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COUP D’ETAT IN HONDURAS. HONDURAS AND THE INTERAMERICAN SYSTEM. New politicalscenario FOR and IN Latin American countries in the 21st century. FOR. Latin American countries. IN. Latin American countries. Dimensions of thesearchfor a new developmentpattern.
New politicalscenario FOR and IN Latin American countries in the 21st century
FOR Latin American countries
IN Latin American countries
Dimensions of thesearchfor a new developmentpattern First time in Latin American historywhere a combination of factorscouldappeartogether. • Economy– Sustainedgrowth and diversifiedinsertion in theworldeconomiccircuits • Social inclusion - Publicpoliciesaimedtoequalopportunitiesforthepopulation as a whole • Democracy - Strengthening of democraticpractices and procedures
Differencesbetween “north” and “south” LatinAmerica • NorthernLatinAmerica • Their agenda ishighlyinfluencedbythe U.S. • Most of themhadsignedFTAswiththe U.S. • Remittancedependence, highlevels of emigration, highdependency on the fate of recipient countries • SouthernLatinAmerica • Their agenda has a broaderlevel of integrationamongthemselves • Few of themhadsignedFTAswiththe U.S., most of them belong to South American regional structures (MERCOSUR, CAN), • UNASUR as anattempttobuildbroaderlevels of autonomy.
Relevance of Democracy in Latin America Decade ‘70 Decade ’80 (firsthalf)
Relevance of democracy in LatinAmerica Decade ’80 (secondhalf) Decade ’90
Duringdictatorships in LatinAmericathousands of peoplewerearrested, tortured and murdered. most of thoseresponsiblehavenotbeenjudged. Humanrightswereviolated and freedom of speechwastakenaway. Journalistshavebecomethemain target in honduras, weshallnot look away. Relevance of Democracy in LatinAmerica
Whathappened in Honduras? • Honduras suferred a coupd’Etat, a crack of theinstitutionalorder. What are theytryingtoinstitutesincetheevents of june 2009 and whatprecedentdoesitleave?Thetheory of benevolentcoups. • Themilitary actor interveneswithouttakingoverthepoliticalpowerbutenablingananticipatedchange of government. Thisalsoenablestheelimination of certainpolitical figures fromthepoliticalscenario. • Venezuela’s 2002 coup d’ Etatwas a clearprecedent of thistype of practice.
DEMOCRACY DEMOCRACY Is there a double standard when it comes to accepting “uncomforable” leaders? Should a populist leader be kicked out of office even though he got elected in popular elections?
Defendingdemocracy • Sincethesecondhalf of the ’80s, LatinAmerica has become, alongwithEurope, U.S.A. and Canada, a regionthatpursueseconomicdevelopmentwithin a democraticframe. • The USA and Europehavetheobligation of defending and cooperatingwithdemocracy in LatinAmerica. • The USA hadseveraltoolstopressure Honduras and decidednotto use them. • Furthermore, most of South American countrieshavebeenleftalone in thedefense of democracy.
A yearlater, western worldfacedwiththe new Hondureangovernment Countriesthat do notrecognizetheHondureangovernment
Futureexpectations • Honduras certainlywillnotbeexcludedforlifefromtheInteramericanSystem. • Thereincorporationcannotbe done onthebasis of a “moveon” policy. • Actorsinvolved in thecoupmustbejudged and punished. • Zelaya mustbeallowedtoreturntohis country, enjoying full rights. • Honduras mustcompromisewiththe full respect of HumanRights and politicalfreedoms.