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eC. Although the definitions may be elusive, most organizations are moving to re-define themselves as part of the Digital Economy. There is a sense that organizations that can adapt and harness the power of the Digital Economy will prosper, while those that do not will lag behind. eC.
eC Although the definitions may be elusive, most organizations are moving to re-define themselves as part of the Digital Economy. There is a sense that organizations that can adapt and harness the power of the Digital Economy will prosper, while those that do not will lag behind.
eC What is true for organizations may be even more applicable at a national level. Countries which have a highly developed Digital Economy are experiencing sustained economic growth, while those with an underdeveloped Information Technologies infrastructure and a small or non-existent Digital Economy are perceived to be languishing; whether by cause or by consequence remains an intriguing puzzle.
eC As the most prominent example of a highly developed Digital Economy, the United States in the 1990’s experienced the longest economic expansion in its history.
While there were many factors that influenced this growth, it was widely acknowledged that one of the biggest factors was rapid growth and innovation in the IT sector and the associated improvements in worker productivity and process efficiency.
eC The growing “digital divide” between so-called developed and developing nations has become a dominant theme in discussions of global economic and social development. Indeed, the issue has been identified by development agencies as one of the most pressing problems to be addressed in the coming decade.
eC Information Technology is a fundamental development priority. Virtually every major development agency, from the United Nations and the World Bank down to bilateral and foundation-based aid, identify IT infrastructure as a cornerstone for most other aid activities and objectives ranging from poverty eradication to social and economic growth.
Many of these agencies have moved this issue to the “front burner” for immediate action, and have either established or announced major new IT development programs.