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NC FALCON: Module III Collecting & Documenting Evidence

NC FALCON: Module III Collecting & Documenting Evidence. February 2011 East Elementary . Introduction. Using a variety of methods to determine… where students are in their learning. the tools that can be used to document this evidence. Methods need to align with the learning

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NC FALCON: Module III Collecting & Documenting Evidence

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  1. NC FALCON: Module IIICollecting & Documenting Evidence February 2011 East Elementary

  2. Introduction • Using a variety of methods to determine… • where students are in their learning. • the tools that can be used to document this evidence. Methods need to align with the learning targets and criteria for success! What does this remind you of?

  3. Formative Assessment Model http://center.ncsu.edu/falcon/mod/resource/view.php?id=267

  4. Where Am I Now? • Teachers and Students…. • Collect Evidence of Learning to determine where students are in relation to the intended learning outcomes. • Document Evidence of Learning to record learning as it happens and to communicate this progress to their students and parents.

  5. Inside/Outside of the Box • We need to start thinking a little “outside the box” when it comes to types of assessment. • Brainstorm with your table group ways that you assess student learning other than the traditional “test/quiz” way. • Write each way on a separate index card with a little description of how it is done. DON’T put them in the box just yet!!

  6. TEST

  7. TEST

  8. TEST

  9. TEST

  10. TEST

  11. TEST

  12. TEST

  13. TEST

  14. TEST

  15. TEST

  16. TEST

  17. TEST

  18. TEST

  19. TEST

  20. TEST

  21. What happened to the word“TEST” ?

  22. Collecting Evidence • Use multiple ways to allow students to show what they have learned • Important that teachers use multiple methods that allow them to know where each student is in reaching the learning target • Provides the opportunity for teachers to differentiate instruction and move students towards their learning target.

  23. Let’s take a look back…. What is a possible strategy for collecting evidence (that aligns)? Clear Learning Target Criteria for Success

  24. Use Exit Tickets, have students draw pictures illustrating the concept of length or write sentences that explain length. Possible Strategies for Collecting Evidence of Learning:

  25. Your Turn: • At your table: • Work together to think of a way of collecting evidence for the following: • Learning Target: • I can measure length of an object using items from the classroom. • Criteria for Success: • I will line up the item from end-to end. • I will use the same item to measure from end-to-end. • I will not have any gaps or overlaps.

  26. Documenting Evidence • Should reflect the learning adequately and appropriately • Provide enough information to make sound decision that inform instruction and improve student learning . Examples: * Mental Notes * Symbolic indicators on seating charts or rosters * Audio/Video recordings * “My progress” forms * Conference notes, etc.

  27. Table Talk • Look at the 2nd grade example • Use your same assigned learning target • What are some examples of possible ways to document evidence for the learning targets? • Share out • Let’s take a look

  28. NC Falcon 2nd grade example with all 4 columns

  29. Gallery Walk • Six charts have been placed around the room with learning targets from each grade level. • In groups, rotate to each poster and add ways that these teams could collect and document evidence.

  30. Reflection • Exit Slip- Muddiest point • Plus / Delta

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