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BRIDG Update

BRIDG Update. May HL7 Working Group Meeting 5 May 2008. BRIDG Update. BRIDG Board of Director News BRIDG Technical Harmonization Committee News BRIDG Release 2.0 Status. What is BRIDG? B iomedical R esearch I ntegrated D omain G roup. A formal model A communication bridge

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BRIDG Update

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  1. BRIDG Update May HL7 Working Group Meeting 5 May 2008

  2. BRIDG Update • BRIDG Board of Director News • BRIDG Technical Harmonization Committee News • BRIDG Release 2.0 Status

  3. What is BRIDG?Biomedical Research Integrated Domain Group • A formal model • A communication bridge • An open community of stakeholders • The semantic foundation for application and message development

  4. BRIDG Scope Protocol-driven research and its associated regulatory artifacts, i.e. the data, organization, resources, rules, and processes involved in the formal assessment of the utility, impact, or other pharmacological, physiological, or psychological effects of a drug, procedure, process, or device on a human, animal, or other biologic subject or substance plus all associated regulatory artifacts required for or derived from this effort.

  5. BRIDG Board of Director News • New Name: BRIDG Board of Directors • Dr. Christopher Chute elected as Chair – 1 year term • New charter developed which includes by-laws and operating procedures • 2 types of members: • Each founding stakeholder appoints 1 member • Remaining 3-7 at large members elected to 3 year staggered term • Will elect one at large member this year

  6. BRIDG Board of Directors

  7. BRIDG THC 7

  8. Release 2.0 Plan – 1 • Release 2.0 scheduled for April 2008 • Update: Changed to May 2008 • R2.0 new content: AE, C3PR (NCI’s Patient Registry) • Full binding of all static attributes to HL7 V3 data types – • Clarification: Will bind to HL7 V3 R2. • Candidate terminology lists/value sets (drawn from existing standards if possible) for all attributes bound to ‘coded concept descriptor’ data types • Update: Develop full description of meta-data/data/ value-set binding to outline THC responsibilities going forward

  9. Release 2.0 Plan - 2 • Consolidation of ‘business process pillars’ in the model with guideline of <<not>> creating the RIM problem of ‘duplicitous attributes.’ • Introduction of formal business rules as class invariants using both free text and equivalent parsable OCL statements • Representation of ‘player/scoper’ semantics • Complete mapping of BRIDG Model static attributes to the HL7 RIM • Test evaluation of strategy for incorporating BRIDG Model ‘sub-domains’ (e.g. cancer-specific semantics, TB semantics) using NCI’s CTOM

  10. Release 2.0 Plan – 3 • Creation of more exemplary instance diagrams (e.g. AE content, SDTM IG, etc.) • New:  Resolve several naming and core representational issues around TDM, study calendar, etc • Resolution of several model inconsistencies (e.g. Observation – ObservationResult vs Assessment (no AssessmentResult) •  Infrastructure improvements including CVS, FAQ, and revised mapping documents • Scoped for R2:  FAQ + Mapping Document position.  Infrastructure still in planning stage

  11. R2 Policy Changes • 1-2 releases per year, at the discretion of the THC • Project mapping spreadsheets will be owned and maintained by project teams rather then the BRIDG THC. So, these spreadsheets will no longer be published with each release. BRIDG THC will publish the first mapping from BRIDG to RIM.

  12. What’s In Release 2.0?

  13. What’s Coming After Release 2.0?

  14. Questions and Answers

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