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Conceitos Fundamentais em Astrobiologia MPA5007. Amâncio Friaça, 2015. Astrobiology (A Transdisciplinary Enterprise). Astronomy/Astrophysics Biochemistry/Chemistry Geology/Geophysics Planetary Sciences Ecology/Complexity Sciences Evolution/Theoretical Biology
Conceitos Fundamentais em AstrobiologiaMPA5007 Amâncio Friaça, 2015
Astrobiology(A Transdisciplinary Enterprise) • Astronomy/Astrophysics • Biochemistry/Chemistry • Geology/Geophysics • Planetary Sciences • Ecology/Complexity Sciences • Evolution/Theoretical Biology • Microbiology/Molecular Biology • Oceanography/Meteorology • Physics/Information Theory • Nanosciences/Synthetic Biology What is life? How did life begin on Earth? How has life evolved? How will it continue? Is there life elsewhere? Where should we look for it?
Life in the Cosmic Context(AGA 0316, IAG-USP)- A “transdisciplinary discipline” Distribution of Majors (2007) Population: 100 students
Transdisciplinarity, a Brief Bibliography Piaget J., 1st International Seminar on Pluridisciplinarity and Interdisciplinarity (Nice, 1970) UNESCO Symposium “Science and Culture: A Common Path for the Future” (Tokyo, 1995) UNESCO Congress “Which University for Tomorrow” (Locarno, 1997) Jaeger J., Scheringer M. Transdisziplinarität. Problemorientierung ohne Methodenzwang. GAIA, 7(1): 10-25 (1998) Max-Neef, Manfred A. Foundations of Transdisciplinarity. Ecological Economics, 53, 5-16 (2005)
Transdisciplinarity Multidisciplinarity Objet: studied by several disciplines Assembling of disciplines Interdisciplinarity Objet+ discipline Interaction of disciplines Creation of disciplines → disciplinary Big Bang Transdisciplinarity Objet+ discipline+ researcher (student) Research (learning) environment Transformation of the researcher (student)→ moving into fields not their own→ flexibility and openness
Transdisciplinarity and Astrobiology Parallels Transdisciplinarity/Astrobiology Explicit project of defragmentation of knowledge → Antidote for the “disciplinary Big Bang” NASA Astrobiology Roadmap (1st principle): “Astrobiology is multidisciplinary in its content and interdisciplinary in its execution.” Vastness of the objet (life in the cosmos) A broad and diversified body of researchers Cross-fertilization between different points of view Deep collaboration → Transdisciplinary space A “double life” biography of the researcher
Building Knowledge from the Disciplinary Big Bang Majors of students attending AGA 0316 (2009) Population: 108 students
AstroBio CaféA Transdisciplinarity Workshop (following suggestion of 1997 Locarno Congress)
Exodiscussions 01) A origem das membranas biológicas 02) Perspectivas para a vida humana no espaço 03) A Teoria de Gaia como metáfora da visão sistêmica 04) A origem da água na Terra 05) Os pilares da vida 06) O que é a vida? Uma questão a ser investigada por várias perspectivas 07) Interações Sol-Terra de interesse biológico 08) Mitologias de vida extraterrestre na literatura, cinema e TV 09) Fundamentos termodinâmicos da vida 11) Efeitos gravitacionais na vida 12) Grandes extinções, com ênfase à transição K-T 14) Processos de nucleossíntese estelar 17) A hipótese Gaia 19) Vida nas dorsais meso-oceânicas 24) Extremófilos 18) Biogeografia evolutiva 22) Vida inorgânica 20) Efeitos mutagênicos da radiação 13) Matéria orgânica em meteoritos e poeira cometária 10) Características atmosféricas e geofísicas de Marte, Europa e Titã 23) Efeito estufa e aquecimento global 21) Químicas alternativas da vida 15) Fronteiras entre máquinas e organismos vivos 16) Formação e evolução da atmosfera terrestre (2007)
The Three Basic Questions(NAI Roadmap) How does life begin and evolve? Does life exist elsewhere in the Universe? What is the future of life on Earth and beyond?
Astrobiology is multidisciplinary in its content and interdisciplinary in its execution. Its success depends critically upon the close coordination of diverse scientific disciplines and programs, including space missions. (NASA Astrobiology Roadmap, 1st principle)
Astrobiology and Scientific Education Curricula based on AB → decompartmentalization of subject areas : Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geology, Astronomy, History, Philosophy, etc. AB explicitly sets comprehensive educational goals: The intrinsic public interest in astrobiology offers a crucial opportunity to educate and inspire the next generation of scientists, technologists and informed citizens.” (NASA Astrobiology Roadmap, 4th principle) AB allows building skills for learning, life and work Variety of backgrounds→ collaboration/complementarity Exposure to different points of view → openness Moving through several disciplines → flexibility
} AstrophysicsAstrochemistryAstrobiology
Astrobiology and Scientific Education Improving the education base in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) Integrating fields of knowledge: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy, Geology, History, Philosophy Navigating through a world increasingly embedded in science and technology Orientating ethical attitudes taking into account the scientific knowledge
Astrobiology encourages planetary stewardship through an emphasis on protection against forward and back biological contamination and recognition of ethical issues associated with exploration. (NASA Astrobiology Roadmap, 2nd principle)
Astrobiology recognizes a broad societal interest in its endeavors, especially in areas such as achieving a deeper understanding of life, searching for extraterrestrial biospheres, assessing the societal implications of discovering other examples of life, and envisioning the future of life on Earth and in space. (NASA Astrobiology Roadmap, 3rd principle)
Research Axis in Astrobiology Evolution of the complexity in the cosmos Molecular content of the universe Habitability Solar System Exoplanets Extremophiles Origins of life Biosignatures Evolution of biospheres Human impact on Earth and beyond
Empresa criada por bilionários busca minérios no espaço Folha Ciência 25/04/2012 C8 Uma empresa recheada de nomes graúdos, como James Cameron (diretor dos filmes de bilheteria bilionária "Titanic" e "Avatar") e Larry Page (criador do Google), anunciou ontem seus planos de promover mineração em asteroides próximos da Terra. A companhia, batizada de Planetary Resources Inc., espera fazer a extração de recursos escassos na Terra em bólidos celestes que se aproximem da órbita de nosso planeta, membros do grupo de corpos celestes conhecidos como NEOs ("objetos perto da Terra", na sigla inglesa)..Eles calculam que o negócio poderia movimentar dezenas de bilhões de dólares. Durante a coletiva que revelou os planos da empresa, Peter Diamandis, cofundador e codiretor da firma, destacou que um único asteroide de 500 metros rico em platina contém mais desse metal que tudo o que já foi minerado na Terra na história.
Extinções em MassaCausas Astronômicas (L. & W. Alvarez 1980)
SCIENCE 6 June 1980:Vol. 208. no. 4448, pp. 1095 - 1108DOI: 10.1126/SCIENCE.208.4448.1095 Articles Extraterrestrial Cause for the Cretaceous-Tertiary Extinction Luis W. ALVAREZ 1, Walter ALVAREZ 2, Frank Asaro 3, and Helen V. Michel 4 1 Professor emeritus of physics at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley 947202 Associate professor in the Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of California, Berkeley3 Senior scientist in the Energy and Environment Division of Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory4 Staff scientist in the Energy and Environment Division of Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Platinum metals are depleted in the earth's crust relative to their cosmic abundance; concentrations of these elements in deep-sea sediments may thus indicate influxes of extraterrestrial material. Deep-sea limestones exposed in Italy, Denmark, and New Zealand show iridium increases of about 30, 160, and 20 times, respectively, above the background level at precisely the time of the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinctions, 65 million years ago. Reasons are given to indicate that this iridium is of extraterrestrial origin, but did not come from a nearby supernova. A hypothesis is suggested which accounts for the extinctions and the iridium observations. Impact of a large earth-crossing asteroid would inject about 60 times the object's mass into the atmosphere as pulverized rock; a fraction of this dust would stay in the stratosphere for several years and be distributed worldwide. The resulting darkness would suppress photosynthesis, and the expected biological consequences match quite closely the extinctions observed in the paleontological record. One prediction of this hypothesis has been verified: the chemical composition of the boundary clay, which is thought to come from the stratospheric dust, is markedly different from that of clay mixed with the Cretaceous and Tertiary limestones, which are chemically similar to each other. Four different independent estimates of the diameter of the asteroid give values that lie in the range 10 ± 4 kilometers.
Temas de Monografias - 2013 01) Panspermia 02) Complexidade, organização e fenômenos quânticos na origem da vida 03) Perspectivas para a exploração econômica do espaço 04) Concepções da vida extraterrestre em diversas culturas 05) A vida em planetas oceânicos 06) A vida em ambientes extremos e biodiversidade 07) Questionado a importância astrobiológica da busca de um gêmeo da Terra 08) Literatura e astrobiologia: análise do livro “Solaris” 09) Busca de vida em exoplanetas: água? 10) Uma análise do filme “2001: Uma Odisséia no Espaço” 11) ) Geofísica fora da Terra: tectônica de placas e outros fenômenos 12) A vida no oceano profundo 13) O princípio antrópico 14) homoquiralidade e a origem da vida 15) A origem da vida – uma abordagem química e astrobiológica no ensino médio 16) Ecossistemas em fontes hidrotermais e a possibilidade de vida em Europa
Planetary Resources, Inc. (Mission, April 24, 2012): “Expanding the resource base of humanity to include the solar system.” Cecil Rhodes (1902): “To think of these stars that you see overhead at night, these vast worlds which we can never reach. I would annex the planets if I could...”