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Armand Corporation takes responsibility for realizing dreams, rebuilding hope, and restoring faith in communities across America. Our acute expertise and process in construction and program management derive from specialized services tailored to specifics that bring out the best in ourselves, partners, participants, and the diverse range of client agencies we serve wherever there is a need.
ArmandCorporation:Best Construction &Program ManagementCompanyinUSA
ArmandCorporation-Leadership President and CEO Barbara Armand Kushner leads ArmandCorporationfrom the executivelevelwith overall responsibility for firm operations, personnel, and performance. Barbara founded Armand in April 1991with apassionfor construction’s powerto realize the dreams of clients and the communities they support. She has served as the President of the New York Chapter of Professional Women in Construction andreceivedanHonoraryDoctorateinEngineering fromRowan University(NJ).Inhermanagementof the firm, Barbara strives to exceed expectations through thoughtful execution and maintains a strong personal focus on supporting other Women- and Minority- ownedbusinessesthroughmentoringandteaming.
ArmandCorporation-company profile Armand Corporation takes responsibility for realizing dreams, rebuilding hope, and restoring faith in communities across America. Our acute expertise and process in construction and program management derive from specialized services tailored to specifics that bring out the best in ourselves, partners, participants, and the diverse range of client agenciesweservewhereverthereis a need. Armandprovidesleadershipinprogram and construction managementforpublic, private, and partnership-based entities across and beyond U.S. borders from assessment to execution and everything in between. Working in a cross-section of community-facing sectors with agencies ranging from the New York City Housing Authority and the New Jersey Department of Transportation to the School District of Philadelphia, Armand leads our clients through planning and decision making with data-backed analysis in cost, schedule, quality, safety, and feasibility to controlvariablesandachievabilityeverystepoftheway.Frommulti-family housing, education, transportation, utilities, to full-scale community disaster recoveryandresiliencyprograms,Armandpartnerswithpeopletoimproveplaces throughproven processes, andrepeatedperformance. Cont....
ArmandCorporation-company profile Incorporated April 16, 1991,Armand understands that client and community trust is earned through reliability. We appreciate the weight of responsibility our clients entrust us with. We excel in complex, high-stakes community regeneration programs where clientagenciesaretaskedwithscopesand responsibilitiesofallbut overwhelming proportions. Armand guides clients through a customized suite of services intended to address each client’s particular needs. With over thirty years of expertise, we provide supervisory services, program and project management, and administrative functions required for planning, assessment, execution, and reporting. We strive to maximize funding to goals throughintegratedcostestimates,scheduling,safety, quality assurance and control methodologiesforeveryassignment. Cont....
ArmandCorporation-company profile Armand is proudly an independently owned, woman-owned, and minority-owned business, led by founder, Barbara Armand Kushner, President and CEO. As an extension of our commitment to Changing Lives for Good Armand believes in paying it forward. As esteemed members of the MWBE Business community, Armand is honored to mentoremergingM/WBEfirmstopositivelyimpacting the communitiesweserveevenfurther. Our staffing includes a well-rounded, well-oiled team of construction and program management professionals with substantial exposure to a wide range of assignments from immediate-need and on-call tasks to long-range program implementation of many years. We employ professional construction managers, construction inspectors, architects, engineers, analysis, estimators, project managers, and administrators to lead commissionsrangingfrom $500,000 tomorethan$1.2Billioninvalue.Inall ourwork,Armand’s cultureofexcellenceis predicated onmeticulous attention to detailineverythingwedo. Cont....
OurServices-Armand Corporation Construction Managementat Risk Construction Managementas Agent Program Management Design-Build
CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENTAT RISK Armand’s success in CMAR stems from our ability to harmoniously orchestrateasymphony ofdifferent movingpartssimultaneously.Beginningwiththe owner/agencyandencompassingtheentire architecture, engineering, and subcontracted construction team, CMAR necessitates a forward- focused approach to collaboration and communication across all project variables to compel win-win solutions to any challenge. Leveraging a team-think process, the CMAR delivery method joins owners, designers, and builders in dissecting opportunities and obstacles to arrive at a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) based on theconstruction documents,plansandspecifications, andappropriatecontingency.
CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENTAS AGENT Serving in an advisory capacity to the client, Armand’s success in Construction Manager as Agent stems from our deep appreciation for people, places, processes, andperformance.Large-scalecommercial construction isenmeshedin complexities ofmany sorts. From financial and schedule controls to best- value selections in means, methods, materials, and resources,strategic,holisticdecisionmakingisalways the epicenter of successful execution. In institutional settings, where there are often long-range, ancillary variablesassociatedwithmasterplanning,facility conditions, funding partners, and stakeholders, the need for a well-rounded construction management advisorbecomesevermoreprudent.
PROGRAMMANAGEMENT Workingasanextensionofthecontractingentity,Armandprovides comprehensive Program Management services to municipal, regional, and state government agencies faced with overwhelming workloads. Our rigorous, process-based experience in a diverse rangeofpublic-facingconstructionassignmentsallowsusto provide flexible, adaptable Program Management services as an embeddedconsultantadvisorandworkforceresource. Change management is a critical constant for many public sector agencies faced with daunting, large-scale, multi-project community recovery or institutional rehabilitation programs. While municipal agencies often have internal construction management professionals, many are underprepared to manage the depth and breadth of assignmentsinvolvedinafederallyfundingdisasterrecoveryprogram when time is of the essence and execution requires stringent compliance,control,andreporting.
DESIGN-BUILD Design-Build delivery requires consistent collaboration across all disciplines to synchronize owner expectations with design achievability and the realities of construction schedules, constraints, and logistics. Armand serves as a vital advocate for excellence in all regards by unifying each project’s many diverse influencesaroundmaximizingowneranduserbenefitsthrough strong communication and team orchestration. Design-Build projectstakeadvantageofasingle-point-of-accountability approach that umbrellas designers, engineering, and subconsultants under the design-builder’s authority to save time andmoneyinprojectdeliverybystreamliningexecution.Success in this methodology begins with assessing and assembling the rightteamandharmonizingownerexpectationswithdesignand constructionperspectivesfromtheproject’searliestinteractions.
ExploreOur Markets -Armand Corporation Commercial Buildings Cultural and Entertainment DisasterRecovery
ExploreOur Markets -Armand Corporation Government,NGOS, andNon-Profit Education Infrastructure
Multi-Family Housing Overview ArmandCorporation Straddling the line between commercial and residential construction, Multifamily housing is a unique area of expertise thatrequirescost-conscious,schedule-drivensolutions,and an ability to tailor project execution to the particularities of both commercial and residential expectations. Armand has led single- and multi-building rehabilitation construction programs for numerous housing authorities and private developers, with responsibility for everything from building inspectionsandneedsassessments to completerenovationof multifamily housing communities. From roofing, window replacements, and façade scopes to upgrades to HVAC, electrical,lighting,walls,finishes, aswell asexteriorsite solutions for drainage, landscaping, and playgrounds, top to bottom, Armand has multi-family housing construction covered.
Transportation and Aviation OverviewArmandCorporation Armand has considerable experience in large-scale transportation and aviation programs stretching from commuterraillinestointernationalairports.Abroad network of rail lines, mass transit systems, and airports make up the interconnected backbone of America that keeps usconnected to theplaceswelive,work,andplay.Armand maintains wide-ranging involvement in transportation infrastructurefor agencies liketheNewJerseyDepartment of Transportation, Philadelphia International Airport, and the Delaware River Port Authority. Quality construction reliesonqualitydecision makingandArmandhelpstransit and aviation client agencies assess the value of existing assets and contributes to thoughtful decision making about futureinvestmentsintheinfrastructurethatconnectsus.
ContactUs NewJerseyOffice: OnePortCenter,Suite507 2RiversideDrive Camden,NJ08103 856.489.8200 856.489.8212 NewYorkOffice: 1350Broadway,Suite1901 NewYork,NY10018 212.542.4179 646.596.7093 PhiladelphiaOffice: 2LoganSquare 100N.18thStreet,Suite364 Philadelphia,PA19104 215.825.7556 267.207.3401 ForMoreDetailsVisit Us: https://www.armandcorp.com/