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/. .---.-----t,.t7)/'*"t. :--. -_. ffi. American Journal of ExperimentalAgriculture. 1(3):110-1 2011. 20,. 1'".1.'. ,. international. SCIENCEDOMAIN. ofq. www. sciencedamaI11. A Study on Effectsof PlantingDateson Growth. andY ieldof l S c o rn H y b ri d s (Z e a ma y s L .).
/ .---.-----t,.t7)/'*"t :-- -\_. ffi American Journal of ExperimentalAgriculture 1(3):110-1 2011 20, 1'".1.' , international SCIENCEDOMAIN ofq www. sciencedamaI11 A Study on Effectsof PlantingDateson Growth andY ieldof l S c o rn H y b ri d s (Z e a ma y s L .) Marvam Ashofteh Beiragil, Saied Khavari Khorasani2' seyednaninil.,i"",l"ni"^;;;;D"1"'"'"*'^fi;r1**%::g:;t; lJniversityof Zab.ol'Zabol' I,ran' l Plant BreedingDepartment,Collegeof Agriculture, and ilaturalResources Center' Mashhad' lran ,Khorasan nur"ui'Aji[ittirit ni"""urin ""-"loui",tment and Breedi'n',i!rT;"r[:::, ofAgrononv Plant ililf i:"*r; oAgronomyDepaftment, LJniversity Tehran' Tehran' lran' of Department,lJniversityof Tehran' Tehran' lran' 5 NanoBioTelhnotogy R ecei ved19tnA P ri l 2011 A ccepted 26th.A P ri2011 l Onl i ne R eadY16" MaY 2011 Research Article ABSTRACT ture singlecross hYbrids tffi'::'Yll: ({5-97-04,.KSC647and *::"-i-"^"^'"3:":31 DC370) hvurios and3 lranian RazaviAgricultural "o*t"r"i"r with i reptications Khorasan ai on'RCB^D ::['(;1111'r'J'i'r""i;ur'J hybrids,EXPl lran on zoog.irrii studyshowedthat amongall centre, Mashhad, Research r,"JL" hiihestyieldsin earlyplanting June)and (5 anOOs-SXOf (1551 !"11h3) Z ton/ha) (16.03 (20 yieldsin lateplantins ton/ha)""i'kocbio ga.zzto"ti,i) produ"ced highest' the EXpl (16.52 weight' suchas 300 kernel yietO component ifrat June).Results thisexperi.*ntaisoindicatea of affectedin delay planting no. per row, xerneldepth and ear l;"Sth were adverselyrow' kerneldepthand ear kernel wLignt,kernelno'.per 300- kernel reduced Delayplanting condition. into4 different usingWarts; *61'oo divided cornhybrids the anatysis clusie-r of Results length. it analysis results cluster of Fromth-e similarities)' (lowintra-group highextra-group and clusters and EXP2hybrids) 8C582 g";otyp;; in Ciusl (2P434' among is recommended makecrosses to genotypes Classifying SfH,fOru KSC647)in breedingprogrammes' and and Ctus4 (2P684, could reducethe techniques muttivariate traitswith sophisticated according theirugronornic to andexpenditure cropimprovement' for timeperiod analysts; cluster Kevwords.Maize, planting date,combined analysis' rCorrespondingauthor:Email: mostafavi@kiau'ac'ir;