long life Bertrand Russell is a philosopher and lived a long life Sungho Choi is a philosopher Sungho Choi has a terminal cancer Therefore, Sungho Choi will live a long life
Strengthening the support Augustine is a philosopher and lived a long life Aquinas is a philosopher and lived a long life Bertrand Russell is a philosopher and lived a long life Sungho Choi is a philosopher Sungho Choi doesn’t smoke and exercises on a regular basis Therefore, Sungho Choi will live a long life Deductive argument is a type of argument whose conclusion is claimed to follow from its premises with absolute necessity, this necessity not being a matter of degree
Truth and validity The properties of truth and falsehood are predicated of sentences Arguments are either valid or invaild Meaningless phrases: ‘valid sentences’, ‘true arguments’ To say that an argument is valid is to say that the truth of its premises is inconsistent with the falsehood of its conclusion All humans are mortal Socrates is human Therefore, Socrates is mortal
All non-humans are immortal Socrates is non-human Therefore, Socrates is immortal All humans are mortal Socrates is human Therefore, Socrates is a philosopher All humans are mortal Socrates is mortal Therefore, Socrates is female The truth or falsehood of the conclusion of an argument doesn’t determine its validity or invalidity
Truth and validity cont’d The only constraint on the truth values of the sentences imposed by the validity of an argument is that we cannot have true premises and false conclusion at the same time The truth or falsehood of the conclusion of an argument doesn’t determine its validity or invalidity univocally The validity of an argument does not guarantee the truth of its conclusion
Soundness An argument is sound if and only if (1) it is valid; and (2) all of its premises are true The conclusion of a sound argument must be true The difference between soundness and validity: the first guarantees but the second does not guarantee the truth of the conclusion The falsehood of the conclusion unsound argument either it is invalid or some of its premises are false
Symbolic language The more symbols a symbolic language contains, the more representational power it has, and therefore, the more accurate account of deductive arguments it gives “it is not the case that” negation “if, . . Then” conditional Use the capital letters ‘P’ through ‘Z’ to symbolize English sentences
Negation Symbolic languages consist of symbolic sentences ‘It is not the case that Socrates is bald’ is the negation of ‘Socrates is bald’ P : ‘Socrates is bald’ ~P : ‘It is not the case that Socrates is bald’ The negation of ‘P’ NB. No parenthesis is required
Conditional P: Diogenes is canine Q: Diogenes is carnivorous (P Q) : ‘If Diogenes is canine, then Diogenes is carnivorous’ Conditional formed from ‘P’ and ‘Q’ ‘P’ is the antecedent of the conditional and ‘Q’ is the consequent of the conditional NB. Conditional symbols are accompanied by parentheses
Sentential connectives Refer to the phrases like ‘it is not the case that’ and ‘if then’ ‘or’ and ‘and’ Their main function is to connect sentences to one another to form a compound sentence Logical connectives
Michellanies the relation between a capital letter and the sentence it abbreviates is subject to change Sentence letters – P, Q, R, . . Z, P1, Q2, R5, Z0,
The most elementary symbolic language The only logical symbol is the negation symbol P, Q, R, . . Z, ~P, ~Q, ~R, . . ~Z, ~~P, ~~Q, . . ~~Z How to exhaustively characterize the class of symbolic sentences Sentence letters are symbolic sentences Negations formed from symbolic sentences are symbolic sentences Nothing other than sentences letters and negations formed from symbolic sentences are symbolic sentences
Inductive definition Alternative characterization Sentences letters are symbolic sentences If φ is a symbolic sentence, then so is ~φ The class of natural numbers The number 1 is a natural number If n is a natural number, n+1 is also a natural number The class of my ancestors Examples of symbolic sentences
Grammatical Tree We can represent this generation of the sentence by means of a grammatical tree that displays its genealogy Each initial node is a sentence letter The top node is the symbolic sentence whose genealogy is being displayed
A new symbolic language The only logical symbol is the conditional symbol P, Q, R, . . Z, (P P), (PQ), (PR), . . (PZ), (QP), (QR), (P(PP)), ((PQ) Q), . .(P ((PZ) R) Z)… Sentence letters are symbolic sentences Conditionals formed from symbolic sentences are symbolic sentences Nothing other than sentences letters and negations formed from symbolic sentences are symbolic sentences
Alternative characterization Sentences letters are symbolic sentences If φ and ψ are symbolic sentences, then so is (φ ψ) Examples Grammatical tree
A more complex symbolic language A symbolic language that contains both the negation sign and conditional sign P, Q, ~R, . .~~ Z, (~P P), (~~PQ), (P~~~R), . . (PZ), (QP), (QR), (P(PP)) Sentences letters are symbolic sentences If φ is a symbolic sentence, then so is ~φ If φ and ψ are symbolic sentences, then so is (φ ψ) Examples
Definitions Atomic sentences vs. compound sentences The main connective of a compound sentence is the connective that is used at the last step in building the sentence Examples Conditional sentence and negation sentence Examples
Grammatical tree Each nonbranching node is of the form ‘~φ’; and it has the symbolic sentence pi as its sole immediate ancestor Each branching node is of the form (φ ψ), having the symbolic sentence φ as its immediate left ancestor and the symbolic sentence ψ as its immediate right ancestor Any expression that can be generated as the top node of a grammatical tree is a symbolic sentence
Parenthesis The function of parentheses is just like that of punctuation in written language The teacher says John is a fool PQR (~P Q) vs. ~(P Q) “If it doesn’t rains, I go out without an umbrella” “It is not the case that if it rains, I go out without an umbrella”
Informal notation No confusion will arise if we omit the outermost parentheses of a sentence When parentheses lie within parentheses, some pair may be replaced by pairs of brackets for the sake of display and recognition In official notation, a symbolic sentence is enclosed by a single pair of outermost parentheses but in informal notation it is not Chapter 1, Section 1 of Terence Parsons’ article
Translation Translation and symbolization Translation into English A scheme of abbreviation correlates a sentence letter with an English sentence Two steps of translation: literal vs. free translation Free translation is a liberal version of literal translation
Literal translation Restore any parentheses that may have disappeared as a result of informal conventions Replace sentence letters by English sentences in accordance with the given scheme of abbreviation Replace the negation sign with ‘it is not the case that’ Replace the conditional sign with ‘if then’
Free translation A free translation or translation simpliciter is a sentence we can get from a literal translation only by changing its style A free translation of φ into English is a stylistic variant of the literal translation of φ into English How to determine whether a sentence is a stylistic variant of the literal translation of φ?
Guideline Negation “It is not the case that John has 4 limbs” “John does not have 4 limbs” “John fails to have 4 limbs” Conditional “If John has 4 limbs then John has 2 siblings” “Provided that John has 4 limbs then John has 2 siblings” “On the condition that John has 4 limbs then John has 2 siblings”
“John has 4 limbs only if John has 2 siblings” To assert that A only if B is to deny that A is true but B is false. This is to assert that if A then B Chapter 1 Section 2 of Terence Parson’s article
Cautionary note John owns a car Stylistic variants of one another? John owns an automobile John is an unmarried man Stylistic variants of one another? John is a bachelor John doesn’t own a car Stylistic variants It is not the case that John owns a car
If John is old, he can own a car Stylistic variants In case John is old, he can own a car What is the difference? In the second case, the expressions at issue are phrases of connection but this is not true in the first case The expressions, “car” and “automobile”, are not phrases of connection Two synonymous sentences are stylistic variants of each other only if their difference concerns phrases of connection
Symbolization A symbolic sentence φ is a symbolization of an English sentence ψ iff ψ is a free English translation of φ. φ is a symbolization of an English sentence ψ iff ψ is a stylistic variant of the literal English translation of φ
Procedure Introduce ‘it is not the case that’ and ‘if . . Then’ in place of their stylistic variants. Replace ‘if . . .then’ with the conditional sign Replace ‘it is not the case that’ with the negation sign Replace English sentences by sentence letters in accordance with the given scheme of abbreviation Omit outermost parentheses according to the informal convention
Grouping together ‘If he does not greet, she will be distraught’ ‘If’ ‘She will be distraught if he greets’ ‘only if’ ‘She will be distraught only if he greets’
Ambiguous sentences ‘It is not the case that she will be distraught if he does not greet’ ~(P Q) P ~Q ‘if Wilma leaves Xavier stays if Yolando sings’ (Yolando sings) ((Wilma leaves) (Xavier stays)) (Wilma leaves) ((Yolando sings) (Xavier stays))
Commas A comma indicates that the symbolizations of sentences to its left or the symbolization of sentences to its right should be combined into a single sentence ‘If Wilma leaves, Xavier stays if Yolando sings’ Requiring that ‘Xavier stays’ and ‘Yolando sings’ are grouped together ‘If Wilma leaves Xavier stays, if Yolando sings’ ‘Wilma leaves’ and ‘Xavier stays’ are required to be grouped together
Logical derivation A criterion for validity for those arguments that are formulated in the symbolic language under discussion A symbolic argument is an argument whose premises and conclusion are symbolic sentences A derivation consists of a sequence of steps from the premises of a given argument to its conclusion Each step constitutes an intuitively valid argument
Mathematical derviation X = 7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14 Therefore, x = 84 X = 7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14 X = 15+9+10+11+12+13+14 X = 24+10+11+12+13+14 ….. Therefore, X = 84 By going through all of these steps, we can get from the premise of the original argument to its conclusion
Four inference rules Modus Ponens (MP): φ ψ φ, Therefore, ψ Modus Tollens (MT) φ ψ ~ψ, Therefore, ~φ
Double Negation (DN) φ Therefore, ~~φ ~~φ Therefore, φ Repetition Ψ Therefore, ψ
Three types of derivation Direct derivation Conditional derivation Indirect derivation