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Arizona Quality Assurance Challenge. Created By: Brent Strickland and Bob Peterson University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Special Thanks to Matt Hamlyn for permission to use the game board frame. It’s in the Numbers. Feed Bag. Health. Safe and Secure. Responsibility Round Up.
Arizona Quality Assurance Challenge Created By: Brent Strickland and Bob Peterson University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Special Thanks to Matt Hamlyn for permission to use the game board frame
Responsibility Round Up
It’s In the Numbers Safe and Secure Up for Grabs Responsibility Round Up Feed Bag Health $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
1-100 How many Good Production Practices does AZ Quality Assurance follow?
1-1-A 8 1 - 100
1-200 What is the recommended length of time for an isolation period? In days.
1-200A 30 1 - 100
1-300 How many gallons of water does a finishing pig need each day?
1-300A 4 1 - 100
1-400 How many gallons of water will a finishing steer drink each day in hot weather? Give the range.
1-400A 15 – 22 1 - 100
1-500 A 1,200 pound steer will produce a ______ pound carcass. (be within 30 pounds)
1-500A 750 1 - 100
2-100 The two types of digestive systems in meat animals are? 1 - 100
2-100A Ruminant Monogastric or Simple Stomach 1 - 100
2-200 What is ad libitum feeding?
2-200A Ad libitum feeding is providing an animal access to feed all the time. 1 - 100
2-300 What are the three major food hazards that the USDA is most concerned with meat products
2-300A Microbial Contamination (bacteria) Chemical Contamination (residue medication) Physical Hazards (broken needles) 1 - 100
2-400 How long should you keep a copy of your feed tag?
2-400A One year 1 - 100
2-500 What is this an example of?
2-500A Injection Site Damage 1 - 100
3-100 The three most common types of injections are? 1 - 100
3-100A Subcutaneous Intramuscular Intravenous 1 - 100
3-200 What are the three physical needs of your animal you need to constantly need to be concerned with?
3-200A Proper Feed Clean and Plentiful Water Good Environment 1 - 100
3-300 What two main factors affect the quality of stored medication?
3-300A Temperature Air or moisture 1 - 100
3-400 How would you respond if you were asked how you would prove that you are providing a safe animal to the end user?
3-400A With records of each animal including Feed Medication Additives, Etc. 1 - 100
3-500 Reusing needles may cause injury because
3-500A Dull or bent needles may cause bleeding, bruising or scarring. Needles may break off in the animal. 1 - 100
4-100 The object of a biosecurity plan is reduce the risk of what three elements from being introduced to your project? 1 - 100
4-100A Diseases Parasites Pests 1 - 100
4-200 The first line of defense in a biosecurity plan is to separate healthy animals from what?
4-200A Other animals with unknown health 1 - 100
4-300 What are three ways disease can be spread?
4-300A Animal to animal contact Through animal waste Air movement (aerosol) animal microorganisms 1 - 100
4-400 What two basic instincts does an animal have when it senses danger?
4-400A Fight or Flight 1 - 100
4-500 Disease organisms are allowed to reach harmful levels when what is allowed to build up?
4-500A Manure 1 - 100
5-100 Your neighbor tells you to give lamb medicine to your pig to make him feel better. This is called.. 1 - 100
5-100A Off Label Use… Illegal!!!! 1 - 100