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“Constitution in Crisis” Workshop This year’s election is about freedom and keeping control of our lives as much as it is about jobs and the economy. Alabama Federation of Republican Women Presents. 2012 Mock Presidential Debate. Between Barack Obama (Impersonator wearing Obama Mask)
“Constitution in Crisis” WorkshopThis year’s election is about freedom and keeping control of our lives as much as it is about jobs and the economy. Alabama Federation of Republican Women Presents
2012 Mock Presidential Debate Between Barack Obama (Impersonator wearing Obama Mask) Versus GOP Generic Candidate (Impersonator wearing Ronald Reagan Mask) Actors in this mock debate are amateurs and this presentation has been unrehearsed
Purpose of Mock Presidential Debate • Expose Assaults of President Obama on U.S. Constitution • Steal individual liberties • Erase the separation of powers among 3 branches • Usurp powers reserved to the states • Highlight Key Issues where Obama Disagrees with Majority of Americans, Regardless of Party
Obama’s Goal is to Subvert & Change the Constitution • Obama appointed 40-plus Czars to form a shadow government to end-run Congress and the Courts – at the beginning of his term. • Never before has a presidential election been about whether the U.S. Constitution would be saved or replaced. • Majority of voters don’t believe this could happen in America. Yet it IS! • Benjamin Franklin warned that the Founders gave Americans a republic – if they could keep it!
Candidates’ Stand on “SAFETY NET” Entitlements • AGREE philosophically on • Compassion for those who need a safety net • Government spends too much • FAULT LINE between two parties is how far they are willing to go to do something about it • By cutting entitlements, spending, and debt • Whether the safety net should be a PERMANENT lifestyle or a TEMPORARY lifeline.
U.S. CONSTITUTION: Should it be Static or Evolving? • Obama: • Constitution is flawed & should be changed • Should be interpreted as ever-evolving to fit ever-changing cultural needs • Should affirm a government right to redistribute wealth to promote social and economic justice • GOP: • Constitution makes America exceptional by guaranteeing self-government, individual liberties and limited government • Constitution should “evolve” ONLY through amendments – not • by re-interpretations by activist judges “making law”, or • by the president usurping powers of Congress and states, or • by forced changes through laws like ObamaCare, ObamaEd, and Cap and Trade.
Should Constitution be Static or Evolving (Slide 2) • OBAMA: • Goal is to fundamentally change America from free-market capitalism into European socialism • Fairness, inequality, social justice • GOP: • Social justice differs radically from traditional American notions of justice based on individual rights • Americans will not willingly/knowingly accept socialism
Should Government Be Expanded and Given More Power? • OBAMA: • Congress’ power should be limited • Power of President should be expanded • GOP • Government power should be limited as required by the Constitution • Paraphrasing Thomas Jefferson: Unlike an animal mankind was not born with saddles on their backs, nor did God suit a favored few with boots to ride men into the poor house or slavery
ECONOMY What actions would each presidential candidate take to derail this out-of-control train and turn the economy around?
Capitalism & Redistribution of Wealth • OBAMA • Spreading the wealth does take America deeper into debt; but … • It encourages Americans to become dependent on government; and… • People learn they don’t have to WORK for a living; they can VOTE for a living • GOP • At some point, other people’s money runs out • Redistribution of wealth never works • Case in point is Greece – after decades of socialism and a 65% tax rate, Greece is still drowning in debt and 20% live in poverty
Religion • ObamaCare: Violates First Amendment of religious freedom • Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA): Obama’s decision to cease defending DOMA violates the Constitution • Obama’s use of federal funds to push the homosexual agenda in America’s schools and make gay rights “universal rights” within/outside the U.S. violates the Constitution’s definition of “natural rights” • Sexual preferences are NOT legal rights under the Constitution
Activist Judges CANDIDATES DISAGREE on • How the Constitution should be interpreted • Whether we should have activist judges • OBAMA: • Believes in global government, using • Foreign laws in court decisions such as Sharia • United Nations treaties • GOP: • Believes courts should interpret the law not make laws • The U.S. Supreme Court is ONE VOTE away from being an activist court • If Obama is re-elected, the U.S. Supreme Court will become an activist court and will use decisions to make laws • Constitutional government is on the verge of disappearing in the U.S.
Activist JudgesSlide 2 Recent examples of how ACTIVIST JUDGES Can change the Constitution & Give Government More Control over Citizens’ Lives
Activist JudgesSlide 3 • Gun Control • Illegal Immigration • Cap and Trade • ObamaCare
SUMMARY “Constitution in Crisis” Workshop
Key Issues at Stake in this Election This election is about freedom and keeping control of our lives as much as it is about jobs and the economy • Obama is erasing the separation of power among the three federal branches • Obama is usurping powers reserved to states • Judicial activism is a serious threat to our freedoms
Obama’s Policies That AMajority of Voters Reject • ObamaCare • ObamaEd (National Common Core Standards) • Adopt European Socialism • Gun Control • Amnesty for Illegal Aliens • Attack on Religious Freedom • Bailouts • Homosexual Marriage • Activist Judges
Obama’s Policies That AMajority of Voters Reject • ObamaCare • 85% oppose individual mandate (Associated Press-GfK poll) • 53% support repeal of ObamaCare (Rasmussen, March 2012) • ObamaEd (nationalized education) • While most voters remain unaware of ObamaEd, • 64% say big government is the biggest threat to the country (Gallup, December 2011) • 57% oppose Obama’s proposal to require national standards (Rassmussen, March 2009) • European Socialism • 64% oppose Socialism (Gallup, February 2010) • Gun Control • 70% oppose banning handguns and 57% oppose making any gun laws stricter (Gallup, October 2011)
Obama’s Policies That A Majority of Voters Reject • ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION: Amnesty for Illegal Aliens • 79% oppose amnesty (Zogby poll, November 2008) • FIRST AMENDMENT: Attack on Religious Freedom • 50% oppose Obama’s birth control coverage mandate with 13% undecided and only 38% in support (Rasmussen, Feb 2012) • Bailouts • 62% oppose bailouts and believe in individual responsibility (Public Opinion Strategies, October 2007) • Homosexual Marriages • 62% believe in traditional marriage (Alliance Defense Fund and Public Opinion Strategies survey, June 16, 2011) • Activist Judges • 58% believe “judicial activism” is a crisis (Survey by American Bar Association Journal, October 2005)
Charles KrauthammerSyndicated ColumnistDecember 2, 2011 “If Obama wins, he will take the country to a place from which it will not be able to return (which is precisely his own objective for a second term.)” THE END