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COMENIUS PROJECT 2005-2006. CROSSWORDS. Braila CROSSWORDS. ORIZONTAL: 1. Poet, prozator, traducator( vol. Povestile baltii) (1919-1964) ( M ihu ) 2. Teatrul din Braila poarta numele acestei mari actrite (1883-1956) ( Maria )
Braila CROSSWORDS ORIZONTAL: 1. Poet, prozator, traducator( vol.Povestile baltii)(1919-1964) (Mihu ) 2. Teatrul din Braila poarta numele acestei mari actrite (1883-1956) (Maria ) 3. Actor contemporan, director al teatrului Maria Filotti(George) 4. Actor de teatru si film(1925-1996) (Stefan) 5. Creatoarea produselor geriatrice Gerovital (Ana) 6. Actrita de teatru si film (1933-2003)(Vasilica) 7. Geolog, geograf(1872-1925)(Gheorghe Munteanu) 8. Pictor (1872-1949)(Gheorghe ) 9. Dramaturg, autorul comediei Jocul de-a vacanta (1907-1945)(Mihail ) 10. Pictor, grafician(Vespasian ) PERSONALITATI VERTICAL: 1. Regizorcontemporan ( Dan ) 2. Scriitor contemporan (vol.Sacul cu pisici, ) (Mihai ) 3. Poet al iubirii (vol.Poezii)(1881-1913)( Panait ) 4. Critic literar, poet (1891-1971)(antologia De la Chateaubriand la Mallarmé) 5. Compozitor , dirijor, cantaret (1927- 1999)(George ) 6. Scriitor contemporan (vol. Povestiri din drumul Brailei) (Fanus ) 7. Sculptor contemporan, cetatean de onoare al orasului Toronto, Canada. 8. Poet, supranumit miliardarul de imagini(1903-1946) (Ilarie ) 9. Pictor (1907-1968) (Gheorghe ) 10. Cantareata opera (1860-1939) a cantat pe scenele marilor teatre ale lumii- Nisa, Milano, Buenos Aires, Monte Carlo, New York (Hariclea)
Braila CROSSWORDS DOWN: 1. Contemporary director ( Dan ) 2. Contemporary writer ( volume:’’The Sack with Cats’’) ( Mihai ) 3. Writer of Love ( volume’’Poems’’) ( 1881 – 1913 ) ( Panait ) 4. Literary critic, poet ( 1891 – 1971 ) ( the anthology ‚’’From Chateaubriand to Mallarme’’ ) 5. Composer, conductor, singer ( 1927 – 1999 ) ( George) 6. Contemporary writer ( volume ‚’’Stories from Braila’s Road’’ ( Fanus ) 7. Contemporary sculptor, honour citizen of the town Toronto, Canada 8. Poet, nicknamed multi-milionaire of images ( 1903 – 1946 ) ( Ilarie ) 9. Painter ( 1907 – 1968 ) ( Gheorghe ) 10. Opera singer, she sang on the stages of the greatest theatres in the world – Nisa, Milano, Buenos Aires, Monte Carlo, New York ( Hariclea ) ACROSS 1. Poet, fiction writer, interpreter ( volume‚’’The Stories of the Pool’’ ) ( 1919 – 1964 )( Mihu) 2. Theatre in Braila, gets the name of this great actress ( 1883 – 1956 ) ( Maria) 3. Contemporary actor, manager at ‚’’Maria Filotti’’ Theatre ( George ) 4. Theatre and film actor ( 1925 – 1996 ) ( Stefan ) 5. Doctor, invented the geriatric medicines,’’Gerovital’’ ( Ana ) 6. Theatre and film actor ( 1933 – 2003 ) ( Vasilica ) 7. Geologist, geographer ( 1872 – 1925 ) ( Gheorghe Munteanu ) 8. Painter ( 1872 – 1949 ) ( Gheorghe) 9. Playwright, the comedy’s author ‚’’The Play about Holiday ( 1907 – 1945 ) ( Mihail ) 10. Painter, drawer ( Vespasian )
ITALY Crossword • Down • The blessed woman who joined the Rule of St Benedict in the Monastry of St Anthony in Polesine. • Underground Chapel where the remains of a Saint are kept. • A palace famous for its frescoes about the months. • Work of sculpture where the forms jut out. • 13. Circular window that is in the middle of the façade of a Romanic Church. • The cross of the plan of a Romanic church. • Very tall decorative cone or pyramid-shaped elements typical of the Gothic Style. • It is very coloured in a Gothic Cathedral and you find it in place of the brick walls. • It is a window with a double opening divided by a small column. • Arch with a central angle. • It is a famous Renaissance Palace with diamond-shaped rusticated ashlars Across • Cistercians spread this Style in the XIIIth century in Italy. It is famous for verticalism. • Watercolour technique used to decorate or illustrate books or parchments. • Typical Emilian ring-shaped pasta parcel with a savoury filling fit for soups or sauces. • Symbolic building of Ferrara made up of 4 towers and 4 drawbridges. • The town of the Estensi Family. • A vault made up of two crossing arches. • The sculpture of a wild animal you can find in the Cathedral Square in Ferrara. • The Italian Capital city. • Longitudinal room inside a Basilica that is delimited by columns or pillars.
Częstochowa CROSSWORDS A village near Częstochowa with the ruins of the medieval castle. A wildlife sanctuary which covers village named Złoty Potok with Sigmunt’s spring. A village near Miedzno where was the battle on 1st September 1939. ...............desert near Olsztyn . An animal from whom the town of Wieluń was named. A nature reserve in Lipie parish with oaks which are 600 years old. A kind of rock – the building block of the Cracow – Częstochowa Uplands. A bird which within 130 years is present on the peat bogs and marshes of the “Jeleniak – Mikuliny” reserve. A town in Mała Panwia basin which, according to the legend, is haunted by the Black Lady • The main river in the Częstochowa region which has got Liswarta and Stradomka tributaries. • A wildlife on the Liswarta river with the ruins of the fortress from the 17th century. • A cave system on the Krzemienna Mountain. • A town where lead, zinc and silver were formerly mined. • A forest reserve in Janów and Niegowa parishes. • An isolated limestone hill connected with the legend about beautiful witch. • A knight who established Bobolice village. • The name of the king who hid himself in the caves near Ojców. • A village near Lubliniec where there is a residence of “Śląsk” Song and Dance Ensemble • Water sports and recreation center near Częstochowa • Drip stones in the Falcons’ Mountains caves. Solution to the crossword: PRZYTULIA OLSZTYŃSKA – a kind of plant typical for the Częstochowa region The author: of the crossword: Kamila Molga , class VIc Primary School no 34 in Częstochowa, Poland.
Litery z pól pokolorowanych, przeniesione w odpowiednie miejsca do ramki pod krzyżówką, utworzą rozwiązanie –nazwę rośliny rosnącej tylko w podczęstochowskim Olsztynie. l. Wieś koło Częstochowy z ruinami średniowiecznego zamku. 2. Rezerwat obejmujący Złoty Potok ze źródłami Zygmunta. 3. Wieś koło Miedźna – miejsce bitwy 1 IX 1939 r. 4. Pustynia... – blisko Olkusza. 5.Zwierzę, od którego nazwę wzięło miasteczko Wieluń. 6. Rezerwat w gminie Lipie z 600-letnimi dębami. 7. Skała – budulec Jury Krakowsko-Częstochowskiej. 8. Ptak, który od 130 lat gnieździ się na torfowiskach i bagnach rezerwatu „Jeleniak-Mikuliny”. 9. Miasto w dorzeczu Małej Panwi, które według legendy nawiedza Czarna Dama. 10. Główna rzeka Ziemi Częstochowskiej, której dopływami są Liswarta i Stradomka. 11. Wieś nad Liswartą z ruinami twierdzy bastionowej z XVII w. 12. System jaskiniowy na Krzemiennej Górze. 13. Miasto, gdzie dawniej wydobywano ołów, cynk i srebro. 14. Rezerwat leśny w gminie Janów i Niegowa. 15. Odosobnione wniesienie wapienne związane z mstowską legendą o Pięknej Czarownicy. 16. Rycerz, który założył wieś Bobolice. 17. Imię króla, który ukrywał się w grotach koło Ojcowa. 18. Wieś blisko Lublińca, gdzie swą siedzibę ma Zespół Pieśni i Tańca „Śląsk”. 19. Podczęstochowski ośrodek sportów wodnych i rekreacji. 20. Wapienne nacieki w jaskiniach w Sokolich Górach.
Şerbeşti School IAŞI Vertical / Down: A - B Înlocuind numerele judeţelor marcate pe hartă cu numele lor veţi afla numele judeţului vostru / Replace the numbers of the counties indicated on the map with their names, you can find out the name of your county (IAŞI). Orizontal / Across: 1). SIBIU 2). BRAŞOV 3). VASLUI 4). CRAIOVA