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N.F.F. Wasting Time and Money

Flybe Aviation Services. N.F.F. Wasting Time and Money. Agenda. How We Identify N.F.F’s. What Costs Do We Suffer From N.F.F’s. Why Do We Have N.F.F’s. How Do We Reduce N.F.F’s. Agenda. How We Identify N.F.F’s. What Costs Do We Suffer From N.F.F’s. Why Do We Have N.F.F’s.

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N.F.F. Wasting Time and Money

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  1. Flybe Aviation Services N.F.F. Wasting Time and Money

  2. Agenda How We Identify N.F.F’s What Costs Do We Suffer From N.F.F’s Why Do We Have N.F.F’s How Do We Reduce N.F.F’s

  3. Agenda How We Identify N.F.F’s What Costs Do We Suffer From N.F.F’s Why Do We Have N.F.F’s How Do We Reduce N.F.F’s

  4. How Do We Identify N.F.F’s • I Believe at Flybe We See 3 Types of N.F.F. • Operational Direct (Resets) • Technical Dispatch Reliability Reports • Operational Indirect (Component Replacements) • Technical Dispatch Reliability Reports • Shop Strip Reports • Shop Failures • Strip Reports • Technical Dispatch Reliability Reports.

  5. Turbo Prop Q400 WATOG Figures How We Identify N.F.F’s

  6. E- Jet WATOG Figures How Do We Identify N.F.F’s

  7. How Do We Identify N.F.F’s Difference between Flybe and Bombardier WATOG Figures • Flybe WATOG 97.99% which in Nov had 14 cancellations and 153 delays over 15 mins. • These delays are shown by ATA category above.

  8. How Do We Identify N.F.F’s Difference between Flybe and Bombardier WATOG Figures • Bombardier, working with Flybe review the delay reports and Bombardier would report the WATOG as 98.96%. (Non Chargeable 80). • The 0.97% difference can be broken down into 4 categories.

  9. How Do We Identify N.F.F’s Difference between Flybe and Bombardier WATOG Figures • Focusing on the N.F.F. figure shows that of the 0.97% non chargeable 0.21% is down to N.F.F. • As I’m sure you are aware an increase in technical performance of 0.21% is a valued improvement.

  10. How Do We Identify N.F.F’s Technical Dispatch Reliability Reports

  11. How Do We Identify N.F.F’s Technical Dispatch Reliability Reports The Technical Dispatch report below shows an Operational Indirect delay attributed to having the No2 Engine FADEC replaced by a unit which had failed previously and was then found to fail again. This component had been through a shop test and was NFF.

  12. How Do We Identify N.F.F’s ST Aerospace Shop Strip Reports Flybe July-Sept2012 • Total number of scheduled & unscheduled removals between July 2012 & September 2012 is 761 • 143 of these removals classed as NFF • Total number of NFF represents 19% of all removals

  13. How Do We Identify N.F.F’s ST Aerospace Shop Strip Reports Flybe July-Sept2012 Total Removals & NFF removals by Part Number

  14. Agenda How Do We Identify N.F.F’s What Costs Do We Suffer From N.F.F’s Why Do We Have N.F.F’s How Do We Reduce N.F.F’s

  15. What Costs Do We Suffer From N.F.F’s • Cancelations Delay Costs • Component Replacement Costs • Shop Visit Costs • Stock Holding Costs • Maintenance Crew Costs

  16. Agenda How Do We Identify N.F.F’s What Costs Do We Suffer From N.F.F’s Why Do We Have N.F.F’s How Do We Reduce N.F.F’s

  17. Why Do We Have N.F.F.s My Views • Component design is poor (DDV) • Aircraft system design is poor (De-Ice) • The system functional test is weak • The shop visit test is weak

  18. Agenda How Do We Identify N.F.F’s What Costs Do We Suffer From N.F.F’s Why Do We Have N.F.F’s How Do We Reduce N.F.F’s

  19. How Do We Reduce N.F.F.s Again My Views • Improve system/component design (Self/Functional Test) • Improve Repeatable Defect reporting (Electronic Tech log) • Work with spares providers to identify “rogue” parts • Work with overhaul/test providers to provide feedback and improve quality of tests

  20. N. F. F. Wasting Time and Money SUMMARY Thanks for giving me the opportunity to talk to you today and more so for listening. I hope it has been of some interest and may be, some value? Just to recap what we have covered: How We Identify N.F.F’s What Costs Do We Suffer From N.F.F’s Why Do We Have N.F.F’s How Do We Reduce N.F.F’s

  21. N. F. F. Wasting Time and Money SUMMARY At Flybe over the last 9 years we have been driven to continually improve our performance. The Airline Industry have pushed us and continue to push us, to deliver more reliable Aircraft whilst offering less time for maintenance! As always Airlines want more for Less! As I hope I have shown in the Nov WATOG report we could of improved the Airlines performance by 0.21% just by removing the NFF issues. Thank you again. Any Questions.

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