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agINFRA - a data infrastructure to support agricultural scientific communities

Miguel-Angel Sicilia, UAH Kostas Kastrantas , AgroKnow Johannes Keizer , FAO Antun Balaz , IPB. agINFRA - a data infrastructure to support agricultural scientific communities. Brussels , hearing at 22 -feb-2011. The project at a glance.

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agINFRA - a data infrastructure to support agricultural scientific communities

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  1. Miguel-Angel Sicilia, UAH KostasKastrantas, AgroKnow Johannes Keizer, FAO AntunBalaz, IPB agINFRA - adata infrastructuretosupportagriculturalscientificcommunities Brussels, hearing at 22-feb-2011

  2. Theproject at a glance • A data infrastructureforagriculturalscientificcommunities. • Basedonanopen linked dataarchitectureharmonizingsemantics and ontologies. • Aggregating data of existingsystems and takingadvantage of advancedGridservices and infrastructure. • Devisedforscalability and maximuminteroperabilitybyadaptingexistingwidelyusedcomponents. • Fosteringdiversecommunities of heterogeneousproviders and users. • Providingresearcher-centricservices as conceptualized in the VOA3R project and covering CERIF.

  3. Specificissuesfromthenegotiation mandate (i) • Please explore a possible link with the project iMarine (under negotiation), since these projects could make use of the same technologies. Please also explore the possible extension of the project focus more into data and tools. • The consortium should include the IITK sub-contractor as a partner, given its role in the project. • The linked-data version of existing bibliographic data should be further improved, as it does not extend adequately into the domain of primary literature. • The GANTT chart has to be clarified in relation to the project management task. • The travel costs have to be reduced. At the same time, the resources for project management to the coordinating partner have to be increased reflecting the size and complexity of the proposal.

  4. Specificissuesfromthenegotiation mandate (ii) • The consortium is requested to have a clear dissemination strategy and to actively participate in concertation activities. To this avail the following two pieces of text should be included in the appropriate sections of the Description of Work (DoW): […] • The DoW should mention that a proper acknowledgement of the source funding (the FP7 logo and the EU flag, EC /e-Infrastructures, etc.) will be done in all dissemination activities. • On communications, the coordinator should check the best practices provided in http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/participating/communication-best-practices_en.html. • Before the start of the project, provide a Fact sheet with an overview of the project (…) and a 5 slides presentation, including logos. • The consortium is requested to define and implement indicators of success, both qualitative and quantitative, as well as thresholds to be attained during the lifetime of the project.

  5. (1) Link with iMarine & extension • Contact already established – analysis of common technologies underway. • “possible extension of the project focus more into data and tools.” • - "tools” are addressed in: WP-R1: Data Management, Processing, Visualisation & Navigation, pp. 53-55, though called "components". • "data” are addressed in: WP-R2 “Data Policies, Workflows & Integration”, pp. 57-58, in the perspective of cross-community data integration, using a Linked Data approach. • The "data repositories" to be integrated ("Depending on the maturity of the technical solutions of the partners and their current adherence to agricultural metadata and semantics interoperabilitystandards,..." - are listed on pp. 49-50 [not all agINFRA partners]

  6. (2) IITK as a partner • Contributionsof IIT Kanpur • AgroTagger (keycomponentofagINFRAconceptandentityIdentifier) • AgroPediaIndica – Data and Service Provider • IITK alreadypreparedforbecoming a parntner. • Preparingthe LFV and registration in NEF

  7. (3) Linked data in agINFRA • “The linked-data version of existing bibliographic data should be further improved, as it does not extend adequately into the domain of primary literature.” • Primary literature addressed through institutional repositories – to be clarified in the DoW.

  8. (4) Clarification of PM tasks • “The GANTT chart has to be clarified in relation to the project management task.”

  9. (5) Travel budget reduction • “The travel costs have to be reduced. At the same time, the resources for project management to the coordinating partner have to be increased reflecting the size and complexity of the proposal.” • ---> comment on current budget and ask about amount of reduction….

  10. agINFRA - LinkedOpenData AGRIS Project Databases Technology Databases AGROPEDIA agINFRAExposure Layer Data Repositories Open Archives agINFRA concepts Directories of Experts and Institutions OrgEduNet Scholarly Journals agInfraVocBench AgINFRAconcept/entityidentifier /tagger agINFRA- R.I.N.G. AgINFRA Triplifier AGROVOC agINFRA entities BioTech RiceOnt ASFA External VOCs XXXXXX networks experts foaf agInfraComponents dc Science Blogs Websites LOR XXX orgs orgs orgs projects bibo skos XXXXXX Social networking platforms

  11. (10) Main success criteria for the service, and quantitative indicators to measure success • Measurableincrease in sharing and federation of agricultural data • ~3M agricultural and 49,5M genericbibliographicentries • ~2,6M items of scientificliterature open access • ~100K educationalresources • >5 raw data repositories (e.g. Germoplasm) • Measurableinvolvement of users/communities in data managementprocesses • >20 pilottrials • Over75% usersatisfactionlevels • >15 stakeholderevents • 11 data providers/networks • >20 countries and >20 languagescovered • Measurableinteroperability & harmonisation of metadata, semantics and ontologies • >5 agriculturalmetadatastandards in variouslanguagesharmonised • >5 existingagriculturalontologies/thesauriinterconnected and mapped

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