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Sulah Hudaibiah & Bait ur rizwan

Sulah Hudaibiah & Bait ur rizwan. 10 km from Makah village of Hdaibiah Peace treaty Apparently submissive peace treaty But Allah called it victory for Muslims Prophet Mohammad intended to perform Hajj 1400 Muslim in Ahram without arms. 01. Makkan forces gathered to oppose the entry

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Sulah Hudaibiah & Bait ur rizwan

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  1. Sulah Hudaibiah & Bait ur rizwan 10 km from Makah village of Hdaibiah Peace treaty Apparently submissive peace treaty But Allah called it victory for Muslims Prophet Mohammad intended to perform Hajj 1400 Muslim in Ahram without arms

  2. 01 • Makkan forces gathered to oppose the entry • Muslims reached Hudaibiah and erected their camp • News that Hazrat Usman ghani was martyred • Bait ur rizwan • Negotiation • Terms of agreements • 1-Muslim will go back this year • 2-they may return next year • 3-they should com unarmed • 4-The Arab tribes will be free to chose their allies

  3. Two Gazwat • Kheyber 7 H.E • Mutah 8H.E

  4. Conquest of Makkah 10Ramadan; 8 H.E • On the basis of peace of Hudaibia • Banu Khuza’ah---allies of Muslims • Banu Bakr----allies of Quraish • Enemies of one another for a long time • Banu Bakr attacked on Banu khuza’ah • Quraish assisted Banu Bakr • Delegation of Banu Khuza’ah to Madina for help • Proclaimed by Quraish that peace of Hudaibiah was no more valid • Abu sufyan came to Madina but Prophet refused to see him • Prophet ordered for preparation to travel Makkah

  5. Letters were dispatched to Arab tribes to join in their march • Strict orders were issued for secrecy • A respectable badri Sahabi (Habib bin Abi Balta’a)in his anxiety for the safty of his family quietly sent a letter. • Prophet came to know • Letter was intercepted by hazrat Ali • Prophet pardoned Habib • 10.000 Muslim left Madina • Prophets own banner was carried by Hazrat Zubair bin Awwam

  6. Prophet proclaimed that: • Whoever will lay down his arms • Whoever will take refuge in Abu Sufyan’s house • Whoever will lock himself inside his house will be safe • A general amnesty was announced

  7. Some mischief-mongers offered resistance • Two Muslims lost their lives • Thereupon,Hazrat Khalid attacked on them and 13 were killed • There were many idols in Ka’bah • All of them were thrown out • Hazrat Umer himself cleaned the Ka’bah

  8. Prophet asked the keys from its custodian ,Uthman Bin Talha • Entered it along with Hazrat Bilal and Talha

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