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ANTARES software & KM3NeT. R. Coniglione Laboratori Nazionali del Sud -INFN. Ease of simulation of different detector lay- outs Ease of implementation of PMTs and water parameters Ease of adding modules and change part of the code Output/input format friendly.
ANTARES software & KM3NeT R. Coniglione LaboratoriNazionali del Sud -INFN Bologna 26-27 Aprile 2012
Ease of simulation of different detector lay-outs • Ease of implementation of PMTs and water parameters • Ease of adding modules and change part of the code • Output/input format friendly Simulation in KM3NeT requirements Bologna 26-27 Aprile 2012
la DOM ANTARES like The KM3NeT optical sensors 31 little PMT (3”) inside a large benthos sphere (17”) 1 large PMT (10” or 8“) inside a benthos sphere (17”) Bologna 26-27 Aprile 2012
la Tower -like String like The KM3NeT Detection UNits Bologna 26-27 Aprile 2012
Large number of DUs (up to about 300) • Tipically 20 floors/DU with different spacing • Very large number of PMTs (up to about 200000) and hits (500000) Simulation for nm from 100 GeVto about 108GeV Some numbers Bologna 26-27 Aprile 2012
The actual simulation scheme: Genhen Neutrino generator Mupage Atmoshericm generator GEASIM Light & hits KM3 Light & hits + GENDET geometry Only for low energy events <100GeV MODK40 40K Background hits RECO Reconstruction code Running on Lyon clusters I/O format -> ASCII files Bologna 26-27 Aprile 2012
Different packages and different environments for different PMTs: • Antares_km3: for large PMTs • Antares_seawiet: for DOM Software organization Bologna 26-27 Aprile 2012
The versions Bologna 26-27 Aprile 2012
Only DIMENSION in f_77.inc werechanged • PARAMETER (MAXTAG=150) itwas 100 • PARAMETER (MAXDAT=400000) itwas 200000 IO librarymain modifications Bologna 26-27 Aprile 2012
In the ANTARES like geometries a cluster consists of PMTs that can be repeated in space. In a tower based geometry with DOM a cluster consists of two perpendicular bars with 4 DOM. In total 124 PMTs per cluster. In a tower with 20 floors will be 10 cluster.1540 cluster in a detector with 154 Towers. • hits.inc • PARAMETER (MAXHIT=1000000) !it was 19500 - maximum number of hits • phomul.inc • PARAMETER (NPMMAX=300000) maximal number of PMTs allowed • PARAMETER (MAXCLU=125) maximal number of PMT cluster • PARAMETER(MAXNCL=7000) maximal number of cluster GEASIM librarymain modifications (1) Bologna 26-27 Aprile 2012
gugepm.f is the subroutine that reads the geometry file. In a geometry based of towers the lines in the .det le with tag OM_cluster are too long. The section in this subroutine that reads the lines and calculates the number of PMT in the cluster has been modified • guout.f • FORMAT has been modified • lambda.f • PMT angular acceptance (function wang(ct)) and PMT Quantum Efficiency changed. • Not Called by KM3 but by the reconstruction code (wang function) and by GEASIM code GEASIM librarymain modifications (2) Bologna 26-27 Aprile 2012
Added a new subroutine to take into account generation from extended source: extsource.f • NuPrecut.f: bugs found and a line added • HISTCAN wasneithercalculatednortransferredby a COMMON CALL DISTTOCAN(VX,VY,VZ,-VX,-VY,-VZ,DISTCAN,IFLAGCAN) !addedby R. Coniglione 26-1-2006 • RangeEffective_music.f: : bugs found • cc RANGEEFFECTIVE = 0. RANGEEFFECTIVE_music = 0. !!corretto da R. Coniglione 24-4-2007 cc RANGEEFFECTIVE = (A * EMU) + B RANGEEFFECTIVE_music = (A * EMU) + B !!corretto da R. Coniglione 24-4-2007 • defcut.f • cc MSTU(22) = 1000 MSTU(22) = 10000! numberoferrorsallowed !! changedby R. Coniglione 12-10-200 GENHENmain modifications (1) Bologna 26-27 Aprile 2012
evpointdir.f Forpoint-like generation back toantaresversion v6r3 • In the new v6r7 antaresversion+xiseast and +yisnorth, so c EVCX = SIN(THETA)*SIN(PHI) c EVCY = SIN(THETA)*COS(PHI) c EVCZ = COS(THETA) c C R. Coniglione 18-7-2011 to go back to the oldgenhen v6r3 cold ANTARES orientation c EVCX = -SIN(THETA)*COS(PHI) EVCY = -SIN(THETA)*SIN(-PHI) EVCZ = -COS(THETA) GENHENmain modification (2) Bologna 26-27 Aprile 2012
Water propertiesreadfrom a file: gen-water-optical-partic-nemo-0.0075.dat • km3.inc DIMENSION changed • PARAMETER (MAX NUM OMS DET = 200000) ! Max numberofOMs in whole detector • PARAMETER (MAX NUM OMS CLS = 125) ! Max numberofOMs in any cluster • PARAMETER (MAX NUM STR = 512) ! Max numberofstrings in whole detector • hit-eff_area_pmt.f • the PMT photocatode area changed PARAMETER ( pm diam = 2.99 ) 3” PMT • Changed IF statement on the photonenergy IF (energy.gt.4.14334 .or. energy.lt.1.173847) THEN… the limitsdepend on the wavelengthreported in the water description file KM3-GEN-HITmain modifications (1) Bologna 26-27 Aprile 2012
hit-effang.fmodifiedto include the new PMT angularacceptance (functioneffang(ct)): A functionisrequired. • hit-ini_optic.f modifiedto take into account the new PMT quantum efficiency • DATA Q_EFF0/0.01/ • DATA Q_EFF/0.8,….. • FORMAT changed in the write statement of the tag “hit:” in km3-elec directhits.f km3-muon directhits.f km3-muon scatteredhits.f km3-phot directhits.f: km3-phot scatteredhits.f km3-process k40.f km3-write antaresevent.f 110 FORMAT('hit:',1X,I7,1X,I7,1X,F6.1,1X,F10.2,3(1X,I6)) KM3-GEN-HITmain modifications (2) Bologna 26-27 Aprile 2012
main-modk40.f • a COMMON wasintroducedfor the FFKEY cernsubroutines (from 32bit to 64 bit) COMMON /FFR/ ISEED,NEVE • addK40coinc.f new subroutine includedto take into account the L1 coincidence due to 40K in DOM • The addraw.f(calledalsoby Km3) • FORMATs in the writestatementshavebeenchanged MODK40 in GEASIM Bologna 26-27 Aprile 2012
ASCII files that can be converted in root files with Antviewer (read root files) & Anteater (create ROOT files) largely modified. Some leaves deleted to reduce file size Input/output format Bologna 26-27 Aprile 2012
Detector ref154_3inch31pm180_204006 • 5 108 events with 100<E<108GeV spectral index 2 • 2 108 events with 100<E<108GeV spectral index 1.5 Running time & storage Bologna 26-27 Aprile 2012
Ease of simulation of different detector lay-outs • Ease of implementation of PMTs and water parameters • Ease of adding modules and change part of the software • Output/input format friendly Simulation in KM3NeT requirements Bologna 26-27 Aprile 2012
Angular acceptance large PMTs Angular acceptance 3” PMTs PMT angular acceptance Bologna 26-27 Aprile 2012
PMT quantum efficiency Bologna 26-27 Aprile 2012
Toulon* Capo Passero Capo Passero + 10% Smith&Baker absorption lenght Bologna 26-27 Aprile 2012