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BUimkw = AiDAwie iv`c iqkOximqI dy rojwnw jIvn iv``c hOx

BUimkw = AiDAwie iv`c iqkOximqI dy rojwnw jIvn iv``c hOx vwlI vrqO bwry g`lbwq krwgyN[AsIN nOvIN jmwq iv`c ie`k smkOxI

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BUimkw = AiDAwie iv`c iqkOximqI dy rojwnw jIvn iv``c hOx

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Presentation Transcript

  1. BUimkw = AiDAwie iv`c iqkOximqI dy rojwnw jIvn iv``c hOx vwlI vrqO bwry g`lbwq krwgyN[AsIN nOvIN jmwq iv`c ie`k smkOxI iqkOx ijsdI ie`k BUjw Aqy ie`k hOr Bwg id`qw hOvy ,nMU h`l krn bwrY pVH cu`ky hwN[ ies Dwrnw dy nwl hI AsIN hux iksy mInwr,Bvn jwN dr`Kq dI aUcweI ,ndI dI cOMNVweI ,phwVI dI aUcweI jo ik AwswnI nwl nhIN mwpI jw skdI, nUM vI pqw krwNgy[ jdo iksy ieMjInIAr dy swhmxy ndI dI cONVweI Awid pqw krn dI s`misAw AwaudIN hY ijs nUM ik mwpx vwly PIqy nwl mwpxw musikl hMudw hY qw ayuh ie`k vN`fy iqNRBuj dI klpnw krdw hY [

  2. idRstI ryKw= jdoN AsIN iksy vsqU nUM dyKdy hw qwN swfI A`K Aqy aus vsquU nUM imlwayux vwlI ryKw nuUM AsI idRstI ryKw AwKdy hwN[ vsqU idRstI ryKw A`K

  3. aUcwx kox=jykr koeI vsqU swfI A`K dI lytvIN ryKw qoN au`pr hovy qwN swnUM vsqU nUM dyKx leI isr nUM au`pr cu`kxw pvygw ies qrw swfIAw A`Kw ie`k kox nwl au``pr v`l GuMm jwdIAwM hn, nUMN acwx kox AwKdy hn [ Isr nUM vsqU idRstI ryKW acwx kox A`K lytvI ryKw

  4. audwhrn= ie`k poVI dIvwr nwl ies qrwN itkI hoeI hY ik iesdw au`prlw isrw dIvwr dy ayu`prly isry nwl l`gdw hY poVI dw hyTlw isrw dIvwr qo 3 mItr dI dUrI’qy hY[ jykr poVI DrqI nwl isry nwl l`gdw hY poVI dw hyTlw isrw dIvwr qo 3 mItr dI dUrI’qy hY[ jykr poVI DrqI nwl isry nwl l`gdw hY poVI dw hyTlw isrw dIvwr qo 3 mItr dI dUrI’qy hY[ jykr poVI DrqI nwl 45°dw kox bxwaudI hovy qw dIvwr dI aucweI Aqy poVI dI lMbweI pqw krO[{Æ2=1.44}vrqo Hh`l=AsIN dIvwr Aqy poVI nUM ryKw KMf dy rUUp iv`c drswvwgy mMn lau AB,dIvwr hY;ijsdI aucweI h mItr hY Aqy AC poVI hY[ dIvwr DrqI nwl 90 kox bxwvygI[id`qw hY

  5. DMnvwd

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