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Learning Objective : Today we will write a 4 paragraph Compare and Contrast essay. In a compare and contrast essay, ideas are organized to show how two concepts, items or people are alike (compare) or how they are different (contrast). .
Learning Objective: Today we will write a 4 paragraph Compare and Contrast essay. In a compare and contrast essay, ideas are organized to show how two concepts, items or people are alike (compare) or how they are different (contrast). Activate or Provide Prior Knowledge: Last week we read an excerpt from Laurence Yep’s memoir, Chinatown, from the Lost Garden. Throughout the memoir the author gave several examples of Compare/Contrast. Pair share and provide examples of how Yep used Compare/Contrast. Did he compare/contrast concepts, items, or people? Pair share and provide examples of how you could Compare/Contrast the animals, items, pyramids and people above? CFU: Pair Share What does it mean to compare? (provide an example) What does it mean to contrast? (provide an example) What are we going to do today?
Compare and Contrast Concept Development COMPARE CONTRAST When you contrast you find ways in which things, ideas, events, places, stories, poems, or people are different. To contrast ask yourself, “How are these two _______ different?” Signal words to use when contrasting: unlike, but, however, conversely, different, unique, distinctive, dissimilar … • When you compare you find ways in which things, ideas, events, places, stories, poems, or people are alike (similar). • To compare ask yourself, “How are these two _______ alike?” • Signal words to use when comparing: like, alike, also, too, same, equal, similar, comparable, both… CFU: Pair/Share: What does it mean to compare? What does it mean to contrast? Tell me what comparing is in your own words. Tell me what contrasting is in your own words. Tell your partner a signal word to look for when comparing. Tell your partner a signal word to look for when contrasting.
Compare/Contrast Concept Development • Try it: • Read the sentences below with a partner. Find a comparison or a contrast. The platypus and the beaver are alike in another way, too. Each uses its broad, flat tail to help it swim. • What two animals are being compared or contrasted? • What are the clue words in the sentences? • Is this a comparison or a contrast? Be ready to share out. CFU: The clue words in the sentences are _________. These clue words tell me that the two animals are being ___________.
Compare/Contrast Concept Development • Strategy • Read the title of the poem. • Ask yourself “What might this poem be about?” • Read each poem. After reading the poems, ask yourself… • What could be compared or contrasted? (theme, mood, tone, characters…) • Use the graphic organizer to put in the details or facts that show comparisons and/or show contrasts between the two poems.
Men themselves have wonderedWhat they see in me.They try so muchBut they can't touchMy inner mystery.When I try to show themThey say they still can't see.I say,It's in the arch of my back,The sun of my smile,The grace of my style.I'm a womanPhenomenally. Phenomenal woman,That's me.Now you understandJust why my head's not bowed.I don't shout or jump aboutOr have to talk real loud.When you see me passingIt ought to make you proud.I say,It's in the click of my heels,The bend of my hair,the palm of my hand, the need of my care,'Cause I'm a womanPhenomenally.Phenomenal woman,That's me. Concept Development: Read then listen to the following poem by Maya Angelou. Think about the author’s message and style and message she is trying to convey. Later you will read and listen to another style of poetry by Guru. We will then compare and contrast the 2 poems. Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's sizeBut when I start to tell them,They think I'm telling lies.I say,It's in the reach of my armsThe span of my hips,The stride of my step,The curl of my lips.I'm a womanPhenomenally.Phenomenal woman,That's me.I walk into a roomJust as cool as you please,And to a man,The fellows stand orFall down on their knees.Then they swarm around me,A hive of honey bees.I say,It's the fire in my eyes,And the flash of my teeth,The swing in my waist,And the joy in my feet.I'm a womanPhenomenally.Phenomenal woman,That's me.
Phenomenal Woman Teacher Talk • Read Phenomenal Woman. • Ask yourself… • What is Phenomenal Woman about? • What message is the author trying to convey to the reader? • What are some examples of figurative language the author uses to convey her message?
Concept Development: Now read and listen to “No Time to Play” by Guru. Again, think about the poet’s message, style, and tone. Begin to compare and contrast this poem to Maya Angelou’s, “Phenomenal Woman”. No Time to Play by Guru Yo I'm tired of chumps tryin to waste my timeI ain't got no time to playGotta make moves Never no time to playGotta keep workin every dayNever no time to playGotta make moves with no delay (I gotta make moves)Never no time to play (No time to play)Gotta keep workin every dayNever no time to play (I gotta make moves)Gotta make movesNope, I can't stop, nope, I can't stop to talkI gotta go I gotta go yoBasically I'm a brother they depend on, lean onSo now I gotta be gone, I gotta keep strongAlways stayin busy kid, cause I can never fall offLaziness ain'tgettin to meThere's too much opportunityAnd I'm not waitin for no oneCause slow ones, they don't get nuttin done son Your time is runnin short sportMake a move or get caughtNothing lasts forever, nothing lasts forever babyMaybe, you shouldn't act so crazyInstead of tryin to be the manyou could REALLY be the man, if you had a plan, understand?But I'm not the one to be waitin for yaBack in the day, I used to do stuff for yaNow I'm warninyathat you really ain't no pimp you wimp
No Time to Play • Read No Time to Play. • Ask yourself… • What is No Time to Play about? • What message is the author trying to convey to the reader? • What are some examples of figurative language the author uses to convey his message?
Phenomenal Woman/No Time to Play • Phenomenal Woman • Style of Writing: • Mood: • Tone: • Message: • Figurative Language: • No Time to Play • Style of writing: • Mood: • Tone: • Message: • Figurative Language
Importance: It is important to know how to write a compare and contrast essay because it is a style of writing you will use throughout your academic career, and possibly for entrance and/or exit exams in college. For example, in order for my son to receive his diploma from California State Fullerton, he was required to pass and exit writing prompt. He did not know if he was going to have to write a persuasive essay, response to literature, short story or a compare/contrast essay! Imagine that! CFU:On your white boards write down why you think it is important to know how to write a compare and contrast essay. Skill Development/Guided Practice: Before we begin it is important to visualize the similarities and differences between the 2 poems. This will help us decide what we want to write about. Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou No Time To Play by GURU and Jazzmatazz
Topic Sentence Something to “Grab”, “Capture”, or “Hook” the readers attention. • Rhetorical Question • Is there only one way to write a poem? • Bold Statement • Two important differences exist between Maya Angelou and Guru’s style of writing . • Background Information • Poetry and music have always told stories about emotions and experiences. • And, But, Or (statements) • Angelou and Guru are both great writers but one writes poetry and the other rap lyrics. • Position Statements • As I listened to the two writers I could hear the differences in their style.
Prompt: Think about the two poems, Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou and No Time to Play by Guru and Jazzmatazz. Using your bubble map decide what similarities and differences you will write about. 1. Introduction: Start with a topic sentence or “Hook” that uses a compare and contrast term. 2. Similarities: Start with a topic sentence or “Hook” , details, examples, quotes and a concluding sentence. 3. Differences: Start with a topic sentence or “Hook”, details examples, quotes and a concluding sentences. 4. Conclusion: restate your thesis, review main ideas, conclude with a “Hook” to end you essay with a high interest. Transition Words • alike • compare • contrast • differ • differences • similarities • In my opinion • Another comparison • To illustrate • In addition • the same • unlike • different • in common • like • opposite • resemble • another contrast • unquestionably • moreover • therefore • evidently • furthermore • for example • certainly • for instance • to illustrate